
Need to add $_GET args to my regex

url.rewrite-once = ( ".*\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|html)$" => "$0", "^/([^?]*)(\?.*)?$" => "/$1.php/$2", ) This is what I got but the args don't work. I like following url To look like this: Thanx ...

Handling static files with Django / lighttpd

I know that there is already a question (actually some more) about this, but the answers to them didn't help me out very much, as I am pretty new to lighttpd. I have one folder which contains .pdf-files. When doing a HttpResponseRedirect to the locations of one of those .pdf-files, the user should be able to download the .pdf file (or v...

Lightweight HTTP application/server for static content

Hi, I am in need of a scalable and performant HTTP application/server that will be used for static file serving/uploading. So I only need support for GET and PUT operations. However, there are a few extra features that I need: Custom authentication: I need to check credentials against a database for each request. Thus I must be able ...

Lighttpd rewriting files and directories

I'm trying to do url rewriting with Lighttpd. I have what I need partially working. Right now I have this: which rewrites to I do this with this rewrite-once rule: "^/name/a/([^/]+)"=> "/name/a.php?pid=$1" That php page has external resources that are not getting rewritt...

Ruby on rails multiple apps hosting (name server)- configuration question

I am looking to host multiple ruby on rails apps and want to use lighttpd or nginx.How do I do multiple name server configuration. ? I know how to do it in apache through webmin control panel.But trying to move away from apache here ...

lighttpd header.html and directory listing together doesn't work.

I've an HEADER.html page and a lots of directories in the same directory and want to show the header.html and dir-listing together at the site index like at this site : in my configuration : dir-listing.activate = "enable" = "enable" it only shows header but ...

Interesting questions related to lighttpd on Amazon EC2

This problem appeared today and I have no idea what is going on. Please share you ideas. I have 1 EC2 DB server (MYSQL + NFS File Sharing + Memcached). And I have 3 EC2 Web servers (lighttpd) where it will mounted the NFS folders on the DB server. Everything going smoothly for months but suddenly there is an interesting phenomenon. I...

how to enable mod rewrite in lighttpd

Hello , i need to enable mode rewrite in lighttpd it should no display the index.php extension .... ...

Apache proxy to Lighttpd: changing $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] in php

I have a WordPress blog running on lighttpd-1.4.19, listening at www00:81. On the same host, apache-2.2.11 listens on port 80, which creates a proxy connection from to (both being the same physical machine). The Apache virtualhost looks as follows: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerNam...

Web-serving a file : Firefox truncates name

I'm serving a file from Lighttpd whose name contains space-characters. I'm using mimetype "application/octet-stream" When I download this in Chrome, it works perfectly. But when I download in Firefox, the filename is truncated at the first space. Is this to do with the mimetype? With some other lightty config? Or maybe something to do ...

Video Streaming in Android using Lighttpd

Hi I 'm developing a video streaming android application on HTC Tattoo. I 've Lighttpd server at my server side which i use to stream videos to a web site. On Android , Do I need to enable any module in Lighttpd server? Thanks ...

PHP - OCI and PDO OCI failed to run

Hi there, I am trying to install lighttpd and php separately on Windows XP. I successfully get the server to run. However, I failed to get the OCI to run in my server. Error message saying that failed to load the PDO Driver for OCI. When I check on phpinfo(), no OCI/PDO OCI driver is loaded. I got the correct dll file and php.ini corr...

rails with fcgi error

LoadError (Expected /web/zhao_backend2/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb to define AdminController): /usr/local/ruby-1.8.7-p248/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:249:in load_missing_constant' /usr/local/ruby-1.8.7-p248/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.2/lib/active_support/depe...

How can environment variables be passed from lighttpd config file to a running FCGI/SCGI backend ?

It seems that scgi.server's "bin-environment" setting only passes environment variables to newly spawned processes, not to a continuously running SCGI back-end. I tried setenv.add-environment and setenv.add-request-header but neither is accesible from the (C++) back-end over the CGI interface Any ideas? ...

Problem with anchor tags in Django after using lighttpd + fastcgi

I just started using lighttpd and fastcgi for my django site, but I've noticed my anchor links are no longer working. I used the anchor links for sorting links on the page, for example I use an anchor to sort links by the number of points (or votes) they have received. For example: the code in the html template: ... {% load sorting...

Server-side auto-minify?

Is there any way to automatically minify static content and then serve it from a cache automatically? Similar to have mod_compress/mod_deflate work? Preferably something I could use in combination with compression (since compression has a more noticeable benefit). My preference is something that works with lighttpd but I haven't been ab...

Django URL Conf Returns Incorrect "Current URL"

I have a django app that is mostly done, and the URLs work perfectly when I run it with the runserver command. However, I've recently tried to get it running via lighttpd, and many links have stopped working. For example: should work, but instead throws this error message. Page not found (404) Reque...

Autotools: how to cleanup files created by "./configure" in lighttpd project?

Hi all, I'm starting to try out lighttpd for an embedded linux project. I got the curret source package and and started writing a master makefile ecapsulating all configer, compile, install (for testing) etc stuff. And vice-versa I want to cleanup every step. This cleanup should be 100%, i.e. there should be no generated files anymore a...

Lighttpd Regular Expressions

I am trying to match any url that has /images/ , /styles/ , or /scripts/ in a lighttpd $HTTP["url"] statement. How could this be done? I am currently using "^/images/" , etc. and it's only working if that directory is in the beginning of the URL. ...

url.rewrite-once with Kohana and with urls

currently I have this setup in our simple-hosts.conf: url.rewrite-once = ( ".*.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|php|htm)(?.*)?$" => "$0", "/slapi" => "/slapi/index.php" ) Works great, except the above fails when I have a dot in the query string: ?url= My regexpy is not 1337 ...