
How to make a lightbox?: concept

Imagine a lightbox with a beautiful picture inside it and a button somewhere near to navigate to the next picture... When the user clicks the next button, JS does like so: var Image = new Image(); Image.onload = getWidth; Image.onerror = getFailure; Image.src = ""; Then when the picture is loaded, JS ...

jQuery lightBox Plugin 0.5 -- How do I display multiple galleries per page?

I am currently using LightBox, but I am running into issues with Scriptalicious and jQuery. I know there are many fixes for this, but I found jQuery lightBox Plugin 0.5 and think this is obviously a lot faster. However, I currently had a photogallery page, where there is a main image for each "gallery". Using regular lightbox, I can add ...

removed my lightbox but the image stopped openning in new window

there was a lightbox on my template i removed it but the images aren’t opened in new windows can you tell me how to fix it please ... mvc: display a lightbox from a controller's action result

I have an action that returns ViewResult (it's a detail form, public ViewResult AddFoo(long id) and I need to display this result in a lightbox My first idea was to generate a div with an iframe, but than I don't know how am I going to close (hide the div) this lightbox on submit Other thing that I could do is take somehow the generate...

lightbox on newly inserted links not working

$(".overlay").lightbox(); $('.overlay').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var url = base_url + 'ajax/getcolorboxhotel'; var data = $(this).next('span').text(); $('.hiddencontent').load(url, {id:data}); }); Please help! The code above works with links in the page while new links loade...

Drupal + LightBox2 component = use body as title (caption) for lightbox

Hi there I am using the LightBox2 component on my website to display the gallery images in a grouped lightbox. I add images to the website by using the Image component and adding all the images to the Photos book. However, images can still be viewed separately on a page, if I so choose. The url would then look something like this: www.m...

Dojo Lightbox Close Button

Hello, I have Dojo 1.4, and the lightbox is working. But the close button doesnt work with IE, I can see it, just not click it. With Firefox it workes all ok. So I assume the code and css are all ok. Any ideas? Greg ...

Providing auto height and width to dailog in jquery UI modal dailog box.

I am trying to put auto height and width to modal dailog box (provided by jquery UI). But some how the position of my dailog is getting disturbed. it is not coming in center. Everytime i click on the link to open the dailog box , the dailog opens at different position. Could anybody please suggest how to resolve this issue... ...

Making JQuery LightBox Plugin work with multiple galleries

Hi guys... I'm trying to make this jquery plugin => work with multiple galleries on the same page. The problem is, everytime I click on a picture from a certain gallery, I get all the pictures from all the galleries on the same page. Let's say i've got 2 galleries of 6 photos each. If I...

When to use a lightbox effect?

We've all seen the popular lightbox effects on the web (e.g. JQuery Lightbox and Shadowbox). Yesterday I got into a discussion with a client who is completely enamored with lightboxes and wants to use them every time a form is submitted including: Login forms - click the login button and the lightbox appears with the user name and pass...

Strange Lightbox / iframe / Java applet issue on Firefox

I'm beating my head against strange issue using a combination of a java applet running in an iframe displayed inside a lightbox on Firefox. When the page is displayed directly an javascript call to the applet document.appletname.send Functions perfectly, however when called from inside a lighbox (actually lightwindow) then the erro...

Flash Videos "Bleeding" above Lightbox Video

Have a video in a lightbox on a page that has some other Flash content (banners, animation, etc. in SWFObject). I guess Flash has it's own window that's essentially on top of the document window (although I'm not sure I understand this in it's entirety). Tried setting wmode to transparent, and also tried several lightbox libraries (JQuer...

How to track adwords in lightbox

I'm using a lightbox variant in my website to open a 'page in the page'. It is pretty critical it's tracked properly. I've seen the javascript code here to make a virtual pageview in Analytics: <a onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/folder/file');"> The sales department told me there is another piece of code to track conversions in A...

Howto use variable attribute for Jquery lightbox plugin

Hello, I try to implement the JQuery Lightbox plugin with dynamic grouped of images (grouped in image popup), but i can not find the clue for popup grouped images. Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong? HTML <a href="pic1.jpg" class="pic" rel="lightbox1"><img src="pic1.jpg"/></a> <a href="pic2.jpg" class="pic" rel="lightbox1"><img...

Jquery lightbox is not functioning

Hey guys, I am currently using prettyPhoto lightbox for my images and for some reason i cant get it to work. I know this is a very basic questions but some help would be appreciated. i found the script here: Additionally here is the page i am trying to get i...

jQuery lightbox plugin that scrolls with the page

Some of the JavaScript lightbox effects that I've seen position the lightbox relative to the viewport, so that when you scroll the page you will still see the lightbox. The other kind are the ones that are positioned relative to the page contents. If you scroll a page containing one of these, the lightbox moves with the rest of the pag...

Lightbox + Mediabox + Ajaxed Wordpress problem

Hey everyone, first time poster here. Check out - the mediabox isn't loading though I've called Mediabox.init(). I know it runs on mootools so I'm wondering what the problem is in IE, as it works in FireFox. I can definitely pay you a nice gratuity for your work if you manage to find out what's going on... :D C...

[dojox] dojox.image.lightbox into dijit.layout.tabcontainer

Hello everybody! I try to insert an image, witch could be open with dojox.image.lightbox into a TabContainer. The TabContainer works, but when I add my image: <a dojoType="dojox.image.LightBox" group="grouped" title="mytitle" href="pathToImage"><img src="pathToImage" height="180px" width="240px" /></a> The TabContainer doesn't work a...

Load external stylesheets on request?

$.getScript('ajax/test.js', function() { alert('Load was performed.'); }); .. like the above code which loads an external JS on request, is there something similar available to load an external CSS stylesheet when required? Like for example when I use lightboxes (inline popups) on my site, I want to avoid loading lightbox JS and CS...

use HTML <video> tag if supported else use lightbox??? (script)

is it popular to have a page display video using the new HTML tag (as long as its supported by the browser), else fallback to using a lightbox??? [ & maybe even have another fallback??] i've never had to do anything like this so i don't know. would appreciate any suggestions ...