
Android gallery widget wont scroll with a child ListView

Hi! i have a problem with the Gallery widget... i have a gallery with a base adapter that provides some listviews.... The problem in this case is that the gallery wont scroll between galleries, since listview appears to override the scrolling of the gallery. Any solution for this? ...

Specified items will not be deleted when using ListView.Item.RemoveAt()

I have tried to remove specific items from a listview using the RemoveAt() method. But When I remove it the first time some items will stay. For example: see the image below Code: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < listView1.Items.Count; i++) { if (listView...

android: changing a divider with setDivider in a ListActivity without a custom ListView?

I can't seem to get a customized divider, using a Drawable I've defined, to work when using a ListActivity and not creating a custom ListView. It almost seems like when the VM creates its own ListView for me, with the ListActivity, it uses a theme with the default divider provided; and if I try to provide one, no dividers appear in the ...

Dynamic array instead of static when creating ListView icons and text Android

Hi, I am using this following code which creates a ListView with text and an icon but the problem that I have which the following I want the array to be dynamic instead of static so my list gets created dynamically not statistically. My ultimate goal is to retrieve specific strings from my Db and to display it then on the Listview where...

Nested ListView problem in Firefox/Safari

I have a ListView in which I set the following: - the 'tr' of the ItemTemplate has an id set to 'credits<%#Eval("ID")%>' - the first column is an asp:Literal control named "literalTreeIcon". In the OnItemDataBound event I am doing the following: Literal treeIcon = e.Item.FindControl("literalTreeIcon") as Literal; if (treeIco...

Is it possible to change the colour of the FadingEdge of a Listview?

I want to give the effect that the ListView has faded from whatever is around it. By default it is set to whatever colour your ListView is. I can adjust the orientation of the FadingEdge and the size of the FadingEdge but not the colour. Is it possible? ...

How do I style selected item in Android ListView?

Hi folks, I am an Android newbie trying to learn the UI side of things and it's doing my head in. Here's what I have right now: breeds_listing.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content">...

How to add multiple listviews to Single activity in android ??

Hi, I have been trying to get a specific layout for more than two days now and really struck with it, what am trying to achieve is: To have a layout like the following LISTVIEW A VIEW LISTVIEW B VIEW LISTVIEW C (VIEWS are basically for headers) Can any one help to sort out this task? ...

How can I get the GroupItem in the grouped listview drop event handler

I have a grouped ListView and want to add drag & drop wised regroup support to the ListViewItem. But I have no idea about how to get the destination GroupItem in the drop handler and then regroupping the dragged item to it. ...

Validating controls in ListView insert/edit templates

Hello, I added a RequiredFieldValidator to my InsertItemTemplate, and it seems to be working fine. The problem I am having, however, is that now I cannot do anything else in the ListView (like edit or delete items) UNLESS the required field has a value. Is there some way I can manually do the validation when the user clicks the 'Inser...

derived from ListView, not painting correctly.

I had a regular Forms.ListView and converted it to Virtual list. Implemented the RetrieveVirtualItem and everything was working fine. Then I decided that I'll add cache and eventually I'll need sorting and who knows what else. Since I've inherited the code and it was already somewhat messy, I decided to yank my changes and move them to ...

How do I prevent ListView footer from becoming selected?

I have a ListView which can be navigated with the dpad. It has a footer. I want to prevent navigation into the footer with the dpad. I have set focusable and focusableInTouchMode of the footer view itself to false; this makes no difference (so I deduce that it is not actually focus I am seeing, but rather selection). How do I prevent...

StateListDrawable in ListView strangely off-colored in certain conditions

I have created a ListView with TextViews as items - most of which have a certain color as background, but some have a custom @drawable/shape as background (i.e. the top and bottom items, which have rounded corners). These backgrounds are set as part of state-lists, to provide another background color when the items are tapped. The listSe...

C# How can I make the text in a ListView column right-align instead of left-align?

I have a ListView in details view so it has 2 columns - but with the text which populates the list, it is more important to see the end of the text instead of the beginning. Is there any way to set the listview to show the right-side of the text by default (ie have the ... at the beginning instead of the end if the text is too large to ...

Conceptual help with Android ListView

I have a working android app using TextView, some formatting (line breaks, rows of dashes) and Linkify to generate a primitive "ListView-like" display with clickable URLs in each "row". I'd like to move up to a real ListView, but I'm just not finding the sample/explanation that I need to take that next step. I have successfully reprodu...

First item in databound ListView occasionally being duplicated?

I have a WPF (.Net 4) ListView used to navigate a local Windows directory. It displays the contents of the current directory, with name and size and all that. However, in some directories, the first element it displays shows up twice. For example, let's say in directory "D1" I have subdirectories "W", "X", "Y", and "Z". The ListView will...

Problem with Hello, Views: List View tutorial

I've just started Android development with Eclipse, so I've been going through all the "Hello" tutorials on the Android Developers site. I have come unstuck, however, on the List View tutorial. I have tried many times to correct the problems, but I am inexperienced and whatever I do doesn't seem to work. I have copied and pasted the code...