
Editing an item in asp:ListView control

I have an asp:listview bound to sqldatasourceA. In my edititemtemplate, I have a dropdownlist bound to sqldatasourceB. This listview shows users and the group they belong to, and when they go to edit a user, I want to populate the dropdownlist with all of the groups, then select the one they are currently assigned to. However, I can't...

Android Custom ListView selected item children?

I have a custom listview row that contains a number of textView components. Instead of the "standard" single text item, I have created a item where each listview row contains several bits of information. For this example, I have a record id, a name, and a description for each row in the listview. I have my listview populated via thi...

Parsing RSS Feed with JSON and Populating a List Android App

Hi , Im brand new to Android Application development and I am working on an application that will get an RSS feed from a specific url that returns JSON data , what I am wondering is what is the best way to translate this from JSON to populate the list , I was thinking of making objects to hold the individual posts and then create a list...

how to implement fling in android listview

Hi, I would like to implement onfling (or some similar swipe) in listview in each and every item in list. If I swipe that particular item it should display three buttons next to the name. Is there any idea to implement this. ...

empty ListView, how can I show a message on a ListView when it's empty?

Hello. I'm developing an Android application. Is there any way to show a message on a ListView only with it's empty? I'm using a custom ArrayAdapter, so I have to create a specific object with the text I want to show. I'm wondering if there is a specific field on ListView to setup a message when it's empty. Any advice? Thanks. ...

Is there a way to disable line wrap in a List View in android?

I have a list view holding text views and when the text gets too big, it wraps and the item takes up two spaces. I am wondering if there is a way to turn off line wrap in this case, and if it should be done in the textview or the listview. ...

ListView and DataPager implementation in FW 3.5 works but misbehaves when project migrated to FW 4.0

I have 2 listviews in an page. Both use a datapager with a dropdown (showing X of X pages, each listview can show just 5 records in a single list page). Based on selection in the first, I show some items in the second listview and I also have ability to add new items in the second one. When I add new items in the second listview...

Displaying Web data, not web page, in Android

I need display data from a web page in a ListView, for example if I were to send a request to a time server for the U.S. time zone's times and the web server responded with an HTML web page that contained the current time's of each zone and a small icon image of each geographic region time zone, what steps would I need to take to put tha...

Showing current/selected item in ListView in WinForms

I have a ListView with about 400 entries. I need to search thru it for a value and when found I'm setting it to Selected and I would like ListView to somehow scroll to this item and show it on the screen. How can I do this? Will setting .Focused do it? foreach (ListViewItem item in someListView.Items) { string varID...

getLastVisiblePosition returning -1

I'm having a problem with my ListView (using CursorAdapter). When I call getListView().getLastVisiblePosition() I am receiving -1. This is a problem since my list is populated with items. Additionally, getListView().getFirstVisiblePosition() always returns 0, no matter where I am scrolled on the list. Any ideas? It has something to ...

Alternating styles on ListView using extended ArrayAdapter<E> random results

Currently my ListView is filling up with the given String[] but I wanted to alternate some styles on the ListView items. Something weird is happening (I'm surely missing something obvious); The ListView Index is not fixed and the styles are not alternating as supposed. My Code is the following: package com.blah.blah; import android.a...

Android: onItemClick only returns first selected Item

Hi. I'm using and ArrayAdapter to populate a ListView. After selecting and item, it displays a confirmation Y/N dialog. If the user's choice is negative, then he should be able to select another item showing the same dialog. And so on. Here's my code: lView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClic...

populate listview dynamically

If i bind a data table to WPF need to specify the column names will automatically take that from the datable. But if I am binding a list-view to an observable collection...I have to specify the column header names for each column one by xaml file. So if I have a list of column names ->List<...

Debugging SimpleCursorAdapter

Hello, I'm working on my first Android app and can't figure out how to get my SimpleCursorAdpater to populate the view. The cursor that I'm passing in has results in it, so the problem must be somewhere in instantiating the adapter or in binding it to the view. I'm sort of at my wits end since no exceptions are thrown and I can't real...

How to know when an Android ListView is done being populated

I have a child Activity that contains a ListView. This Activity is populated asynchronously from a SQLite cursor. The list items contain a TextView, a RadioButton, and a normal Button. The XML is shown below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/rlCategoryListItemLayout" xmlns:android="http://schemas.a...

Android delete from listview

This is my layout that suppot delete from listview ,the problem is when listview height is higher than screen height it goes under the button , so need a solution for avoding it ...

Inconsistent empty (blank, white) lines (area, rows) on top of listview in virtual mode

Helllo. I have application with some listviews that are configured to virtual-mode. On several computers I've seen strange phenomenon: somtimes there are white row[s] (one or more) above all items. Apperantly it happens when there are insufficent items for showing vertical scrollbar. It's inconsistent: on some computers it shows one, at ...

exception handling for databound dropdowns in listviews

One common scenario we run into is with a drop down being databound inside the edit template of a ListView. This usually works pretty well, but I cannot figure out a good way to handle exceptions, for example, look at this error from our website: Server Error in '/' Application. 'ddlLender' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because...

listview item indexing

I am using a listview with 6 items per page. When I choose an item from the 6 items it should take me to a page with 3 items per page BUT the selected item (on previous page) as FIRST item in the list on the new page. Basically how do I set which items shows first in the listview? Is that a property? ...

Can I use a GridViewRowPresenter to merge cells?

I have a ListView and GridView within it. Upon clicking a button on any row I set an error state based on which I need to change that particular row's cell structure. For eg. I need it to go from a 5 column cell to a 3 column one. Can I accomplish this using a GridViewRowPresenter? ...