
Listview of items from a object selected in another listview

Ok the title maybe a little confusing. I have a database with the table Companies wich has one-to-many relotionship with another table Divisions ( so each company can have many divisions ) and division will have many employees. I have a ListView of the companies. What I wan't is that when I choose a company from the ListView another Lis...

In (c#),storing value to database(linqtosql),sqlexception

In,i use linqtosql,In the table,i 've set property of a field Isunique to true.. when the same value inserted again,it shows error(exception) "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.student' with unique index",i need to catch the exception and display the error message.. How to handle sqlexception ? Thanks in advance....

Why Could Linq to Sql Submit Changes Fail for Updates Despite Data in Change Set

I'm updating a set of objects, but the update fails on a SqlException that says "Incorrect Syntax near 'Where'". So I crack open SqlProfiler, and here is the generated SQL: exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [dbo].[Addresses] SET WHERE ([AddressID] = @p0) AND ([StreetAddress] = @p1) AND ([StreetAddress2] = @p2) AND ([City] = @p3) AND ([...

Clone LINQ To SQL object Extension Method throws object dispose exception....

Hello all, I have this extension method for cloning my LINQ To SQL objects: public static T CloneObjectGraph<T>(this T obj) where T : class { var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T), null, int.MaxValue, false, true, null); using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { serializer.WriteObject(ms, obj)...

How to avoid "source !=null" when using Code Contracts and Linq To Sql?

I have the following code using a normal data context which works great: var dc = new myDataContext(); Contract.Assume(dc.Cars!= null); var cars = (from c in dc.Cars where c.Owner == 'Jim' select c).ToList(); However when I convert the filter to an extension method like this: var dc = new myDataContext(); Cont...

Linq2SQL InfoMessage

Hi, is it possible to access the InfoMessage event handler in a Linq2SQL data context? All of our code uses these messages to display useful information to the end user and since moving to Linq2SQL I cannot figure out how to show these messages. I have checked the connection object of the data context as well as the classes properties wi...

LINQ - if condition

In code, the commented part is what I need to solve... Is there a way to write such query in LINQ? I need this because I will need sorting based on Status. var result = ( from contact in db.Contacts join user in db.Users on contact.CreatedByUserID equals user.UserID join deal in db.Deals on contact.ContactID equals deal.C...

Iteration over a linq to sql query is very slow.

I have a view, AdvertView in my database, this view is a simple join between some tables (advert, customer, properties). Then I have a simple linq query to fetch all adverts for a customer: public IEnumerable<AdvertView> GetAdvertForCustomerID(int customerID) { var advertList = from advert in _dbContext.AdvertViews ...

how to convert datetime to string in linqtosql?

I am using linqtosql and inside of linq query, I tried to convert datetime type column to string like 'dd-MM-yy'. However, I got error as following : NotSupportedException: Method 'System.String ToString(System.String)' has no supported translation to SQL. following is my linq query : from ffv in Flo_flowsheet_values where f...

How do i set Savepoints for Linq to SQL and use "NO" ExecuteCommand ?

TransactionScope TransactionABC = new TransactionScope(); try { context.Connection.Open(); { context.ExecuteCommand("insert into test (test) values (1)") context.SubmitChanges(); context.ExecuteCommand("savepoint test"); context.ExecuteCommand("insert in...

Multi-tier applications using L2S, WCF and Base Class

Hi all. One day I decided to build this nice multi-tier application using L2S and WCF. The simplified model is : DataBase->L2S->Wrapper(DTO)->Client Application. The communication between Client and Database is achieved by using Data Transfer Objects which contain entity objects as their properties. abstract public class BaseObject ...

LINQ to SQL Single Table Inhertiance

I am using LINQ to SQL with single table inheritance for an audit log. There is a field/property called Type that i am using as the dicriminator and i have created a base type and a single inherited type (there will be more later if i can actually get this to work). So that i don't have to write a different method to insert each diffe...

How to rewrite this SQL statement to LINQ 2 SQL ?

How can i convert this SQL query to its equivalent LINQ 2 SQL statement for VB.NET? SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Qty', IV200.itemnmbr, IV200.locncode, IV200.bin, CAST(IV112.Quantity as int) as 'Qty2' , 'parentBIN' = isnull(MDS.parentBIN,iv112.bin) From IV00200 IV200 (nolock) inner join IV00112 IV112 (nolock) ...

Linq - How to put common fields in a base class

I am trying to find a way so that I can push some common functionality into a base class for my Linq to SQL processing. I have two fields (ID and InsertUpdateOperID) that are common to most but not all of my tables. In my first go around I created a class called BaseEntity that had these fields. Unfortunately all I accomplished was h...

Use appsettings connectionstring instead of connectionStrings in web config for datacontext designer

I need to use the appsettings/key for my connection string in a web project, and want to re-use this for my connectionstring in the datacontext designer, but it seems all I can use there is the web.config's connectionStrings, so I have to have my DB location in 2 places in the web.config, how can I force the designer (dbml) to use the ap...

Problem with Linq query and date format

Hi All I have a C# console application written using Visual Studio 2008. My system culture is en-GB. I have a Linq query that looks like this: var myDate = "19-May-2010"; var cus = from x in _dataContext.testTable where x.CreateDate == Convert.ToDateTime(myDate) select x; The resulting SQL query generates and error becaus...

How to prevent linq-to-sql designer undo my changing

Dear All, Thanks for your attention in advance, I’ve met an issue with LINQ-2-SQL designer in VS 2008 SP1 which has made me CRAZY. I use Linq2sql as my DAL. It seems Linq2sql speeds up coding in the first step but lots of issues arise in feature specifically with table or object inheritance. In this case I have a class Entity that all...

Converting SQL Query to LINQ 2 SQL expression

How can i rewrite the below SQL query to its equivalent LINQ 2 SQL expression (both in C# and VB.NET) SELECT t1.itemnmbr, t1.locncode,t1.bin,t2.Total FROM IV00200 t1 (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN IV00112 t2 (NOLOCK) ON t1.itemnmbr = t2.itemnmbr AND t1.bin = t2.bin...

Handling auto-incrementing IDENTITY SQL Server fields with LINQ to SQL in C#

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site that uses LINQ to SQL to connect to SQL Server, where I have a table that has an IDENTITY bigint primary key column that represents an ID. In one of my code methods, I need to create an object of that table to get its ID, which I will place into another object based on another table (FK-to-PK relationshi...

Accessing properties through Generic type parameter

I'm trying to create a generic repository for my models. Currently i've 3 different models which have no relationship between them. (Contacts, Notes, Reminders). class Repository<T> where T:class { public IQueryable<T> SearchExact(string keyword) { //Is there a way i can make the below line generic //return db.Co...