
How to parse out html links from a huge string with html links and other text (Java).

Hello, my question is how would i be able to go through a string and take out only the links and erase all the rest? I thought about using some type of delimiter, but wouldn't know how to go about using it in Java. an example of what i am trying to do: this is my String: String myString = "The file is http: // www. .com/hello.txt a...

if a controller action redirects to external url, what do you return in the function?

i have a function and i am unclear what i should return from this? public ActionResult LoadExternalURL() { Response.Redirect(""); // what do i return here ?? } ...

How can I solve this CSS links inheritance problem?

It's stumped me an I've tried a couple of things - then again I'm not very experienced so I may just be going about it the wrong way. Basically I want to have different link styles for both the navigation and the pagination. The #navigation styling is overriding my .pagination styling though, and it doesn't appear to matter if the pagina...

Finding Links on a Webpage with Java

Using Java have the source code of a webpage stored in a string. I want to extract all the urls in the source code and output them. I am awful with regex and the like and have no idea how to even approach this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

jQuery - Opening links within tabs

Hi all, At present I have some jQuery tabs and these tabs contain links. Unfortunately on following one of the links, the new page opens as if you were following any normal link i.e. not within the tab which is want I would want to happen. Have tried following this section but to no avail:

Referal links - how does it work ?

Could you explain me? Because in stats I can find Refelar links and I am curious. How are they made? Is it placed somewhere in HTTP request? ...

Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web

I'm creating a mobile website that will include a page from which people can download relevant apps that we recommend. I've found instructions for creating the links to launch the Market but this assumes that you are the developer of the app in question and know the exact package name. Is there any way to get the package name, other th...

cakephp links not relative

In my layout, I have a menu that I've included as an element, and it contains a link like so.. <? $html->link('New Part Number','/part_numbers/add'); ?> The problem that I have is that cake isn't redirecting correctly and it ends up sending me to "http://localhost/part_numbers/add" instead of "http://localhost/my_client_folder/client_...

Get links from a page and show them in a table?

I'd like to get the titles of some links on a webpage to show them in a table. The page links change a lot, so I don't know how to make the table "dynamic", to show the link titles correctly. Is this possible with JavaScript? ...

Set all link targets for a page

I have links that are dynamically generated and I need to set the target for all of them. How could I do this with javaScript. I found something that looks like it should work using jQuery.. $("a").attr('target', '_top'); but I dont want to use a library for this and I imagine a couple of lines of javaScript would take care of it.....

Access 2007 - ole field linked to a jpg file via a field that contains the path

I need help understanding how to link a ole object in a form to retrieve it's object via a field with the path value. Example: strOriginalFullPath contains the path for that record. I would like to link the ole object via the value of that field in that record. ...

SIFR links DO NOT work in Firefox 3, Opera 9, Chrome

Hi, I have wmode: transparent and fixfocus: true in sifr replace (see below) but the links only work in IE8. sIFR.replace({ src: 'PalatinoLinotype.swf', selector: '.SubSloganTxt', wmode: 'transparent', fixFocus: true, css: [ '.sIFR-root { font-weight: normal; color: #dedede; text-transform: uppercase; }' ...

Geodjango Tutorial - links in admin view aren't working

I'm new to Geodjango, and was really enjoying the tutorial at But when I got to the "Google / Geographic Admin" section I was unable to display the WorldBorders entries on a map. I can pull up http://localhost:800/admin in my browser, and I see something like this: DJANGO ADMINSTRATION SITE ADMINISTRATION Auth Group...

Build a Sitemap but webpages don't use links

Folks I am trying to build a sitemap (we need one badly) for a huge multi-page web app. Technically its not much more than a collection of php/MySQL web forms that use javascript instead of traditional linkage to access the many pages. <td width="100" align="center" ONMOUSEOVER="this.className='bgover'" ONMOUSEOUT="this.className='bgou...

Rails link from one model to another based on db field?

Hi Everyone, I have a company model and a person model with the following relationships: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :kases has_many :people def to_s; companyname; end end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :kases # foreign key in join table belongs_to :company end In the create action for the perso...

Need to open links in new tab in ie8 !

I have a sidebar (right sided iframe) and when i click on a link in it, it opens a new window in IE8, (in firefox it open a new tab). What do i need to do to open links in IE8 in a new tab. I already set the Tools->Internet Options->Settings-> 'Always open pop-ups in a new tab' and 'A new tab in the current window' open in new tab but st...

what is the best practices around links and url in

looking at different sites, i see conflicting conventions. if you want to have links to images, other pages, js files, i have seen: URL.Content("~/scripts/myscript.js"); <a href="/scripts/msscripts.js"> <img src="../../images/test.jpg" /> <img src="../images/test.jpg" /> <img src="/images/test.jpg" /> <img src="~/images/test.jpg" /> ...

php preg_replace, replace anchor href that doesn't contain this keyword

Hi all, href\=\"(.*)\" this match all links, what i need is to make it apply on all links except when href has localhost as a keyword on it Thanks. ...

Conflicts between CSS Menu and Image as Links

There is logo on the top (image as link) and other images as links. These links are not working in FF and safari. The problem is with css/ul/li based navigation menu. If I remove the menu html code, images as links are working fine. The css based navigation menu is based on this code: /* Navigation Menu */ #nav a, #nav a:hover, #nav a:f...

jquery cycle "allowPagerClickBubble: true" not quite working

Hi all, I want my page anchors to work as menu links so I used this code: $(function() { $('#slideshow').cycle({ slideExpr: 'img', fx: 'fade', speed: 2000, timeout: 4000, pager: '#nav', pagerEvent: 'mouseover', pauseOnPagerHover: true, pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) { // return sel string for ...