Is there a way to specify the hash algorithm (MD5, SHA1, etc.) to use for storing the passwords when you update an Open LDAP directory using Java APIs with code like this:
private void resetPassword(String principal, String newPassword) throws NamingException {
InitialDirContext ctxAdmin = null;
Hashtable<String, String> ctxData = n...
I've some code on the net regarding retrieval of NetBIOSName (Pre-windows 2000 domain name) of an Active Directory Domain. Here's my code sample:
Me._rootDSE = New System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("GC://RootDSE", "", "")
Dim results As System.DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollection = Nothing
Dim ADSPath As String = "...
I'm having difficults I believe with a * character being in my OU when I'm doing a search. The OU group is called WorldWide Offices.
I have a looping query that returns all the users who are in a given group. So I type in a group name, and this brings me back a group. Then I loop through the group.members.
These members will eith...
Can anybody help with the above. We're using a CMS product called Immediacy, which claims it can handle silent authentication using LDAP / AD but just can't get the thing to work.
Ignoring Immediacy, can anybody point me to a good article or post that lays out the steps to do the above (assuming it's achievable)?
Basically, we nee...
I understand that System.DirectoryServices is a "layer above" System.DirectoryServices.Protocols and abstracts some of the complexity.
Are there any other advantages, performance or otherwise, to using System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher vs. System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest for LDAP queries from .NET.
What crit...
We are trying to shape up an old, 2 tier, Delphi based application. It originally uses database authentication, we'd like to transform the db user accounts to global users, so an OID server could perform the authentication instead of the database.
The Delphi program can no longer log into the database if the account is a global user. I'...
I would like to write my own LDAP client under Linux, specific to our local environment. Most probably I will use QT4 to provide a shiny frontend without much hassle.
I found that there seems to be no standard C++ library for this. OpenLDAP provides a C API and there should also be a C++ API (experimental?) somewhere..
Do I need to use...
I am writing some Java code that authenticates to Active Directory using SASL GSSAPI. Mostly this code is working fine but for one user I am getting the response:
javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 8
0090304: LdapErr: DSID-0C0904D1, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 568,
v1772 ]
I know that 49 means...
Can a user be a member of multiple Organization Units (OU) in Active Directory ? Also, is there a standard format mentioned by Microsoft on how an OU should be created and what its attributes are ?
I found this in Wikipedia
"However, Organizational Units are just an abstraction for the administrator, and do not function as true contain...
I have a rails app with authlogic and LDAP, but my problem is i can see all the users password on the log file, is there something to fix to encrypt those passwords.
For ldap i use :encryption simple_TLS
Thanks for your help
I am devloping a sharepoint website in Forms authentication mode. I am trying to authenticate myself/ my company users against company's active directory.
The ldap path I received from my technical team is
I got this piece of code from microsoft site.
<membership defaul...
When using .Protocols, I can run the following pseudocode to authenticate to an AD:
LdapConnection c = new LdapConnection("User", "Password");
catch (LdapException le)
This code will allow me to get the "Invalid Credentials" error string, and the AD code "49", but I need t...
I have an AIR application and would like to connect to an LDAP server to obtain some information for a particular user.
The url is something like ldap://ldapservername:389/
I would like to pass the userid/Name as the parameter and hope to retrieve the Full Name, Email address etc.
Can you please provide suggestions regarding impl...
I have several .htaccess files that use mod_auth_ldap for authorization to different files/directories. They bind to LDAP with a username/password.
Is there a way that I could set the AuthLDAPBindPassword in the Apache config instead of in each .htaccess, so that I don't have the password in a bunch of places? I'm thinking that I could...
I'm trying to create a new user record into OpenLDAP with object classes person and uidObject. The problem seems to be that with System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry I've found only a way to add a new entry with one object class, but not a way to add multiple object classes.
This C# code
DirectoryEntry nRoot = new DirectoryEntry(pa...
I have an LDAP server to which i do not have full privileges and an ubuntu system with LDAP authentication to which i am root. Is it possible to add an LDAP user to a local group?
(i dont know if i phrase this correctly but all i want is to have a user in LDAP in a group without edititing the actual database)
I have users login to my application via Active Directory and then pull from their AD information to garner information about that user like so:
Dim ID as FormsIdentity = DirectCast(User.Identity, FormsIdentity)
Dim ticket as FormsAuthenticationTicket = ID.Ticket
Dim adDirectory as New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=my,DC=domain,DC=com")
I would like to get a list of Active Directory users along with the security groups they are members of using SQL Server 2005 linked servers. I have the query working to retrieve records but I'm not sure how to access the memberOf attribute (it is a multi-value LDAP attribute).
I have this temporary to store the information:
My code will run in Windows (non-mono) and in Linux (mono). Currently, I am using System.DirectoryServices, which works great in Windows. But in Linux:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher.InitBlock () [0x00000]
at System.DirectoryService...
What is LDAP and why people use LDAP instead of rel. DB?
I've read some about LDAP on Wikipedia, but I'm still confused what is it.
Thank you