
Why are my manually created Linq2Sql table relationships showing up in code?

I have some views that I'd like to relate together in my Linq2Sql DBML file. I've right clicked, selected "Add association" and manually created the associations from children to parents, for example: Customer.TypeId -> CustomerTypes.Id But I cannot do this in my code: from c in Customers select c.Type.Name Any clues? If the relat...

Mapping POCO to string in Linq to Sql so that I can use Linq on my POCO

I'm accessing a database column where a phone number is stored as a varchar in the format +a-b:c where a = country code, b = phone number and c = extension. E.g. +44-07700123456:123 So I have a type that handles serialization along the lines of: public struct PhoneNumber { public PhoneNumber(string val) { /*...*/ } public override...

Migrating SPROCS to LINQ-to-SQL Precompiled Dynamic SQL?

I wanted to convert my existing stored procedures to LINQ-to-SQL Precompiled Dynamic SQL. Does anyone know of the best way to do this? I mention precompiled as I believe I can get a performance increase - not the same as SPROC but similar, correct? Also with LINQ-to-SQL Precompiled Dynamic SQL, I get strongly typed fields, etc. Are thes...

How to put LINQ to SQL in a separate project?

How can I put the LINQ to SQL generated classes in a dedicated DAL project so that I can access it from various other projects in the same solution? I.e. so I can use one for Web, and one for Windows Forms? ...

Use linq to get parent objects based on one of the property in a self referencing table.

Hello, I have a table called Quiz that have these fields id As Int created As DateTime header As Sring body As String fk_parent As int url As String All the items without parent key would be the question, and ones that have the parent key would be the answer. I am having the problem to get all the latest active questions (based both ...

Problems serializing DBML objects C#

I am trying to serialize some Linq objects using this code. private byte[] GetSerializedObj(object o) { try { DataContractSerializer formatter = new DataContractSerializer(o.GetType()); MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(); formatter.WriteObject(memStream, o); return memStream.ToArray(); ...

What are the diferences between "Linq to Sql Classes" and "ADO.NET Entitity Data Model"?

I would like to know what are the principal diferences between "ADO.NET Entitiy Data Model" and "Linq to SQL Classes"? What is the best choice to work with? I couldn't find any document on the internet explaing that and everything I know is that we can use both, "almost", in the same way. ...

Missing Linq namespaces (Linq to sql, compact framwork)

I spent this morning in trying to figure out where the system.linq.expressions namespace is. The following is what I did: In VS 2008, Create a new C#/Smart Device/Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK/.NET CF v3.5/Class Library Used SqlMetal (in Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v6.0A/Bin) to generate the data context. Added the data co...

More validation on generated Linq Entity Classes

We're using sqlmetal to generate our DBML, run it through a transformation, then use sql metal to generate the DataContext classes -- additionally, I want to automatically generate some validation for the entities based on some metadata that we store in the database about each entity and it's attributes. For example, if an entity has wha...

Multiple Defered WHERE clause expressions in LINQ to SQL

Maybe a simple question, I'm trying to get a result from a table where the Name column contains all of an array of search terms. I'm creating a query and looping through my search strings, each time assigning the query = query.Where(...);. It appears that only the last term is being used, I supposed because I am attempting to restrict th...

Question about foreign-key relationship in Linq to Sql

Hi I have lots of tables and some of them have many relationships with other tables. I noticed the tables that have one relationship I am able to do what it is shown in NerdDinner Chapter 1. Dinner dinner = db.Dinners.Single(d => d.DinnerID == 1); RSVP myRSVP = new RSVP(); myRSVP.AttendeeName = "ScottGu"; dinner.RSVPs.Add(myRSVP); S...

LinQ to SQL data insert issue

Hello, I have two tables Settlement and Violations.SettlementID is primary Key in Settlements table and foreign key in Violations. In my dbml file I dragged and dropped both the tables and the association is set. In my code when I try to insert records into db it is not giving option to add values Violation collection into Set...

LinqToSql "in" clause

Is there an equivalent of SQL's IN clause, in LinqToSql? For example, how would the following query be done in LinqToSql: select * from users left join groups on groups.pkid in (select group_id from user_group where user_group.userid = users.userid) ...

LINQ aggregate left join on SQL CE

What I need is such a simple, easy query, it blows me away how much work I've done just trying to do it in LINQ. In T-SQL, it would be: SELECT I.InvoiceID, I.CustomerID, I.Amount AS AmountInvoiced, I.Date AS InvoiceDate, ISNULL(SUM(P.Amount), 0) AS AmountPaid, I.Amount - ISNULL(SUM(P.Amount), 0) AS AmountDue FROM Invoices...

How are updates handled with Linq to SQL?

Hi, Do you have to write update statements with Linq to SQL? ...

ErrorProvider(from Windows Forms) for & linq-to-sql ?

I am trying to figure out how to notify the user which field failed to validate. I setup LINQ to SQL class datacontext to access a database from pages. Since user input will be from by web interface forms and import from Excel files, i would like the write the validation logic in one place. The idea behind this is when i import f...

Implementing Version Control of DB Objects

I will soon be beginning work on a project that (from the spec) reminds me a bit of StackOverflow. Basically, its a web app that has user-controlled content. One of the features that's got me going around in circles in my mind is the version control. Here on StackOverflow, each question and answer can have multiple revisions. This is pr...

Update table with a multithreaded process and update certain rows based on priority

I have a table of customers. This table can be big, millions of rows. Every hour, I have a console app that goes through all the customers and updates another table with customer changes that occured in the last hour. What I want to do is two things: (1) Have the console app (or SSIS package) be multi-threaded so that I can have a coup...

LINQ to SQL Join and Sum

Can anyone LINQ the following SQL? I've been on this for two hours now and am no closer to getting this than I was when I started. SELECT ArticleId, sum(Amount) AS VoteCount FROM ArticleVotes INNER JOIN Votes ON ArticleVotes.voteId = GROUP BY ArticleVotes.articleId ORDER BY VoteCount DESC Tables as follows; ArticleVotes: A...

How do I limit the number of results back in LinqToSql?

Hi folks, I'm used to loading some children results (for a parent result) using the LoadWith syntax. Works great. Is there a way I can limit these LoadWith results to the most recent 5 or something? I've got some pseduo code with some inline comments to help explain what I'm trying to do... Eg. IList<Parent> results; using (DataBas...