I have an "appliance" (for lack of better description) running linux.
Currently I ssh into the box to launch jobs. This isn't friendly enough for my users, so I'm putting together a simple web UI to launch the script. A job runs for anywhere from 10 seconds to several hours. The web UI needs to reflect the status of the job.
I've solve...
I would like to run a GTK+/C program line by line with some debugger. I have never debugged a Linux program so where can I find instructions to a very beginner on how to debug code? I have just an idea that I have to download the sources from net, compile the project with debug symbols and run sources through DDD or GDB. So can anyone gi...
We have a database that has hit the 4GB limit in a table (I believe this is a filesize limit of the server we have it on ~ Linux). Its a MySql MyISAM DB.
I am wondering what our options are at this point, for example, is there a way to compress the table, or increase the filesize somehow, or any other ideas? At this point, I am trying ...
What I essentially want to do is have another program write data into this "empty space" for the executable to "work" on
I thought of appending a signature to the application and then writing the data, searching for it later, but that doesn't quite sound right...
Now, other important thing ... I know it should be possible to create...
Under Linux you can use Kdump to reliably capture the state of the system at the time of an OOPS ( kernel crash ) . Does Kdump work the same when the kernel is running under VMWare? I'm using VmWare Server 2.0.
I'm looking at porting an old driver that generates a large, complex set of tables of data into user space - because the tables have become large enough that memory consumption is serious a problem.
Since performance is critical and because there will be 16-32 simultaneous readers of the data, we thought we'd replace the old /dev based ...
I need to make an export like this in Python :
# export MY_DATA="my_export"
I've tried to do :
# -*- python-mode -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
os.system('export MY_DATA="my_export"')
But when I list export, "MY_DATA" not appear :
# export
How I can do an export with Python without saving "my_export" into a file ?
class scanner
string mRootFilePath;
static int AddToIndex( const char *,const struct stat *,int);
scanner(string aRootFilePath){
mRootFilePath = aRootFilePath;
string GetFilepath(){
return mRootFilePath;
I am trying to read some logs through a Linux terminal which contain some XML, (the entire log is not XML, but some of it's contents is). Is there any text editors, add-ons or scripts which will attempt to format the the contents that is XML to make it easier to read. I dont need it to save the new formatting, just display it for easy ...
I am having an issue with DBus:
I register with DBus *dbus_bus_get()* method : OK
I add filter matches : OK
I add a filter callback function: OK
I start a dispatch loop through *dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch()* : OK
Everything works OK. Now, if I insert:
1a. *dbus_bus_get_unique_name()*
I get a nasty exception message:
Is it possible to create a window that acts as an overlay on top of another window, say, an icon that you can display in the window's title bar or status bar?
Assume for the purposes of this question that:
The window is a foreign window (not owned by my application)
The overlay is 16x16 pixels and has a transparent background
The over...
I am developing an appliation in which I want to continuously receive images from remote host and display them on my screen. for this I am following the given strategy
1) I have a main QWidget object which contains the QImage on it (works fine)
2) Images received from remote host are painted on QImage object, this work is done in a worke...
Hi I have created my jar file now i want to package my jar file as rpm(redhat package manager). I want to make my jar file as installable for linux.
so What is the proper way to package a single jar file as rpm?
Sunil Kumar Sahoo
I'm building the mobile version of a website and I want a way to test it.
The problem with a lot of free emulators is that they are for windows.
I know I could run them in wine, just wondering if there are native GNU/Linux applications.
PS: I want to perform these tests locally, I'm not looking for online emulators.
When a script that I started in a screen is finished can I tell it to close the current Screen it's in?
If so how?
I know I can do "ctrl + a" then k, then y. To kill it but Im not there to issue those buttons.
And I tried adding "exit" to the end of the script which doesn't seem to close it ether.
I also have a script that will auto sta...
I learned from somewhere a detached screen can be killed by
screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] kill
where [session # you want to kill] can be gotten from
screen -ls
But this doesn't work. Anything wrong? What's the correct way?
I have couple of years of MFC Programming experiance and now want to learn Gnome Application programming. will you please provide me books or reference for it.
In my OSGi-based Java app I am developing a bundle to provide the rest of the system with access to the file system. In addition to providing access to the user home directory, I also wish to provide access to a non-user specific area. Exactly what this area will be used for is as yet undetermined, but it will not be for preferences (h...
Hi, I'm using GNUPG to encrypt my ascii files.
I learnt to generate a key, also how to use the it to encrypt and decrypt a file.
There are two ways I used:
gpg -d foo.txt.gpg
gpg --output foo.txt --decrypt
I realized the first method will display the decrypted file on the screen, for example when I executed ...
On my Linux server I have some files with accented names (test-éàïù.zip).
When I add them to a new ZIP file using 7zip command-line tool, the charset/encoding information is not saved and when opened on a Windows computer, the archive does not correctly display filenames.
I know that 7zip creates Zip V1.0 archives, not 2.0. Maybe...