
What can cause an Oracle ROWID to change?

AFAIK ROWID in Oracle represents physical location of a record in appropriate datafile. In which cases ROWID of a record may change ? The one known to me is UPDATE on partitioned table that "moves" the record to another partition. Are there another cases ? Most of our DBs are Oracle 10. ...

SQL to return the rownum of a specific row? (using Oracle db)

In Oracle 10g, I have this SQL: select as dogId from CANINES dog order by dog.codename asc which returns: id -- 204 203 206 923 I want to extend this query to determine the oracle rownum of a in this resultset. I have tried select rownum from (select as dogId from CANINES dog order by dog.codename asc) wher...

Will rowid be reused?

In database, such as Informix, DB2, Oracle etc, will the rowid be reused pls? ...

Is there an open-source SQL database that has the concept of Oracle's "rowid" pseudo-column?

I am aware that MySQL and PostgreSQL[1] do not have that concept, so I am interested in finding out of there is an open-source SQL database that does have the concept. [1] It was later pointed out that PostgreSQL does have the rowid pseudo-column. ...

Equivalent of Oracle's RowID in SQL Server

What's the equivalent of Oracle's RowID in SQL Server? ...

Is there any way using which I can get Last Updated row Id

Hi All, Is there any way using which I can get the last row I have updated of the table. For Ex:- my table has 1000 records in it. I have updated the value of 500th record of table X. So, I want the ID 500 in return. Thanks in advance. Regards, ...

Problem when select'ing by ROWID inside procedure

Hello, I've spent hours trying to find a fix to this problem, but since I'm unable to find I've decided to ask here. I'm doing a procedure to retrieve information from a table based on the row's ROWID and with the results I'm doing some custom query using execute immediate. I've reduced the problem to the following lines, which I'm exec...

Can a rowid be invalidated right after being inserted in Oracle?

I'm running queries that look something like this: INSERT INTO foo (...) VALUES (...) RETURNING ROWID INTO :bind_var SELECT ... FROM foo WHERE ROWID = :bind_var Essentially, I'm inserting a row and getting its ROWID, then doing a select against that ROWID to get data back from that record. Very occasionally though, the ROWID won't b...

Will unique RIDs ever "overflow" ?

Hello, I am making an application to run on both SQL Server and PostgreSQL, so I am asking this question about both of them. What happens whenever you create a unique primary key(using a sequence or auto-increment type thing) and you hit over 4 billion records(32 bits)? I'm not saying that our table will have 4 billion records but rath...

SQLite3 and Implicit rowid's

SQLite3 gives you a default primary key called rowid for each table if you don't specify a primary key. However, it looks like there are some disadvantages to relying on this: The VACUUM command may change the ROWIDs of entries in tables that do not have an explicit INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. I wa...

SQLITE problem in rowid

I am using SQLite C# library and as per my requirement, before going to add I am retreving the rowid of that table. It is working fine but hetting error when table is empty. Once we add any data(a row) then it’s working fine . mDbCon = GetConnection(); SQLiteCommand cmd = mDbCon.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandTex...

ROWID (oracle) - any use for it ?

My understanding is that ROWID is a unique value for each row in the result returned by a query. why we need this ROWID ?( there is already ROWNUM is ORACLE). Have any one used ROWID in sql query? ...

Equivalent of Oracle’s RowID in MySQL

is there an equivalent of oracle's rowid in mysql? delete from my_table where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from my_table group by field1,field2) I want to make a mysql equivalent of this query!!! What i'm trying to do is, : The my_table has no primary key.. i'm trying to delete the duplicate values and impose a primary key (compo...

JQgrid - Get Row Number instead of ID

Hello, all, I am creating a JQGrid from a database table that does not contain a single field primary key. Therefore, the field i am supplying as id is not unique and the same one exists in several rows. Because of this, when passing a reference to the data with ondblClickRow to a function external to the grid i need to use the rownumb...

SQL server 2005 :Updating one record from 2 identical records

I have 2 records in a table in SQL Server 2005 db which has exactly same data. I want to update one record.Is there anyway to do it?Unfortunately this table does not have an identity column and i cant use a direct update query because both will be updated since data is same.Is there anyway using rowid or something in SQL server 2005 ? ...

Oracle Join View - which rowid is used


How can I setup the row id on every row for a ListView?

Hello. I'm developing an Android application. How can I setup the row id for every item on a ListView? I don't want to use SimpleCursorAdapter. I have my owns objects, and I want to use them. These objects have and ID and a NAME. The name will be displayed and the ID will be stored to retrieve it on onListItemClick(ListView parent, Vi...