
Showing detail from a ListView

What is the correct way of showing a new View with more detailed information from a ListView in Android? It's a topic that I can't find a solid answer for in either of these Android books. For example a list of contact names, one is selected and a view shows their full details. Do I launch a new activity for this or use a ViewFlipper? ...

ANDROID : split the screen in 2 equals parts with 2 listviews ...

Hello everyone, I'm trying to put 2 listviews into my layout. The problem is that I don't know the size of each listview in advance. The first listview could have a few items (0, 1, 2 up to roughly 10) and the second listview could have many items (up to 100). I tried to set the weight of both listviews at 1 but it did not work: => If...

Sorting a ListView by deriving GridViewColumnHeader

I am trying to implement a ListView with a GridView with sortable columns. To sort the ListView I hook up the Click event for the GridViewColumnHeaders and adding SortDescriptors to the default view source (similar to what is done in MSDN). Something like this: <ListView ItemsSource="MY ITEMS SOURCE BINDING"> <ListView.View> ...

WPF - How to have certain ListView items span columns?

I have a set of data that I'd like to present via a WPF ListView in this way: Column1 Column2 Column3 --GroupName1-- Item1 part2 part3 Item2 part2 part3 --GroupName2-- Item3 part2 part3 Item4 long_text_in_both_columns Item5 part2 part3 --GroupName1-- Item6 part2 part3 Item7 long_text_...

ListView and multi-touch gestures

Firstly, I realize this doesn't follow any particular convention. I'm just wondering if it is possible. I'd like to give my users the ability to perform an action on many items in a ListView. My ListView items already contain a checkbox for something different; and adding another checkbox is not an option (it would look ugly?). I was...

Custom ListView and context menu. How to get it?

I have a two layouts files in my app. Also I have Activity extends ListActivity. Every item of this activity looks consider item.xml layout file. I am trying to get context menu when make long presss on item, but I don't see it. In my activity I trying to registerForContextMenu(getListView()) and override two methods @Override pu...

Android - Prevent ListView from shrinking child views

The Android ListView widget (2.2) has a default behavior that shrinks all the child views when the ListView scrolls. I want to disable this behavior and do no shrinking of the child views so that they always remain the same size -- how can I do this? ...

WPF ListView selection cannot be cleared on load?

I looked at several related answers, and determined that I can programmatically clear the selection by setting lstData.SelectedIndex = -1; However, when I do it right after setting the data context on startup, somehow it never works and gets set to select the first element in the list. I also tried adding the setting to the XAML, and -1...

ListView with Alphabet on Android

Hi, I want to do a listview on android and it contains an alphabet near of the list (like iphone application). I couldnt find any way to implement an list and having alphabets, when ı click on c letter list scrolling and start with the c Letter. Thanks ...

android: Custom (compund) control in ListView

Hi! I have a srange trouble wit the ListView: I've created the compound control public class TopicControl extends LinearLayout .... <merge xmlns:android=""&gt; <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/llTopicHeader" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="...

Android ListView Divider

I have this code: <ListView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/cashItemsList" android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" android:divider="@drawable/list_divider"></ListView> where @drawable/list_divide is: <shape xmlns:android="

Problems changing the style of certain items in a ListView

I have a ListView of TextViews and to highlight one of these, I want to make the TextView bold. This only works if I don't scroll the ListView. After I scroll, the boldness changes to a different position. Does anyone know why, or how I can solve this problem? ...

Android ListView Laggy and Child Views Shrinking

I am programatically building a ListView that does FILL_PARENT for width, and WRAP_CONTENT for height, then centering it in its parent view. The ListView is semi-transparent so the activity behind it is visible, so I use: list.setCacheColorHint(0); list.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(200, 0, 0, 0)); Other than that, it is a completely ...

Android ArrayAdapter Filtering problems

While working on this app, I wanted to use a Custom List Adapter so that I could style the list but the Filter functionality is not working. I got the basic filtering to work but the application crashes as soon as the list of filtered results is less than the number of listItems shown when I start filtering. There is also a second probl...

Can't click on ListView whose rows are made of WebViews

Hi, I have an Activity which extends ListView The ListView that I use is an extension of ArrayAdapter and each row of the ListView primarily consists of a WebView The problem is that touching the WebView does not call OnListItemClick. Any thoughts on how I can be able to touch the webview and call OnListItemClick? Or is there something...

Update contact notes through listview

I'd like to add a boolean property to a contact. To store this property I noticed that I can store custom notes with my own mimetype. So I created a listview which displays all contacts. The listview contains a checkbox and a text field. When the status of the checkbox changes I'd like to update the contact. public static final String ...

WPF - Need an event for when VirtualizingStackPanel creates Items for ListView

Is there any way to tell when the containers are finished being made for a ListView? A detailed explanation of what I've done so far I have a ListView control that has a DataTemplate in one of its columns that contains a CheckBox Control.. I've figured out how to access the CheckBox dynamically using the object that the ListView is bo...

Bottom border for list view in android

Hi, I'm trying to add a bottom border my listview in android The code i used is <ListView android:id="@+id/listview" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1" android:scrollbars="horizontal" android:background="#ffffff" android:cacheColorHint="#ffffff" /> I...

C# Ensuring the GUI is as smooth as possible

Hi guys I'm being overly simplistic here, but say I have a WinForm with several controls on it (for example: a textbox, a treeview and a listview). To ensure the smoothest possible experience for the future (for instance, that listview may one day hold a lot of data), what should be done at the start? My knowledge of this kind of thin...

WPF ListView Grouping specification for one row

I'm studying the sample from MSDN( which makes all the records expanded in groups. Is that possible that if there is only one record in a group, then the row can not be expanded and also the toggle button and the whole expander head are not visible. ...