
Android ListView with multiple select and custom adapter

Hello, I have a ListView with a custom adapter. The ListView allows multiple select, but somehow it's not recognising when an item is selected. I've already made the adapter items extend Checkable, but still the getCheckedItemPositions() returns an array of falses. I guess there's something fundamental I'm doing wrong, but I have been ...

How can I update one view at a time in an ArrayAdapter?

I want to be able to access my ArrayAdapter's view: public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) I'm not sure how I can access this: View myView = myArrayAdapter.getView(myPosition, myView, ?); I am not sure how I can get a ViewGroup parent? ...

What are the pitfalls when using static functions? Like in this Android code...

I use in the getView()-Method of this example a static function to download the source of an ImageView. Later there will be threading included. However, I like to know in general how save the use of static function is in this case. Because I experienced, that in some cases (when I scroll really fast) the Images get mixed up. /** ...

CursorAdapter calling bindView on every item

I was using some of the code from DeskClock and found that when I tried to modify the CursorAdapter that newView was getting called for each item. (I actually wanted to add a divider and it seems like adding the dividers separately is better than adding them into a single listView) If I have 3 items I get the following behavior: new...

[Android] ListAdapter in preferences ?

Is there a way to use ListAdapter in preferences screen ? or i must use only chekboxpreference, textpreferences, etc.... ...

I have a memory leak using ListActivity in Android

I have an application that uses a Service and some list activities. When the activities are opened, I can see the heap usage increase in DDMS, when the activities are closed, the heap usage decreases slightly. The service is still running in the background at this point. If the activity is started again by re-running the application and ...

Android SQLite _id column problem

Hello all, I'm a newbie in android, working on list adapters right now. I know some type of list adaptors need _id column to process the data. I provide an _id column but I couldn't make it work. I follow notepad example, so here is my code : I create the db by this statement : private static final String DB_TABLE = "radios"; public s...

How to use the Android Context Menu (on tap and hold)

I am having a lot of trouble understanding how the Android context menu works. I am writing a simple program which will display a list of different types of ice cream in a list view. When the user to "taps and holds over each type, a context menu should appear with 4 options asking what information they want to be displayed about that i...

Android Custom ListView selected item children?

I have a custom listview row that contains a number of textView components. Instead of the "standard" single text item, I have created a item where each listview row contains several bits of information. For this example, I have a record id, a name, and a description for each row in the listview. I have my listview populated via thi...