
memory leak with alloc

I have below code which is causing memory leak -(NSString *) getSingRecord: (NSString *) getStatement{ NSString *sql=getStatement; sqlite3_stmt *statement; NSString *fieldFlagI=@"0"; if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, [sql UTF8String], -1, &statement, nil) == SQLITE_OK) { while (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) { char *fie...

UIDelayedAction leaks

Hi, i'm creating a pdf reader with all the tipical functionalities: double tap zoom, zoom with the two fingers multiple touch, etc ... I'm using the Instrument tool of xCode to detect memory leaks of my program, and i have a strange entry into my leaked blocks called UIDelayedAction and its size is 48 bytes. This leak appear only if i do...

NSXMLParser memory leak on ios 4.0 - **NOT** NSCFString

Hello, I'm getting a weird leak in my NSXMLParser after it's done and released from memory. It comes up with NSMapTable alloc leak. Here's my stack: 0 libSystem.B.dylib calloc 1 libobjc.A.dylib _internal_class_createInstanceFromZone 2 libobjc.A.dylib class_createInstance 3 Foundation NSAllocateObject 4 Foundation +[NSM...

multip leaks cause by CVPixelBufferBacking::initWithPixelBufferDescription????

CVPixelBufferBacking::initWithPixelBufferDescription(unsigned long, unsigned long, void*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, void*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long*, void ()(void, void const*), void ()(void, void const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, void const*), void, __CFDictionary const*, __CFDictionary const*,...

how to launch instrument in xcode

Can any one please let me know, how to launch instrument tool in xcode environment for testing the memory leaks. Note: iam not connected with the device, checking it only with the simulator - XCODE - Version 3.2.3 , iOS -4 Thanks in advance ...

My iphone app will run on any 256MB+ RAM iDevice but crash on every 128MB RAM iDevice

I have an app in the appstore which worked well on ALL iDevices (including 128MB RAM) then i added some features, and now the app crashes on 128MB iDevices. i checked for leaks and fixed them. the memory usage of previous version and current version is the same. i have been searching for the problem for literally days and can't find ...

AVCaptureStillImageOutput outputSettings memory leak

Hi guys, I'm experiencing a wierd behavior in the new AVFoundation classes in the iPhone SDK. I have a AVCaptureStillImageOutput for taking pictures, and I am setting its outputSettings to my liking. The code follows: AVCaptureStillImageOutput *stillImageOutput = [[[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init] autorelease]; [stillImageOutp...

Retain Count for substringToIndex

I have an app that parses an XML doc & pulls out the info it needs. There are often a few matching items so the code iterates a few times. Instruments' Leaks tool keeps saying there is a leak on this line, self.currentDiscountedPrice = [parsedCharacters substringToIndex:(fullStopRange.location + 3)]; currentDiscountedPrice is a var de...

Does apple approve iPhone app with memory leaks?

I have some memory leak in my app which yet I cannot figure out why. If I release those objects the app crashes. Is it a problem to approve my app by apple? ...

How can I fix this memory leak

If I release the dueDate here I am having BAD_EXCESS in other place of my code. What am I doing wrong here? invoice is a core date object/entity here. NSDate *deliveryDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: - oneDayInSeconds * 7]; NSDate *dueDate = [[NSDate date] initWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval) (oneDayInSeconds * 3) sinceDa...

Instruments Leaks tells about a memory leak when initializing object

Hi @ all Can anyone please tell me why the following code leaks? Instruments tells me about 2 leaks. The 2 lines that obviously cause the leak are: Person *pers = [[Person alloc] init]; and NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path]; The whole is listed below: PersonViewController *perso...

java.lang.out of memory error : bitmap size exceeds VM budget ?

Hai friends, In my application am displaying a list of names and respectives pictures ? i am picking picture from galery through Drawble.getFromPath(). ? am displaying list , some i encountered with out of memory error ? please help me to sort out this error ? regards , srinivas ...

Memory is increasing all the time in navigation based iphone app

Hello I have a navigation based App with 5 ViewControllers. After inspecting the memory allocation with instruments i found out that memory is increasing permanently. The app starts up with 2 MB and after navigating through all 5 Navigationcontrollers it grows up to 10 MB and counting... For every allocated object there is a correspondi...

iAds are leaking memory

I recently implemented iads by following the WWDC video. However, while testing with leaks I found that my ads were leaking. I heard that this is a known problem with iads. Someone mentioned that releasing the banner in viewDidUnload might help but that didn't work for me... Does anyone know any way around these leaks? Even though the...

How to fix a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget " error on android

Hi all, I've seen this question asked many times but none of the answers really made sense in what I'm doing... I have an android game (see source at google source control) It's a card game, and I've used a method that redraws each hand every round - that might be wasteful but I couldnt think of a better way to do it. Here is the code fo...

File-handle "leaks" caused by HttpHandler?

Hello, I am experiencing a really curious problem with a HttpHandler and I am hoping someobody here might be able to shed light on this. Many thanks in advance for reading this. We have created a HttpHandler that sits in the pipeline of an IIS website that serves images, videos, and other assets. The HttpHandler is very lightweight. It...

pushViewController memory leak

Hello everyone, I have following code, instrument indicate that the pushViewController method has 32 bytes memory leak on device. Could you please kindly help check what rule I break? Should I change some "retain" to "assign" for declaration? Thanks in advance! @interface GuideNewsViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSourc...

iPhone memory leak because of stringWithUTF8String

Hello all, i have the following code which shows memory leak for object favorite near the statement with stringWithUTF8String. i have declared favorites in the property -(NSMutableArray *) readFavoritesFromDatabase { // Check if database is present [self setDatabaseNameAndPath]; [self checkAndCreateDatabase]; // Setup the databas...

When is the handle with name \GLOBAL?? is created?

Hi, I have a dump of process where the handle count in the process did reached 16 million handles (which is the maximum allowed handles per process). Hence the process got hanged. From dump (This is second dump where the handle count is high but not max limit.) I get following data : 53778 Handles Type Count None ...

iPhone - Why do I get a leak ?

I get a leak on the code below, any idea why? I am not allocating anything so why does it leak? It leaks 32 bytes NSString *username = @""; NSString *myString = @"some text"; NSRange range = [myString rangeOfString:@"username="]; //instrument shows a leak on the line below username = [myString substringToIndex:range.location + range.le...