
Custom ListView Adapter [Android]

Hello, I've been stuck on a little bug trying to implement a custom listview in Java for an Android application. I'm trying to list a bunch words (typically, 100 < n < 500) and highlight a subset of those rows by changing the text color. The both sets of words (global and subset) are listed in a collection (currently an ArrayList) The...

How to prevent OnItemClickListener work when long click performed ?

I have a gridview and i want its items to act different if user performs click or long click that is why i am using OnItemClickListener and OnItemLongClickListener but when long click happens both listeners react.I want to perform only OnItemLongClickListener. ...

Arrays and ListView in Android

I have a ListView that displays every item in an array called, "Facts_Array". What I would like to do is display the count of the item clicked on. Right now I have this: lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,int position, long id) {

Switching View Midactivity

I have a listview that is the main part of my activity. When there are no objects in the listview, I want to replace it with a helpful message (a TextView). I simply call setContentView again if the list is unpopulated in onResume. However, this only works for the TextView. If I call setContentView(R.layout.mylayout), then I get a blank...

Adnroid Listview with spinner and a checkbox

Hello guys I am a newbie to android development. I am trying to create a List which has a spinner, a edit text and a check box. The data for spinner and check box come from data base. I have the following files. NewTransac class which extends ListActivity private PayDbAdapter mDbHelper; private Spinner paySpinner; private CheckBox mC...

ANDROID : Adding Empty Space to End of ListView

Good Morning, I have a ListView that with alphabetical headers for each letter. I also have an index function that brings the letter headers to the top of the screen. My problem is when I reach the end of the list setSelection is unable to bring the last few headers to the top because it will not scroll past the end of the list. My...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

Hey guys, So I've got a lazy image loader for my ListView. I also use this tutorial for better memory management and have SoftReference Bitmap images stored in my ArrayList. My ListView works loads 8 images from a DB then once the user scrolls all the way to the bottom it loads another 8 etc etc. There was no issue when there were arou...

load html at listview item onclick

Hi guys, I'm now stuck in html loading from my assets folder. I've several html pages under assets folder and have to load those at listview item onclick. Each listview item own their html pages.Does anybody know how i can get onclick event and how to show specific html pages ? Thanks ...

How to get the state of checkbox in a onListItemClick in Listactivity?

Android ListView if my list has 10 items.. the onclick listener is fired only for the 10th item. How to get the state of checkbox in a onListItemClick in Listactivity? I have a class OnItemClickListener like this: private class OnItemClickListener implements OnClickListener { private int mPosition; public OnItemClickListener(...

How can I manually recreate a Contextmenu for a Child of a ListView on Resume?

Hi, I have a ListView with a ContextMenu. If the ContextMenu is open and the Orientation changes, I want to reopen the Contextmenu for the Child of the ListView, that was clicked on. I tried to do this in "OnResume", but at this point, the ListView seems to have no Children. Anybody knows an answer? Thanks in advance. ...

How to get bitmap data from SysListView32?

I want to get bitmap data of windows desktop wallpaper. And, I want to draw some text directly to the bitmap. First, I tried getting bitmap data by following code. #include <windows.h> #include <Commctrl.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR cmdLine, int showCmd) { CoInitialize(NULL);...

adapters notifyDataSetChanged does not work

EDIT 2: I did solve my problem, but i don't know how:S I was moving my code snippets a bit around, a suddenly it worked. Must have done something in the wrong order, but its weird, checked it many times. Thanks for you help, and sorry I can't post an answer ;) Hi. I have a list view which I'm trying to refresh to update it self when i...

C# resizing issue

I have a form with a TableLayoutPanel docked to it, and with a textbox, image, treeview and listview within that panel. When the user resizes the form, these controls resize with it, but there is a noticeable delay if the user resizes quickly or if the user maximizes the entire form; the delay is so considerable that I was able to scree...

ListView and propagating click events from children views in the items

I have a ListView with custom items - 3 ImageViews and a TextView. I have a call to setItemsCanFocus(true), so I can make the ImageViews clickable. I'm currently using SimpleAdapter to populate the View. I'd like to trigger the AdapterView's onItemClick event when one of those subviews is clicked. The onItemClickListener receives a view...

WPF - How to make a ListView with differing group styles

I have a set of data that I'd like to present via a WPF ListView in this way: Column1 Column2 Column3 --GroupName1-- Item1 part2 part3 Item2 part2 part3 --GroupName2-- Item3 part2 part3 Item4 long_text_in_both_columns Item5 part2 part3 --GroupName1-- Item6 part2 part3 Item7 long_text_...

Context menu in list activity.

Hi. I have list activity with custom array adapter and I can't to get context menu when make long press on list item. <TabWidget android:id="@android:id/tabs" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> <FrameLayout android:id="@android:id/tabcontent" ...

listview addFooterView problems

i have content i need to display above my listview and below, so much that a scrollview would be great to use if you could use scrollviews and listviews together. Since thats not the best solution, i've been trying to do a couple of things to add footer content to my listview, here the pic below shows what happens when i add a differen...

Android listview groups

I have Activity for displaying search results. It extends ListActivity. I need to show search results in listview grouping several items. So, how do I add grouping to my listview? ...

Android: how do I create a listview screen with different content for each row

I'm looking to create a listview screen similar to the Sound Setting screen (in the built in Settings app, see image below), i.e I want some rows to have text + checkboxes, other rows to have text + "pop up" buttons, some rows should have text only etc. What is the best way to accomplish this? ...

getItemAtPosition() not returning value in listview

I have created a custom Base Adapter class, to populate a list view with image and text. The code of class is as below : public class ViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter { private Activity activity; private String[] data; private static LayoutInflater inflater=null; public ImageLoader imageLoader; private ArrayList<String> items; public ...