
Static headers on a listview

I have a ListActivity with obviously a ListView on it. This ListView consists of different sections, each of them have a header. When I display the list of items to the user, first header is on top. If user scrolls, header is hidden and rest of items are displayed. I know how to make that simple header static, always on top, but what i ...

Android ContentObserver

Hi, I have a Cursor 'c' that generates a ListView. The Content Provider ensures that the ListView gets updated whenever the underlying data changes. However, I want to additionally make a call to another function to update my Header/Footer views everytime the listview is drawn. How does one implement this with ContentObservers? ...

Android listView and selected items, with a custom ListAdapter

Hello, Android has ListView component which is quite nice. The problem is that I created my own adapter to supply viewitems for each item displayed and I don't get anymore: Background color change when i scroll the items using up/down arrows Background color change when I select an item. How do I do that? ...

C# Windows Listview Scrollbar

In windows forms ,how can I bring the default scroll bar inside the listview. Please refer image attached. ...

Listview, Webview or ? to create a tournament draw

I am wondering what the best way to render a tournament draw (scrollable) might be for android. Since I am new to this, I was not sure whether to invest time creating a ListView sort of thing or dynamically building html pages and rendering them with WebView. Or I could plop everything into a regular scrollable text view, perhaps. The ...

Custom ListView background problem

I have a LinearLayout layout with a ListView in it. I've made the android:background of the LinearLayout (I've also tried it on the ListView) be an image that I would like for my background. This works fine enough. However, when I start scrolling through the ListView, the background often disappears and becomes black. If I move it ar...

How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows

In iOS, there is a very easy and powerful facility to animate the addition and removal of UITableView rows, here's a clip from a youtube video showing the default animation. Note how the surrounding rows collapse onto the deleted row. This animation helps users keep track of what changed in a list and where in the list they were lookin...

Finding the row and column in a listview that the mouse cursor is over

I have a simple ListView, essentially creating a MxN grid. "FullRowSelect" is off. Essentially we have a grid of cells. I am trying to find out of the mouse is over a cell that contains an Item, and if so, what Item it is. GetItemAt(...) is close to what I want to do, but not quite. If there is text in the "cell", then GetItemAt() r...

Android: Why to use a hashmap?

Hi, Someone told me hashmaps are rather slow. So I am just wondering whether to use a hashmap or simply a switch case logic. My requirement is this. I have a set of CountryNames and CountryCodes. My ListView displays the names of the countries. When an country name item is clicked, I must Toast the CountryCode. In such a scenario, sho...

How to draw like this in CView

How to implement the list appearance which showed in the image in a CView ...

Databound WPF TabControl with ListView is causing scrolling issues

I have a WPF application using a TabControl bound to a collection of the MyTab class. Each TabItem has a ListView bound to the Items property of the MyTab class. My problem is that scrolling up or down in any ListView is affecting the position of all the others. XAML: <Window> <Window.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="TabHeaderTem...

How to restore last values of listview and other views after coming app from foreground ?

When i click home button and then come back to to my application it doesn't show the last values on the listview or any other view it just look same with when i started the application.I believe it is can be done with onResume and onPause but i couldn't find how . ...

Backing to ListActivity causing undesirable behavior

I've been messing with some layouts for my ListActivity's ListView and found a problem: When I click a list item it starts a new Activity. Unfortunately, when I click the back button to go back to my ListActivity, the scrollbar of the ListView is all the way at the top. It used to be that, when I clicked the back button, the user woul...

Control Layout Template

I need a way to layout controls in a page. Let me ask you by example. I have four different action buttons (Edit, Delete, etc..) that do the same actions on any page, but sometimes I want them laid out horizontally and some other times vertically, depending on which page is displaying them. So I thought of placing all four buttons in a u...

In Android, how do you capture the text value of the item clicked in a ListView?

What I'm trying to do is set the text of the item I click on into the myEditText. Not sure how to access the specific item in ListView though... ListView myListView = (ListView)findViewById(; final EditText myEditText = (EditText)findViewById(; ... myListView.setAdapter(aa); myListVie...

Two independent ListViews on the same screen + TextView header

I have two ListViews, each of them containing a String[] that I created locally. I wanted to show both of them on the same screen, but still maintaining their properties (List 1 having its background color, while List 2 has its). Can this be accomplished? Also, I'm trying to add a locally created TextView to the screen; I've tried addHe...

XML: Embedding a checkbox in a column of a listview

Hi folks, Here is my problem. I have some products name stored in the rows of my line view (retrieved from db). I would like to add a checkbox in a column so that the user could select some products he would like (and then update the db). Could someone please tell me how to do that in xml? Thank you. PS:Yes i am a newbie ...

Repeating RatingBar wonkiness in a ListView using RelativeLayout

Here is some xml for a row in a ListView: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:padding="6dip"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/cover" android:layout_width="64dip" android:layout_height="64dip" android:layout_alignParentT...

problem sorting ListView by column

I'm having some problem figuring out which listview column header was clicked on. In the XAML, I have this: ListView Name="myListView" ItemsSource="{Binding MyItemList}" GridViewColumnHeader.Click="ListView_Click" And once there is a click on the column header, I handle it like this: private void ListView_Click(object sender, Routed...

Android ArrayAdapter & ListView slowness

Hello, To display & load images in my ListView I've created a custom ArrayAdapter, however it is really slow. Every time I scroll through the list it loads the images again. Is there a caching mechanism which will cache my Views so I don't need to refill them every time? I know about the ViewHolder method, however this still is slow or...