
Android TouchEvent in ListActivity..!!

Hi All, I have created a list activity where i have placed some items and i am using OnListItemClick to get the desired actions through D-pad and KeyLeft and KeyRight Buttons, In Emulator TouchEvent is not working , I want to know whether it works in real Handsets??? How can i enable the TOuchEvent also, Can anyone please help me out ...

What is the best way to do multiple listviews in android?

Hi all, i am writing a software that i have to drill down on content a lot. For example when the program starts a listview is displayed. When user clicks on an item, then a second listview must be displayed. For example: Select Continent > Select Country > Select State > Select City > Select Address What is the best way to do this (l...

Android ListActivity OnListItemClick error with Webviews

I've been figuring how to popup a webview all day when a row in my ListActivity is clicked. I can't even show a Toast when it's clicked. Need help I'm still new with Android, a web developer trying to learn. Thanks before. package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; imp...

ListActivity problem when using with RelativeLayout

Newb alert, I'm sure I'm doing something dumb here. I've been progressively expanding my UI, and I want to add a ListView in the middle of my UI. When I add it and change the activity to extend a ListActivity instead of just an Activity, I'm getting a Force Close. Using 1.5. Does a ListView not work embedded in a RelativeLayout? Tha...

How to use Selector when click a item in list

I occur a problem when develop a application on android. There have two image which can be download from server in a list item, it will show one image and will show another image when user select or click this item . if I try to download another image from server when user click it,the user will never have time to see it, for this time ...

Start TabActivity from ListActivity (which is content of parent TabActivity) in Android

Hi guys, I have problems with switching between activities. I have two TabActivities (A and B), each of of tab activity has 4 tabs with ListActivity. I am trying to show B activity onListItemClick. Code on click is: Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), TabBActivity.class); startActivity(intent); My manifest file is f...

Where are graphically pleasing examples of Lists

Anyone know of good code examples of how to make lists look different than your everyday average black list or more graphically pleasing than you usually see in android apps. I've looked through google code but haven't found too many. I'm looking for different and eye catching lists. I hope this question isn't too generic. Also i'm o...

Android: ListActivity design - changing the content of the List Adapter

Hi, I would like to write a rather simple content application which displays a list of textual items (along with a small pic). I have a standard menu in which each menu item represents a different category of textual items (news, sports, leisure etc.). Pressing a menu item will display a list of textual items of this category. Now, h...

Why is my onSharedPreferenceChangeListener being called multiple times when I change a pref.

I've written an app with 3 tabs. Each tab has the same list view with different data sources. I have setup SharedPreferences in the tabhost activity, but I put my onSharedPreferenceChangeListener method in my listactivity. When I change a preference, my listener gets called and it updates my database. This is all working. However, i...

ListActivity adding images!?

Hi Guys, i have a following ListActivity: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Get Strings from res/strings.xml String items[] = { getString(R.string.mainMenu_1), getString(R.string.mainMenu_2), getString(R.string.mainMenu_3), getString(R.string.mai...

simple_list_item_2 in Android

Hi guys, after creating some menus with simple_list_item_1 (which worked very fine) I tried to replace this by simple_list_item_2, but my system throws around with exceptions... Now I'm wondering how to create such a two-different-sized-line-entry for my there any trap for beginners? Can someone please help me fixing my (smal...

Entering and retrieving data from SQLite for an android List View

Hi all, I started learning android development a few weeks ago and have gone through the tutorials etc. But now I have a problem. I'm trying to create an app which tracks the usage of each installed app. Therefore I'm pulling the names of all installed apps using the PackageManager and then trying to put them into...

Exception when creating an activity: Could not select item Parcel unable to marshal value

Hi, I am trying to call an Activity from another instance of the activity. The code is supposed to be a simple file browser (part of a larger application). I am using a ListActivity, and when an item (such as a folder) is selected, it is supposed to open it up in the new Activity. I have a feeling it is a problem with the AndroidManifes...

call setListAdapter() from inside a thread

Hi, I have a problem with my ListActivity, i use a thread to show a ProgressDialog where get a list of all installed applications. I turn it into a list adapter and than i want to set the listadapter of the activity but i can't do that from the thread. I get the following error: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(14429): android.view.ViewRoot$Called...

Unknown ListView Behavior

I'm currently making a SMS Application in Android, the following is a code snippet from Inbox Listactivity, I have requested a cursor from the contentresolver and used a custom adapter to add custom views into the list. Now, in the custom view i've got 2 TextViews (tvFullBody,*tvBody*)... tvFullBody contains the Full SMS Text while tvBo...

Change default onListItemClick Behavior of ListView

Is there any way i can make my listactivity (rather listview) highlight the List Item when it is clicked (pressed) upon? (...and remain highlighted) The default behavior, simply highlights the item for a moment, and it gradually fades to black... Currently, the highlighting only happens when we use the DPad... It'd be ideal if atleast ...

Android - How to display an ImageView as a header in a listactivity ?

I'm trying to display an image before the list in a listactivity. If I put an ImageView before the ListView, then only the list is displayed... still quite an android n00b so any pointers appreciated :) Heres my main.xml which lays out the list activity: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schem...

build this layout in xml?!

I have a listActivity and wanted to create a list with the second layout (attached). What has any idea how to build this layout in xml?! show imageAttached ...

Android, activity for each view mode? Or switch statements inside fewer Activity classes?

I know how to functionally do each of the following scenarios, my main question is which is the better design decision? Based on app size/speed and battery life and such. So I will have several activities that will display different lists. They're all lists of the same object, but the objects' states will be different in each of the lis...

ListActivity layout Custom

I'm trying to make a list where each row has a text at the top and bottom and another one image aligned right (like the image attached). but I can not. Could anyone help me? sample image: ...