
Is there a Perl solution for lazy lists this side of Perl 6?

Has anybody found a good solution for lazily-evaluated lists in Perl? I've tried a number of ways to turn something like for my $item ( map { ... } @list ) { } into a lazy evaluation--by tie-ing @list, for example. I'm trying to avoid breaking down and writing a source filter to do it, because they mess with your ability to debug t...

What OCaml libraries are there for lazy list handling?

What OCaml libraries are out there that provide lazy list handling? I am looking for something along these lines: type 'a lazy_list = (*'*) | Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a lazy_list lazy_t let from f = let rec gen n = lazy ( match f n with | Some x -> Cons (x, gen (n + 1)) | None ->...

F-Sharp (F#) untyped infinity

I wonder why F-Sharp doesn't support infinity. This would work in Ruby (but not in f#): let numbers n = [1 .. 1/0] |> Seq.take(n) -> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. I can write the same functionality in much complex way: let numbers n = 1 |> Seq.unfold (fun i -> Some (i, i + 1)) |> Seq.take(n) -> works...

Ocaml Syntax Error

I'm using an implementation of lazy lists where the type can be either Nil or Cons (value, thunk), where thunk is a function from unit to the rest of the list. I'm trying to write a function cross, which would function as List.combine does. Unfortunately, I'm having syntax errors. open Sequence;; let rec (cross : 'a Sequence.t -> '...