
Program not working when running from Instruments

I had a bunch of leaks reported by instruments when I ran my app in the simulator using instruments. The leaks reported didn't make much sense to me, so I wanted to try on the device. But when I started from instruments it was either unresponsive (it didn't react to touches, I could only press home to quit) or didn't even start just a bl...

Iphone ==> Leak - [NSCFString substringWithRange:] ???

My app uses a lot of substringWithRange method, almost all over the place. Reading messages from the server (socket), and separating the string to, populate data on the screen. I get random leaks on [NSCFString substringWithRange:], about 128 bytes leak after running the app for 40 minutes. How can a substringToInsex, or substringFromInd...

Leaks (instrument) reports leaks in autoreleased objects

Update: this leak has been solved. If you are getting similar leaks and your application is multi-threading, you are most likely making UIKit calls from a background thread; make use of e.g. [NSThread performSelectorOnMainThread:] to route UIKit calls out to the main thread, which is the only place where they are allowed. I've been runn...

Mutable array is automatically changed to immutable, while adding the object to it. why?

Hi Guys, These are setter and getters. -(NSMutableArray*)contactList { return contactList; } -(void)setContactList:(NSMutableArray*) aContactList { [contactList release]; contactList=aContactList; //its working fine but leaks // contactList=[aContactList copy]; // If I keep like this getting exception as mutatin...

Xcode leaks tool does not identify property leaks

Hi I have this simple code @interface chatApp4Message : NSObject { NSString* line; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* line; @end @implementation chatApp4Message @synthesize line; @end As you can see, I don't release the line property. However, when running this following simple code under the xCode leaks tool, I get no indic...

Visual Leak Detector Crash

Hi, I am using Visual Leak Detector to detect memory leaks in my program. When the program has finished running, I get an assertion triggered by the following code in utility.cpp. When Visual Leak Detector's header is excluded from the program, the program runs and exits without incident. // Get the *real* address of the import. If we...

Is there any limit on number of html elements, that browser can display without problems?

Basically I've got a huge table, which gets even bigger as user scrolls down (auto preloading subsequent rows). At some point browser becomes sluggish, it starts to hang for a moment as I click around or try to scroll and more sluggish it becomes, the more rows it gets. I wonder if there is any limit on number of elements that page can h...

UITextField causing MemoryWarning.

When one of the UITextFields I have becomes active it causes a Memory Warning, this is what I see in the console: Received memory warning. Level=2 The thing is that the UITextField has a Font Size 32, Bold, Courier New & I think that loading that specific font is causing the memory warning, is loading a font that "heavy"? if so why? I ...

Crash when running Leaks

Having recently installed the 4.0 SDK, I recompiled a client project to test how it would run under the new OS. (Previously testing with 3.1.3 had no crashes and only one memory leak, duly reported to Apple, who were unable to reproduce on 4.0 beta 3, and so closed.) Everything went very smoothly (no crashes during testing) until I deci...

Output _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() to a String

Hi, Is it possible to output the contents of the memory leak dump to a String (not a console)? Hopefully yes :) _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); // to-string? ...

checking memory leakage in qt_creator

hello, can somebody please explain, is it possible to check memory leakage in qt creator, if yes, how? thanks in advance ...

Threadpool/WaitHandle resource leak/crash

I think I may need to re-think my design. I'm having a hard time narrowing down a bug that is causing my computer to completely hang, sometimes throwing an HRESULT 0x8007000E from VS 2010. I have a console application (that I will later convert to a service) that handles transferring files based on a database queue. I am throttling th...

Track down memory leak in Ruby 1.9

I have a Ruby application that uses eventmachine and starts 16 processes that each manage 1000 connections. Initially each process only uses around 150MB, however after some runtime they consume more and more towards 500MB and I am running out of memory and swap. The amount of open connections (indicated by EM.connection_count) is normal...

Why does my NSMutableArray cause a leak?

This is what Instruments is pointing to. students = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[course.students allObjects]]; I'm releasing the array in dealloc. In the rest of my code I'm only calling the array and I'm not alloc'ing it again. I've also tried filling the array via fast enumeration and I get the same problem. ...

Leak in OpenCV NSImage To IplImage converter procedure

I have a leak in the code which I put below. When I used cvCreateImage instead of cvCreateImageHeader it was 304Kb and 107b leak but when I changed it became to be 107 bites only. Could You help me to find leak. (IplImage *) nsImageToIplImage:(NSImage *)image { // NSImage to IplImage NSBitmapImageRep *orig = [[image representations] o...

WPF UserControl Memory leak

Hi I have a UserControl in an application where I am constantly swapping the Content property with other UIElements. However I noticed in Task Manage after a while the memory goes up after a number of swaps... Using AntProfiler I noticed for some reason there ToolBarAutomationPeer that the UserControl references.... To fix this Memo...

iPhone memory leak (a lot of allocations)

I tested my app in Instruments. No leaks found, but app crashes (not immediately - after ~20 minutes [depends on user's activity] of working). I viewed Allocations. It reports: Category | Live Bytes | Count Live | # Living | # Transitory | Overall Bytes | # Allocations (Net / Overall) Malloc 16 Bytes | 235088 | 14693 | 0 | 235088 | 1469...

iPhone doubt after analyzing the project

Hi all! I have some memory problems, from another post I tried to analyze my project to understand my errors.... here are some things that I don't understand where's my error.... thanks 1: sqlite connection: 2: json converter: 3: url connection: 4: cell of uitableview: ...

Process handle count increasing with long running server application

I have an application that is transferring files across the network, doing FTP, etc. I am launching these tasks using the new Task functionality in .NET 4.0. Aside from a problem where I have not figured out why my application hangs when running in Debug or Release from the IDE, the application has been deployed to a test server and ha...

iPhone memory leak monitoring when not hooked up to a computer

I have an application that needs to be unplugged from the computer to use (it is interfacing with a device through the port) so I don't think using Instruments will work. Is there any way to monitor memory allocations/leaks without the iPhone being attached to the computer? Thanks. ...