
Lighttpd cookies

Good morning / afternoon peoples I was just speeding up my page using googles page speed tool and it mentioned something about serve certain content from a cookieless domain. I use lighttpd and wondered if it was at all possible to match certain file extensions and not send cookies with those files ? I dont have an alternative to use ...

How to do URL rewrite in Rails?

I have a rails app that is accessible through multiple URLs, I was wondering what is the best way to rewrite the URL to use the main domain name, I have a bunch of other domain names like ... in total 50 of these kinds of domains. They all end in info if that makes it easier. I used lig...

How to do URL Rewrites with lighttpd

How would I rewrite (these are not the real domains, but I figure by studying the answer I'll be able to learn how to apply it to my problem), I'm not very strong with regular expressions\*\*\* ...50 more random domains to\* Could someone give me the solution for the first three re...

Detecting ajax request with PHP on Lighttpd a web server

Hi there, I'm having some trouble with detecting a jQuery ajax request with PHP on a Lighttpd web server. Here's the following code (works fine on MAMP and Apache): if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { // ajax (not recognized on lighttpd server) e...

does a wrong src in the img tag overloads the server?

I have this on a very big number of pages: src="//avatar/images/..."; this server is serving zillions of files I was wondering if it's wise to fix that double slash inside the img tag. I would do it at least for an aesthetic point of view, but my question is: "does it affects the http request in some way?" the backend server is Lightt...

Run native binary CGI on lighttpd

Hello, I'm trying to set up lighttpd to run binary CGI app (not PHP script or smth, but a binary file, compiled from C++ source). I actually have server.modules = ( ... "mod_cgi" ... ) uncommented, have myApp.exe in htdocs/app, and also cgi.assign = ( "myApp.exe" => "myApp.exe" ) Then, to make all the stuff work by accessing, say, ...

URL rewrite in lighttpd

I have the following querry: update234ae5.php?q=1&q=2.... must be rewriten to: update.php?cond=234ae5&q=1&q=2.... I use: "^/update(([a-zA-Z0-9]+))" => "/update.php?cond=$1" How can i add the rest of url string, becouse my url it's rewritten to update.php?cond=234ae5& without the rest of params In apache i use RewriteCond %{QUERY...

Which server is best suitable for image hosting?

I want to move all the website (developed in ASP.NET) images to another server. The image hosting server should be dedicated only image processing like image resizing and etc. Which server is best suitable for this? Taking another IIS server would require more investment again. Instead can I go for Apache or Lighttpd? Also the server s...

Lighttpd configuration, . (dots) in my query string cause 404

Hi, I have an address on my site like so: In this example, the dot in the '' part of the query string is screwing with lighttpd and my rewrite rules. I get a 404 with the dot in, no 404 if I take the d...

Multiple document-roots

Hi everybody I´ve got a special request. I use evhost with lighttpd and everything works fine except this: $HTTP["host"] =~ "^[^.]+\.[^.]+$" { evhost.path-pattern = vhosts_dir + "/customers/%2.%1/public/" evhost.path-pattern = vhosts_dir + "/customershops/%2.%1/public/" evhost.path-pattern = vhosts_dir + "/company/%2.%1/...

Dispatch requests to other servers based on API key

I am designing an app that requires that all requests to our servers be routed through a single 'dispatcher'-type server. This server will, based on an API key sent in the request, forward the request on to an appropriate backend server, than relay the response back to the client. eg., an incoming request could be

Bash cgi output xmlrpc

Hi, I have this Bash Script: #! /usr/local/bin/bash SCGI_SOCKET=unix:///tmp/rpc.socket echo -n rT $(rtxmlrpc system.client_version)/$(rtxmlrpc system.library_version) echo -n \ [$(rtcontrol -qosize \* | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM/1024/1024/1024 }') GiB loaded] echo -n , D:$(rtxmlrpc to_mb $(rtxmlrpc get_down_total)) MiB echo -n ...

running lua scripts using fastCGI

hello, i am currently trying to figure out ways to run lua scripts using fastCGI with either lighttpd or nginx. the only thing i was able to dig up yet was wsapi of the kepler project. but i wonder, if there are other possibilities. important for me is: should be as lightweight as possible should be stable enough to use in a productio...