
numbering issues of using Algorithms package

I am using algorithms package to writing my thesis, and having a question on numbering issue. The thesis is composed of several chapters, and each chapter may include a set of algorithms, procedures and heuristics, and each of which is presented using algorithms package. After using \floatname to customize the captions, I now have Alg...

How to place a wide figure with subfigures in Latex?

I am trying to write a report and stuck with a wide figure. My document type is PRL using revtex4.1 with two columns. I have a wide figure which consists of 8 subfigures. I am trying to place it bottom of a page but it insists to go next page. Here is code for my wide figure: \begin{figure*} \centering \subfloat[s1]{\label{fig:s1}\inclu...

Multiple Tables Sweave/Latex

Hi All, I am very new to LaTeX and Sweave but am excited that it may make my life much simpler when combined with R. What I am looking to do: Create multiple crosstabs, most likely in a loop. As a result, the number of tables will not be determined ahead of time and I am hoping to have a page break in between each. Lastly, for the ...

LaTeX - left align a table (ie not centred) from the preamble?

I'm making a document in LaTeX, but I can only change the preamble of the document. Inside this document I have tables, made with the longtable environment. By default LaTeX centres each table in the middle of the page. Is there anyway to make the tables be left aligned, given that I can only change the preamble? ...

How to create a sidebar with latex?

I need to make a journal, and I want to have a "recommended books" on the side of the page within the last page of the journal, but I couldn't find anything that would give me this result. I'm already using multicols package for the content and i cant see how a graphicx package would help me out. I want to have a nice blue background wi...

LaTeX - Automatically scale down an area so that it will be inside a page if it's too big?

I'm making a document in LaTeX. It includes a set of images in a row. A small percentage are quite wide and will stretch and push off the page. If I shrink all the image sequences then most of them will look too small. However it's not easy to figure out what sets are going to be too large. I'd like some automatic way to resize these set...

Is it possible to attach a passive url to a hyperlink such that the passive url is regarded as a refferar url by the target tracker?

Hi all, I want to create a link in my pdf book or my site. When the user click the link, it will visit to a target site using a traffic tracker. I am interested to take advantage of this tracker by manipulating my link so that the tracker will see the incoming request comes from a certain url which actually does not initiate the reques...

LaTeX - Description list - Split the item across multiple lines

I have the following LaTeX file. Notice how the item on the description is very long \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{description} \item[foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo foo] bar \item[baz] bang \end{description} \end{document...

LaTeX - Lots of sections (with no content) running of the edge of the page?

I have a LaTeX document like this: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \section{1} \section{2} \section{3} \section{4} \section{5} \section{6} \section{7} \section{8} \section{9} \section{10} \section{11} \section{12} \section{13} \section{14} \section{15} \section{16} \section{17} \section{18} \section{19} \section{20} \section{2...

latex referencing separately compiled book

Hi I am writing a textbook and want to put the exercises into a separate book to save space. The 2 books will be compiled independently. However, I want the main book to be able to make references to sections in the exercise book, eg "See Exercise~\ref[externalFile]{ex:foo}". Similarly, I want the exercise book to make references to sec...

How can I enable use of math in my html web page

I have a blog where people can post their comments. My problem is that I need to enable people to be able to use math formulas using latex syntax. I cannot make any changes to the server. I can only embed a script in my HTML page. Kindly help. ...

Cyrillic in Palatino-like font

Is there a way to get Cyrillic characters in a Palatino-like font under LaTeX? It seems the standard fonts (provided by mathpazo or TeX Gyre) only cover the Latin script. ...

export LaTeX document

Is there any java library that allows to export LaTeX document to other formats (pdf, rtf, odf, ..) ? ...

How to pdflatex with CJK characters/font/encoding

What's the best way to combine pdflatex with CJK characters/font/encoding? I'd like to generate pdf that includes CJK characters, and in the future all possible unicode characters. I'm thinking about using 'The CJK package for LaTeX' for cjk characters specifically but it seems not to be maintained since 2006. Can you suggest somethi...

Latex: How to cells in tables which wrap, but can still be copied as a single line.

I am trying to create a table over inputs to a tool which requires the entire input to be on a single line. My question is similar to Latex: How to code tables with multi-line cells in that I want the long lines to wrap. The problem is that when I copy the text from the PDF using Acrobat Reader it does not copy the lines as a single. If...

LaTeX math overline/overrightarrow vertical alignment?

When I use the following: \begin{equation} \overline{d} \overline{q} \end{equation} the overlines are misaligned, with the line on the q being lower than the line on the d. The same thing happens with \overrightarrow. Is there some way to fix this? ...

'html.sty' and latex2e

I need to install the file 'html.sty', but don't know what package it's in. I think I need to install something called latex2e, but I don't know what package has that. ...

How to use ggplot2 graphics inside minipage with Sweave?

Here's my code that's supposed to display to graphics next to each other, but fails to do so. In fact the sweave part is not interpreted. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \begin{minipage}[t]{.485\linewidth} % <<fig=true,echo=false>>= print(graph2) @ \newline{\color{red}{\caption{\label{idx}Graph one}}} \end{minipage} \hspace...

How can I create this figure title in MATLAB?

I want to combine Latex, numbers, and Tex into the title of a figure using the following (beta_b and lambda are defined variables): title(['$\overline{\beta}=$' num2str(beta_b) 'TE0 , \lambda=' num2str(lambda*1e6) ' \mum'], 'interpreter','latex'); But it doesn't display properly. What's the problem? ...

How can I draw flow chart using LaTeX?

How can I draw flow chart using LaTeX? ...