
Linking to a GPL library via a LGPL component in a closed source application

Hi, I'm using a GPL library in my closed source app. The library providers provide a FOSS exception where a number of licenses are acceptable to them, including LGPL. So I was thinking of writing a LGPL licensed wrapper on top of the GPL library and using the library through the LGPL wrapper in my app. Is this the appropriate way to do...

Can I incorporate GPL-licensed code into an out-proc COM server and use that server from my proprietary program?

After reading this paragraph in GPL FAQ I feel confused. That paragraph says that a proprietary program can use a GPL-licensed program via aggregation - as a separate program. Now consider an out-proc COM server. It is a separate program that is used by another program via a well-known interface. Looks pretty much like aggregation. Can...

Third-party Ribbon component vs. Microsoft Ribbon UI License?

Hello, I'm just creating a multiplatform e-mail client in Java, and I want to use Ribbon UI using Flamingo Ribbon Component (you can see WebStart demo here: However, I noticed that Microsoft have some license on their Ribbon UI. Can anybody please tell me if is it 'legal'...

Named user plus, what is this?

I was looking at oracle liecense, it looks cheap for named user plus. I mean if I develop a web application in which user has no interaction with database other than registering and logging in and if I make a virtual user inside server to do all these things that is get user name and password from users ect. keep them in queue and execut...

Deploying Apps to IPhone without Dev Licence

Hi All, Ive applied for the IPhone App developer license over a week ago but still havent heard anything back from apple as of yet. Im quite deep into the development of my application and am wondering if there is a way i can deploy it to a device for testing in the meantime (while waiting for apple to get back to me)? I cant jailbrea...

Need to select a free license for my project, but not 'open source'....

I wish to allow user to use my software for free but not to give the source code. Can you recommend a license? ...

how do you use public licenses?

If i want to use a public license, is it as easy as copying the license and putting it in my source code/making a new file, or is there something special i need to do to use it? ...

Distributing PyQt4 application - licence/legal question

Disclaimer: I know there aren't any lawyers here, but I'd like to hear some opinions. I'm making a Python application using PyQt4 for the GUI. It will be open source, maybe GPL, but rather MIT/BSD licence since I don't see the value of copyleft for it. Since I cannot rely on users to have PyQt installed (in fact, I'm safe to assume that...

Closed source app using LGPL3 code?

Apologies but I'm confused by the license's content... Can we create a commercial application (.NET) and sell it closed-source, while some libraries it uses are LGPL3? Thanks. ...

Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL)

Does anybody knows if I can use (opens source) software components/controls, which are under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL), in commercial projects ? Can anybody provide me a good and above all clear site with a overview of all open source licences and their restrictions ? ...

How to Acquire a License for TrialWare in InstallShield 2009 Premier

Basic msi project, InstallShield 2009 Premier TrialWare->TrialWare Files->New File Configured for Trial Usage: Selected a TrialWare file Type: Try and Buy There are no licenses here. Pressed the Acquire button. a. Description already set, I didn't change it b. Version already set c. User/pass I choose the the same user/pass to log i...

Legal issues when forking Lua?

I've been developing a highly modified version of Lua (including a rewrite of the sources to keep a better maintainability). Right now i'm at a point where I would consider forking Lua, and possibly re-release it under a different name (so people don't mistake it as the original Lua interpreter). Of course the resulting Interpreter and ...

Buildroot in embedded project, what source do I need to provide for GPL compliance? I understand that Buildroot itself isn't the GPL component, but in my company's embedded project, we use Buildroot to compile a minimized version of a Linux OS and use Busybox to run our actual application. Our core application does not use any GPL code, and is functionally separate from our OS generation/us...

I am developing a web application for a client, how can I stop them from licensing it?

I am creating a web application that I am developing for a client and I want to ensure that I maintain the rights to resell the application. How can I stop this client from licensing it himself? Thanks. Could something like this be used? here ...

License of accidentally generated pictures/sounds

Imagine you see some picture that should not appear in normal circumstances, e.g. seemingly when graphics card or some program malfunctioned and display nonsense. For example, overheated graphics card crashed and the system frozen, displaying severely corrupted image (it may look unrelated to what it should display, but also may be rela...

What's the main difference between MIT, GPL, BSD, and other open source licenses?

Is it possible to summarize the differences among various open source licenses in one sentence? Some require that the source remain open forever (GPL), and others let you fork derivatives as closed source (is this considered equivalent to CC-share-alike?). Some require attribution. Some require non-commercialization. Speaking along this...

MS Office licence on receiving editing and reposting MS Word documents via commercial website?

Hello all. I'm developing a website which will receive MS Word documents, edit them and send them back to user. My question is this: do I need to pay a specific MS Office licence to do that? Thank you in advance. ...

Any suggestions about proprietary software disclaimer?

We're developing a proprietary software system and would like to place a disclaimer on top of every source code file (the same way as it is done in open source software, like Apache, etc.) Can you recommend a format/template of such a disclaimer? What shall it say? ...

Incorporating CC-Attribution-ShareAlike code into a GPLed program

I am developing an open source (GPL v3) project to apply KDE's oxygen icons to Windows. I want to know whether I am permitted to incorporate Ubuntu's human icon set (under the Creative Commons Legal Code Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5) into this program without re-licensing the whole program under a different license. If I am permitted, then...

Why isn't there a Lesser Affero General Public License?

Hey all! First and foremost the opinions expressed about the licenses here are only mine and the information I have interpreted about the licenses so far. I could be wrong, but I hope not. Feel free to correct me otherwise. :-) Over the years I've released perhaps about 10 projects via open-source, which to this date are ...