
Android: who can help me with setting up this google maps class please??

Hi, Firstly this has turned out to be quite a long post so please bear with me as its not too difficult but you may need to clarify something with me if i haven't explained it correctly. So with some help the other day from guys on this forum, i managed to partially set up my 'mapClass' class, but i'm having trouble with it and its not r...

ASP ListView: How do I access the data that is databound to the rows?

I want to access the data that was databound to my list view when handling list view events such as: protected void List_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e) or protected void List_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e) Inside the events, I can not access the data via somthing like Eval("ID") Curr...

C# Virtual Mode List View Click 1 Selects More Than One Items

I have a list view with virtual mode set to true and other things. It doing ok. But 1) Say there are 25 items and 15 of them are visible, that is to see the rest of 10 items need to scroll down. 2) Before scrolling swap two items, say myItems[0], it must be visible & myItems[20], it must be not visible scroll required. 3) Now select t...

ListView items won't show focus when touched

I've got a ListView that works just great, except for this minor annoyance. I can use the trackball/dpad to move up and down my list, and the background changes according to which row has focus. But when I touch the row (click or long click), there's no background change letting me know what's been focused. I've tried setting 'focusab...

Showing SelectedItem Details to its side

I've a ListView bound to an ObservableCollection<Foo>. On selecting a ListViewItem I display the details of the SelectedItem(Foo members) in a container. It works fine. Now all I want is to display the details just next to the SelectedItem. ie, If I select the fourth ListViewItem then the Container's Top should be the same as the ListVi...

How can I programmatically add a multi-column ListViewItem without any data binding?

Hello everyone, I have a ListView with 3 headers, declared in XAML as follows: <ListView Name="myListView"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="H1"/> <GridViewColumn Header="H2"/> <GridViewColumn Header="H3"/> </GridView> </ListView.View> </ListView> I want to programmatically add a ListVi...

Creating a split button for a custom ListView adapter

I'd like to make a list adapter that formats views like this: I want to be able to fire a different onClick when the user clicks the image. I have defined the onClick on the image itself in the getView() override, but how do I then get the position of the line that was clicked so I can update the record in the database to record the ...

android listview viewholder. when to use it, and when not to

I have a ListView with a custom list adapter. In the getView() method, am using the ViewHolder 'pattern' as shown in the API Demos for When i first render the list it seems to load correctly. However, the issue i'm running into is that when i scroll the list, i'm seeing the data for the list show up in the wrong rows ...

How to find the header in listview progrmatically

i have a list view and how to find the list view header programtically listviewitemtype.dataitem and listviewitem.footer is there but how to find the header programatically ...

WPF:How Can Get the position of image which in ListView Item ?

ListViewItem Contain one thumbnail, when the mouse over the thumbnail,I want to show a big Image, the center should equal between thumbnail and big image, any suggestion? sorry about my poor English, there is a photo about my idea, maybe you can see what I said: ...

How to draw horizontal line in ListView?

Is there any better way to draw a black horizontal line than defining layout with fixed height and black background? ...

How do I attach an id to a ListViewItem?

In my latest project, I have a ListView that is bound to an ObservableCollection. This ObservableCollection contains a number of objects of my class SongData: public class SongData { public int Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Artist { get; set; } } These objects are filled with data derived...

How to share menu-items between the listview and its items?

Hi everyone, I have a listview and want to have 2 context menus for it: 1) when right-click on an item (called Menu 1) and 2) when right-click on elsewhere spaces except the items (called Menu 2). There are sub set of menu-items shared between the two - let's call this CommonMenu. My test application is store here. My problem is: when t...

Trying to get value out of text view in list view click event in android

I have a click event hooked up to my listview as shown. int[] GenusListIDs = {,, }; SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.genusitem, cursor_genuslist, service.GenusListColumns, GenusListIDs); ListView list_Genus = (ListView)findViewById(

How to change background color of ListViewItem dynamically?

I have a BookItemView class for data template of ListViewItem. /// <summary> /// Represent a class to keep every items view. /// </summary> public class BookItemView : ICloneable { /// <summary> /// Create a new instance of BookItemView. /// </summary> public BookItemView() { ...

Containing hidden "objects" in ListviewItem, with inheritance?

Hello! I have a listview control, and it's data refreshing continously. I'd like to 'put' an XElement into a row, so I if e.g. double-click on the row, the double-click would call a method, with the 'hidden' xelement parameters. I hope I started to solve it, the debugger doesn't show any errors, but I don't know how to reach the XEleme...

Using inputType on a TextView in a list item layout

Hi, I've made a ListActivity. I have an xml file that defines the layout for this Activity. I also have an xml file that defines the layout for an item in that list. This item layout has 3 TextViews inside of it. If I add the inputType="text" property to one of these TextViews, the onListItemClick handler no longer executes when I r...

C#: Prevent ListViewItem Image to be rendered selected

Hello, I was wondering whether it would be possible to have a ListView, in which items can be selected as usual with one difference. When a ListViewItem is selected, I would like to see the selection in the text label, however I would prefer the image to remain the same. The reason for this is, that currently the blue selection drawn o...

Android - Get ListView item height?

Hi! Is there a way to get ListViewItem height in code, when there is no actual items in list? My ListViewItem layout: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight"> ... </LinearLayout> I have tr...

List view row Selection

hi i have a simple list view control my queries are: 1) how to set first row selected on start (after fill data in list view) 2) when i navigate by hardware button i got AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener and color of row background change, but when i click i not get any OnItemSelectedListener and no row selected. How to select row on...