I had a discussion today regarding an Oracle procedure I wrote some time ago.
I wanted to get 7500 user email addresses from Active Directory using PL/SQL. AD will return a maximum of 1000 rows and the LDAP provider used by Oracle will not support paging.
Therefore, my solution was to filter on the last two characters of the sAMAccount...
I have this Perl subroutine that is causing a problem:
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $ldap_obj = Net::LDAP->new( 'test.company.com' ) or die "$@";
my $self = {
_ldap = $ldap_obj,
_dn ='dc=users,dc=ldap,dc=company,dc=com',
_dn_login = 'dc=login,dc=ldap,dc=company,dc=com',
I have a set of user data which I am try to access. Due to the way our company's employee data is set up, the information is available both through LDAP and through a table in our DB.
I was curious, for standard read operations which would generally be a higher performance query?
Hello all,
I'm trying to implement a feature that uses LDAP over SSL (SSL, not TLS), it needs to connect to a SSL-enabled LDAP server (i.e OpenLDAP), bind and then do any additional queries. It also needs to support client-authentication, and this is where things get tricky: The client is a web application written in Ruby, and we are us...
Is there a way of deciding and confirming with facts regarding, which is better and easier to integrate with Ruby. LDAP or ActiveDirectory?
What is the best way to use System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to lock an Active Directory user object? I'm able to determine if an account is locked using..
UserPrincipal principal = new UserPrincipal(context);
bool locked = principal.IsAccountLockedOut();
How do I lock the account? Is there an alternative to doing something ...
In several web applications, it is often necessary to define groups of users for purposes of membership as well as role management.
For example, in one of our applications we would like to user a group of "Network Engineers" and another group that consists of "Managers" of such Network Engineers. The information we need is contact de...
I am having trouble reading ldap error codes. Is there any method or an API to read ldap error codes/sub error codes.Right now I am parsing the exception message and getting the error code. I believe there will be a simple way of extracting codes?
I am building an application based on GXT (J2EE). Now the problem is that I have to connect the application to a LDAP server. Can you tell me how to connect a LDAP server from our java application and what Library or API I will have to use for that?
I have an internal website that is using integrated windows authentication and this website uses sql server & active directory queries via the System.Directory.Services namespace.
To use the System.Directory.Services namespace in ASP.NET I have to run IIS under an account that has the correct privileges and importantly have impersonatio...
I'm currently building a Drupal website in an Active Directory environment. One of the site's requirements is Single Sign On, which to date seems to be impossible because there is no Kerberos SPNEGO/GSSAPI auth module for drupal. I've come up with an idea on how SSO could be attempted on IIS. Since IIS has the option to require Kerberos ...
I have this code currently,
string defaultNamingContext;
DirectoryEntry rootDSE = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE");
defaultNamingContext = rootDSE.Properties["defaultNamingContext"].Value.ToString();
rootDSE = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + defaultNamingContext);
//DirectoryEntry domain = new...
I'm using the following code sample to get a list of all users in a specified AD group (in this case, all users in the "Domain Users" group). My listed code works great, with one exception: it won't return users who have their primary group set to "Domain Users". How can I get a list of all users in the group, including those who have it...
Sorry for being an uber pain people, its all very new :(
Already had alot of help on this, but don't seem to be able to see the problem, I am trying to populate a combo box with a list of all the current OU's, later to send each machine within that OU a shutdown command. (Acquiring AD OU list & Active Directory list OU's) were my previo...
I'm trying to configure mapping of LDAP Groups to Drupal roles.
The DN for the group that I have been given contains a space in the OU:
CN=CommunityUsers,OU=Distribution Groups,DC=TLD,DC=AD
Drupal is authenticating if there is no space, but under no circumstances can I have the space removed.
Can I change the way I specify the DN?
I have performed an "LDAP://" query to get a list of computers within a specified OU, my issue is not being able to collect just the computer "name" or even "cn".
DirectoryEntry toShutdown = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + comboBox1.Text.ToString());
DirectorySearcher machineSearch = new DirectorySearcher(toShutdown);
$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] returns the username of the user logged in to an Active Directory. I want to retrive this users info by using ldap_search().
This is what I have now:
$ad = // ldap_connection id
$filter = "(|(sn=$username*)(givenname=$username*))";
$attr = array("displayname", "mail", "mobile", "homephone", "telephonenumber", "s...
Can any one please let me explain step by step implementation for LDAP on my site using PHP
Is there a way to authenticate a user to LDAP with email (mail) and not cn or DN? We are using ruby ldap, and possibly active-ldap (we have been having problem with it, though). All we need to do is authenticate a user and then create a membership in our system based on the authentication success.
When I'm LDAP searching, I got error: "LDAP: error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded". How can I dump all the data without changing LDAP server settings?