
how to add web view in list view with example

Hi friends can anybody tell how to add web view in list view in android give example Thanks ...

Varying ListViews item background color

How can I make is so that a ListViews control's background color for items varies from item to item like in WinAmp along with changing the column header colors? If you look closely you can see the first item is a dark gray and the second is black and so on. ...

ListView with other elements.

Hi friends, I want to show a ListView with two Buttons belows (outside of list) it. But as my Activity extends ListActivity, I am facing problems on setContentView. Can anybody please help me? Updates: Solution I got the solution. No matter which and how many elements we use on a ListActivity, the id (android:id) of ListView in XML fi...

How can I setup the row id on every row for a ListView?

Hello. I'm developing an Android application. How can I setup the row id for every item on a ListView? I don't want to use SimpleCursorAdapter. I have my owns objects, and I want to use them. These objects have and ID and a NAME. The name will be displayed and the ID will be stored to retrieve it on onListItemClick(ListView parent, Vi...

Overriding trackpad click

I have a ListActivity; and for each item in the ListView there is a checkbox. When you touch a list item, another Activity launches. When you use the trackpad/trackball to highlight (read: select) an item and click the trackpad, it essentially simulates touching the item. This causes my other Activity to launch. I would like clicking...

Text Filter: strange behavior with SimpleCursorAdapter

Hello all I have a problem with a filter on my listview. In fact that work pretty well with an IndexAdapter, but not with a SimpleCursorAdapter. In the following example, if isCursor==false, the filter work pretty well but if it is == true, the filter does not work! By the way, the adapter work pretty well. if(isCursor){ mCursorA...

Item in listview to be displayed in single line each

Hi there, I have created a simple listview and added a few items in it. I am trying to add really long text in each item. I want this text to be displayed in single line only. the text that does not fit should fade in the corners. I have seen this kind of list in samsung galaxy s but somehow I am not able to achieve this. Can anyone hel...

How to use the Android Context Menu (on tap and hold)

I am having a lot of trouble understanding how the Android context menu works. I am writing a simple program which will display a list of different types of ice cream in a list view. When the user to "taps and holds over each type, a context menu should appear with 4 options asking what information they want to be displayed about that i...

seperate items in ListView using line in wpf c#

How to seperate between items BY Lines in ListView control in WPF ? ...

notifyDataSetChanged() performance question and when/how to call in relation to a batch of data changes

I have ArrayList of custom objects that is the data underlying an ArrayAdapter for a ListView. Sometimes this data is modified in a batch, such as fetching a set of new items from the web. When the data is modified in a batch, should notifyDataSetChanged() be called after every add() to the ArrayList Some over simplified code: for(Ob...

listview with imagelist not work proper for multiple selection in custome adapter

Hi Please any one Help me out of this.. i am using listview adapter for displaying image list with check box, that allows to select multiple image form list.. code works good for images list not more than screen but if image is more than screen (for scrolling) it throws null pointer exception.. following is my code. (apterMultiChoice.ja...

android append '…' at the end textview _EDIT

Hi, I have a lsit view and i that i need to add some text. in the adapter, I need to append ... at the end and i used the following when i give android:ellipsize="end" in the only shows 2 line eg: asdnfsdfdsf asdfsdfasdf sdfsd sdfsdf sdfsd ad... And when i give android:ellipsize="start" it is as : asdnfsdfdsf asdfsdfasdfd ......

WPF: Dynamically created text with clickable links in it via binding

Hi, I do want to create a listview which consists of many items of an own class. One of the properties is a text which can contain one or more links in it. Normally I use a textblock with a binding on Text to get this content displayed. Now I do want those text being parsed for links and then dynamically make those links clickable. I f...

Android Delete from list view

i have a listview contain checkbox and image when checkbox is clicked i need to delete the checked photos, currently am dispaly a button at bottom of screen which is in realativelayout so always visible, is it standard way to delete from listview? ...

Problem when using more elements in the ListView

I have a ListView and a button in my view. Button is placed just below the listview. My listview contains 10 items. When I am running the application. I can't see the button inside the view. Because of 10 items i have to scroll the listview to see all items. If i use 4 items, I can see the button. Why it is happened? Please help me. Tha...

Android: ListView style like text messages conversations

Hey people, I was wondering if there is a simple way to style a ListView along with it's items like the conversation in android's text message app. There are rounded corners and stuff like that, where I'm not sure how I could implement this myself. I know that I could look for the source code of it, and try to copy from there, but it'...

Animate new rows in ListView with a CursorAdapter

Does anyone have any suggestions for doing this? At the moment, a new row gets added to the database and I call requery(). I'd like any new rows to animate when they show up for the first time. Many row additions will happen in the middle of the list, and not at the top or bottom. I'd like these to animate somehow so the user can see...

WPF last row listview

Hi, all!! I have a list view and bind its items to the my database by means of datacontext. <ListView x:Name="waypointList" ItemsSource="{Binding }" BorderThickness="0" ItemContainerStyle="{DynamicResource ListItemStyle}" > <ListView.View> <GridView AllowsColumnReorder="F...

Rounded corner of list item on Android?

How to setup the attribute to achieve the rounded corner for each item in the ListView? Please kindly give an example if you can, thanks! for example: EDIT: That's my code here for the answer. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="h...

Is there a good reason for a ListView header taking up a position?

I've just added a header to my ListView and I have to change a bunch of code because the header essentially becomes position 0 (Meaning the Cursor indices of my CursorAdapter do not line up with the indicies of the list. They are off by 1 now). Why? This seems a bit silly to me. The only reason I can come up with is that a developer ...