
ItemsControl, VirtualizingStackPanel and ScrollViewer height

I want to display a important list of items using an ItemsControl. The reason why I'm using an ItemsControl is that the DataTemplate is much more complex in the application I'm working on: The sample code provided only reflects the sizing problem I have. I would like : the ItemsControl to be virtualized because there is many items to...

ListBox, VirtualizingStackPanel, and Smooth Scrolling in WPF

I have a ListBox that may have many rows of templated DB records, including an Image, bound to an ObservableCollection. Sometimes the Collection could hold thousands of items. The performance is great, but the Scrolling is the default jumpy behavior. I would like it to have Smooth Scrolling, so I unchecked ScrollViewer.CanContentScrol...

WPF Virtualizing Combobox

I have a combobox created in code with 30,000 items in WPF, and it was truly slow - probably rendering all the rows. I did this to fix it: cboValue = System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Parse("<ComboBox xmlns=""""&gt;&lt;ComboBox.ItemsPanel&gt;&lt;ItemsPanelTemplate&gt;&lt;Virtualizi...

how to create a 2D grid of images in wpf that is scrollable vertically and horizontally?

I want to create a grid of images with say 10 images in a row, 10 in the next row and so on.. Also I want to use virtualizing stack panel to render only visible images. Whenever I try to use a listbox in a stackpanel I get either a horizontal or vertical alignment. How should I go about it? ...

WPF - Virtualizing an ItemsControl?

I have an ItemsControl containing a list of data that I would like to virtualize, however VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="True" does not seem to work with an ItemsControl. Is this really the case or is there another way of doing this that I am not aware of? To test I have been using the following block of code: <ItemsControl V...

How to obtain the panel within a treeview (WPF)

How can one obtain the panel that is used within a TreeView? I've read that by default TreeView uses a VirtualizingStackPanel for this. When I look at a TreeView template, all I see is <ItemsPresenter />, which seems to hide the details of what panel is used. Possible solutions: 1) On the treeview instance ("tv"), from code, do this:...

Scroll a ListBox's VirtualizingStackPanel with buttons

I have a Listbox displaying 5 items at a time, horizontally. I want to implement a 'Previous' and 'Next' button that when clicked, will display the previous set of 5, or next set of 5 items. I am not displaying the horizontal scroll bar, as I don't want a user to navigate with that. Is there already some functionality implemented so I...

Need to trigger an event when ListBoxItem is clicked in ControlTemplate

I'm overriding the styles of my ListBoxItems with a ControlTemplate, however by doing that, I lost the handler for my ListBoxItem click event. I found a post that was helpful in saying I need to add an event handler in the ControlTemplate, but I don't know how to do this. Any help & direction on doing this is greatly appreciated! ...

Is it possible to make a HeaderedItemsControl use a VirtualizingStackPanel effectively?

I'm building an application that displays a hierarchy of Node objects. Each node has a collection of Field objects, plus a Children property of type ObservableCollection<Node>. I've created a user control to display the Node objects. This control is a HeaderedItemsControl whose header lays out all of the Field objects, and whose Items...

VirtualizingStackPanel Is not working

I have the following ListBox: <ScrollViewer> <!--Spec Definitions--> <ListBox DataContext="{Binding SpecPackageSpecGroupListViewModel}" VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="True" VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode="Recycling" ScrollViewer.IsDeferredScrollingEnabled="True" ...

wpf - HierarchicalDataTemplate, VirtualizingStackPanel, Window Resize (maximize)

Hi, I am having a problem with a wpf treeview that uses a HierarchicalDataTemplate in conjunction with a VirtualizingStackPanel. Using the code provided below, I run the application and expand all the treeviewitems. I then make the viewport "small" so that items are virtualized. ...

WPF - Need an event for when VirtualizingStackPanel creates Items for ListView

Is there any way to tell when the containers are finished being made for a ListView? A detailed explanation of what I've done so far I have a ListView control that has a DataTemplate in one of its columns that contains a CheckBox Control.. I've figured out how to access the CheckBox dynamically using the object that the ListView is bo...

What is the Disadvantage of VirtualizingStackPanel?

What is/are the main disadvantage of VirtualizingStackPanel? If it doesn't have any, then why it is not made as a default panel behavior/template in ItemsControl? ...