
Strange ListView selection behavior on Android

Got an activity that extends ListActivity. The list is backed up by a custom adapter that extends BaseAdapter. getListView().setFocusable(true); getListView().setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE); I do a simple (getSelectedItemPosition() == ListView.INVALID_POSITION) check in onPrepareOptionsMenu() to disable the items that requ...

ASP.NET ListView inserting an item in tiled layout

In tiled layout, the ListView places the InsertItemTemplate at the end of the list. Is there a way to put it on an entirely separate row, rather than in a table cell? I want the insert item to always be on the bottom rather than at the end of the current row. ...

Programmatically Select Item in Asp.Net ListView

After doing a quick search I can't find the answer to this seemingly simple thing to do. How do I Manually Select An Item in an Asp.Net ListView? I have a SelectedItemTemplate, but I don't want to use an asp:button or asp:LinkButton to select an item. I want it to be done from a URL. Like a QueryString, for example. The way I imagi...

WPF listview / gridview performance horrible, suggestions

I have a window using a WPF ListView/GridView bound to an ObservableCollection. The performance is utterly horrific. The application chokes trying to load 300-400 items and CPU usage spikes each time an item is added/removed/modified. Profiling doesn't reveal anything obvious. Anyone have any suggestions? ...

Focus control in a ListView

The context: I want to have a ListView that wouldn't receive focus (e.g. won't highlight row when user touches it). Yet each row widget has it's own OnClickListener. Here's what I specify in layout xml: android:choiceMode="none" android:focusableInTouchMode="false" android:focusable="false" The ListView still behaves exactly the same....

How to transform HTML table to list with JQuery?

How would I transform a table <table> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Price</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Price</td> </tr> </table> to a list of paragraphs with jQuery <ul> <li> <p>Name</p> <p>Price</p> </li> <li> <p>Name</p> <p>Price</p> </l...

ASP.NET Gridview with all records editable.

I thought this would be simple, but I sure am having a lot of trouble doing this: The title of this question may be a bit misleading. I don't have to use a gridview. In fact, I know the GridView is probably not the way to go on this. I just didn't know how else to title it. But, for now just consider: I have a very simple class called ...

Dictionary<T> of List<T> and ListViews in ASP.NET

Preamble I'm asking this question because even though I've read through a lot of ListView resources, I'm still not 'getting' it. Background I have a bunch of Foo's that have a list of items associated with them (known as Bar), and I'm pulling them from the Data Access/Business Logic layer as Dictionary that holds a Foo and its associ...

WPF - Set DataTemplate for programmatically added GridViewColumns

Hi all, Couldn't find an answer to this one. I have a WPF ListView control that can contain varying number of columns. For example, it can display customer data, displaying columns Id, Name, Email etc, or it can contain products, displaying ID, Name, Price, NumberInStock, Manufacturer, well, you get the idea: varying number of columns,...

Sorting WPF ListView with System.Linq.IGrouping<string,Class T>

Hi there, actually Im not getting problems with sorting a normal ListView.ItemsSource, my issue actually comes when I have a IGrouping List as ItemSource or SelectedItems, Im using the following snippet : private void Sort(string sortBy, ListSortDirection direction) { lastDirection = direction; ICollectionView da...

Programatically moving through a ListView in Qt (Ruby)

I'm making a small file-browser for my own use, in Ruby, and using Qt for the view. The idea is that it'll end up on my TV, where I can use the remote to move up and down and launch files. Everything works fine, until I'm going to move the selection using the remote. I managed to set up a D-Bus service, so I'll just call the methods us...

Popups with complex functionality using jQuery

I am using jQuery to simulate a popup, where the user will select a series of filters, which I hope to use to rebind a ListView in the original window. The "popup" is opened via an ajax request and the content is actually a diferent aspx file (the rendered output is injected into a div that acts as the popup). I have another ListView i...

WPF List View Sort on Load

Here is the problem: I want to sort a ListView when it is first loaded. I have implemented the functionality where in the List View can be sorted if the Header columns in the ListView are clicked. I unable to find a suitable event which I can use to call my sort function. I tried using OnInitialized of the UserControl and Loaded events...

ListView Cursor changing & flickering

I'm trying to change the cursor that appears on a standard ListView when the cursor appears over an item. However I am getting a flickering effect as the mouse is changed to a finger cursor, and then back to what I asked it to be. I'm trying to isolate this flicker/changing to the hand cursor but can't figure out where it's occuring or ...

Am I missing something with my ListView selection event handling...

...or are c# listviews really such a nightmare to manage? Okay the problem I'm working on is very simple. Or at least it appears to be so: I have a text file which contains information about customer orders on separate lines. The data items are separated by semi-colons. My form iterates through these orders, puts the item information ...

sort icons on a listview (detail view) c#

When you see a details view and click the sort icon in windows, you already get the up and down arrow. How do you implement this is c# for listview? Also...How do you sort complex times like date fields in a listview? ...

VBA ListView Control

What is the fastest way to fill ListView from query when it has over 15000 lists with 9 subitems. it is taking me about 6 minute to load. Here is what I wrote to fill ListView control. Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly) With Me.listViewData .View = lvwReport .GridLines = True .FullRowSelect = ...

ListView DataItem Shows Null

A few days ago, I wrote about issues with implementing a ListView in ASP.NET. Now, with all of the other code written, I'm having trouble saving changed items in a ListView. A few things of note: The Save button is not part of the ListView proper; it calls the GetListViewItems() method, which in turns call the Save() method. The Li...

Ellipsis at start of string in WPF ListView

I have a WPF ListView (GridView) and the cell template contains a TextBlock. If I add: TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" TextWrapping="NoWrap" on the TextBlock, an ellipsis will appear at the end of my string when the column gets smaller than the length of the string. What I need is to have the ellipsis at the beginning of the string. I....

Find control in ListView EmptyDataTemplate

I have the a ListView like this <asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server"> <EmptyDataTemplate> <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server" text="some text"/> </EmptyDataTemplate> ... </asp:ListView> on my Page_Load event I have the following code Literal x = (Literal)ListView1.FindControl("Literal1"); x.Text = "o...