
What's the simplest way to compare an emum to a integer value return from a DB

I'm pulling some data from a table using LINQ 2 of the pieces of data is a value that represents an enumation in my application code. What is the simplest way to make a comparison between the data returned in LINQ objects and the enumeration in the application code. So for example enum SomeEnum { First Second } then in...

How do I create a facade for identical LINQ 2 SQL tables?

I'm working with a 14-year old schema where a parent table (P) contains a type (8 possibilities) and location (3 possibilities) field that together point to one of twenty-four specific tables (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3...), all with identical schemas for their type. I would like to create a generic way to access the specific tables but can...

I need to confirm this about linq to sql/entity

if you have something like(just an example don't worry) var result = from n in mytable select n; var last = n.LastOrDefault; var secondresult = n.FirstOrDefault; var Thirdresult = secondresult.FirstOrDefault; var Finalresult = Thirdresult.FirstOrDefault; is this will query the database 5 times? ...

Joining two tables in LinQ

Joining two tables in LinQ and VB. Hello, I have a listview and I am binding based on a linq query. It it is just one table it is working fine. If I join the 2nd table it is not displaying any records How do I add join two tables in this linq query? I have commented the join query as it is not working Dim db As New SettlementsDataCon...

Linq2SQL Counts getting cached?

I've got a very simple data structure. I'm using SQLExpress with Linq2SQL and **ParentClass** parentId name **ChildClass** childId name parentId (foreign key to parent table) The dbml reflects these two classes, and has a oneToMany association. So far, so good. In my code, i'm trying to get the value as follows Dim count...

Leaky abstraction in LINQ to SQL EntitySet

Hi, I’m having trouble with some dbml generated classes that don’t to resolve down to efficient SQL. Imagine I have an Accounts table and a Transactions table where each transaction is associated with a particular account. I load all this into dbml and out pops an Account class and a Transaction class. The Account class has an Entity...

Linq to Sql - Repository Pattern - Dynamic OrderBy

Ok, I found this, which will allow me to do this: public IList<Item> GetItems(string orderbyColumn) { return _repository.GetItems().OrderBy(orderByColumn).ToList(); } Is this the best way to do "dynamic" ordering? I want to be able to pass the column name as a string (and the sort direction) to my Service, and have it order the c...

Efficent opening balance calculation in SQL

I'm looking for a good approach for calculating and caching periodic opening account balances using SQL. I know I can use SQL to sum up a bunch of transactions from start of time to the start of the period in question, but I'm more interested in whether its worth caching those calculated balances (at various points in time) in another ...

C# add a Table<T> into an existing DataContext Instance

Hello, Guys Is it possible that I can add Table<T> dynamiclly to an exisitng DataContext Insance in LinqToSQL? Here is my case: I have several classsed which are using [Test] attribute to declared as Table, I want to allow user to create the corresponding SQL Server tables during run-time. I understand that If I inherit the DataC...

DeleteOnNull Error

I've got a set of DB objects sitting in an EntitySet on my main object definition. This handles additions and updates fine, but I found the removing items from the list didn't result in the database records being deleted, so I had to create a method in the data repository object to delete the records as the data object doesn't have acce...

How to write a LINQ query to do this...

IQueryable<SomeType> result = (from x in Context.XXX select x); now what I need to do is the following (written pseudo code, I need actual code): foreach(var i in items) { // Where the object "i" has 2 properties // 1) i.Operator (values of which can be AND or OR) // 2) i.SomeID (values of which can be 1 .. 10) // I need to b...

What should I return from LINQ To SQL for DataGridViews

I have a WinForm App that uses multiple DataGridViews. The DGV's used to be bound to DataTables in the old SProc's DAL. As I was converting the SProcs to LINQ I originally was following suite but I am wondering if that is the "best" way. This is a sample of what I am doing. internal static CmoDataContext context = new CmoData...

In LinqToSql how do you enable change tracking on an entity's custom property?

For other reasons, i've had to create my own property in an Entity in the ORM, which has is a type of another entity (had issues with associations so did it this way instead). The problem is that whenever I make a change to that property, it isn't being flagged as a change so I cannot call SubmitChanges on it. So basically my question ...

Linq to SQL multiple Left joins using multiple fields and subquery

Basically I want to be able to recreate this query in Linq SELECT * FROM Customers LEFT JOIN Orders LastOrder ON LastOrder.CustomerId = Customers.CustomerId && LastOrder.CreatedOn = (Select MAX(CreatedOn) FROM Orders WHERE CustomerId = Customers.CustomerId) LEFT JOIN OrderStatus ON OrderStatus.OrderStatusId = LastOrder.OrderStatusId...

Can I call a Method in one DataContext from another?

I have the below LINQ Query that I would like to suppliment with the Nurse Names. Unfortunately these are stored in a seperate DB and thus a seperate DataContext. How would I go about calling a method in my aspnetdbcontext from this query, which uses cmodatacontext? This is the method in aspnetdb to get a nurse's name: internal s...

Linq to SQL Design question

Often I need to combine data from multiple tables and display the result in a GridView control. I can write a Linq query inline in the Page_load event, return an anonymous type that combines all the fields that I need, and databind the result to the GridView control. Problem: I use 'helper methods' as described by Scott Guthrie on hi...

Override automatic sorting for one column in GridView?

I have a GridView that is using a LinqDataSource which is tied to a table in my database. This table of mine has a int foreign key. In my presentation layer, using TemplateField in Gridview, i hide the foreign key value and make another call to the database to show the name of it's associated name so it's more readable for the user. Ho...

help with linq to sql query

Hi ALL, I have data like this productid cost prant 6.70 prant 0 prant 7.0 gant 8.7 gant 0.1 gant 4.5 how can i flatten them into one result as "prant 13.70 gant 13.3" in Linq To sql My linq query gives me two rows Results: prant 13.7 gant 13.3 Query: from c in test group new {c} by new...

Is there an easy way to cast between two List<T>?

var candidates = (from l in db.GetLeads(lat, lon, role, radius + 10) orderby l.Distance select l); return (List<CandidateResult>)candidates; ...

LINQ Filter anonymous type based on IEnumerable values within type

I'm using LINQ to SQL like: var b = from s in select new { id =, name = myEnumerable = s.OneToMany }; Where myEnumerable is of type IEnumberable<T> and I want to now get a subset of b based upon properties of the individual items of myEnumerable. For example, say <T> ...