
"Update" function not working in IE 7 or 8 but works in Firefox

Internet Explorer seems to be ignoring this .live function call during updating records but it works fine in FF. if $("form#updateform").live("submit", function(){ line is changed to $("form#updateform").live("click", function(){ update function is working perfectly in IE but in Firefox if i click on any object it take...

Get live market quotes on global indices

Hi, I need to connect to some sort of web service and get live data regarding global indices ( the DOW index, the S&P/TSX in Canada, the Hang Seng index in Hong Kong and so on ). I need to display this data on my website. I was wondering whether any of you know any organization that provides such stock/market/index information. I do ...

Display PHP Progress Live [Server Setting?]

Hey, well I have this script and basically it's doing a loop of stuff, now when I was running the same script on my friends server it would display the progress live, like display text as it was doing the loop. But now for some reason on my server, it's waiting until the scripts done executing completely before displaying any data wha...

displaying live feeds : dailybooth live feed, twitter search result stream

What is the web technology behind displaying live feeds like twitter search results and dailybooth live feed? Can I get similar results from any RSS with some coding? ...

jQuery .dialog on load()

I want do wrap error messages that appears (in #error div) and disappears from page to page in a jQuery UI dialog. Some of error messages are added dynamically by jQuery $('body').append('blablabla') or another insertion method. So this construction: $('#error').load(function() { $('#error').dialog({ draggable: false, ...

Updating wallpaper service variables, from Settings Activity.

Hi All, In my live wallpaper app, I am facing this issue. I want to update my LiveWallpaper service with values that User types in the wallpaper settings activity. (e.g String) What I have done til now : Converted the wallpaper service to implment SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener interface, to listen if any changes d...

jquery live event for added dom elements

I want to add a class to any DOM element that is on the page now or in the future that has a specified class and meets some criteria so for some pseudo code $('.location').live('load',function(){ if($(this).find('input:first').val().substr(0,1) == "!"){ $(this).addClass('hidden')} }); of course this does nothing EDIT NOTE this ...

Can Python + Qt combination produce a real time spectral analysis tool?

Hi I want to develop a tool that does the following things. take in a live voice recording produce a real time spectrogram show the time-domain signal output few values extracted from the spectral analysis All of these have to be kept updated in a window as the voice is recorded. I have worked with numpy. But I'm completely new to...

ASP.NET Third party chart for showing live data

Hi, We are building a financial web application which requires a real time chart. Initially an empty chart will be shown to the customer with X-Axis from 08:00 to 18:00 with a gap of 2 hours, i.e 6 points. The Y-axis should be adjusted based on the price between these timings. Now, from 08:00 the client(browser) will send a JSON/Ajax re...

jquery toggle can't be used with live, then how can I toggle images with live function?

The following code works fine when it is first loaded. However when I use ajax, then the toggle does not work. I found that I am not able use toggle with .live function. How can I change this code with using live function? This code toggle a div to show and hide and the same time change the icons up and down. Thanks in advance. $('...

Testing in-app purchase after going live

Hi, I would like to make a contest for my iPhone and iPad apps users. I would like to give some bonus content for winners as a reward. Normally that content is paid (for eg. additional levels) and it's available via in-app purchase, so I'm trying to find any way to give them something like normal promo codes. (Promo codes are not workin...

Using a .live for a key up for a text area in jquery

$textarea.keyup(function(){ update(); }); I tired to add the live funtion to it. Like the following ${ update(); })); but i get Uncaught ReferenceError: keyup is not defined What am i doing wrong? ...

How do you change a "a href" link but only certain selected ones in jQuery?

I want to change the behaviour on a "a href" link but only on ones that have a custom made attribute called open e.g. <a href="#" action="open">Link 1</a> <a href=""&gt;&lt;/a&gt; I want to change only the behaviour of the first one. So I do a: jQuery('a[action|=open]').live('click', function(evt) { do ...

akamai osmf live stream connection woes

I know this stream works because of two reasons: 1) It works OUTSIDE of OSMF 2) It works in the akamai support player: I don't believe the current akamai support player is using OSMF (which is suprising since they built the predecessor to osmf..) My question is: How in the world do I play a live str...

How can I get the current contentURL when MPMoviePlayerViewController playing a XXX.m3u8 file??

Hey,every humen. When i use .m3u8 file for playing,how can I get the current contentURL when MPMoviePlayerViewController playing a XXX.m3u8 file?? The .m3u8 file‘s content is: EXTM3U EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1, BANDWIDTH=9600 http://XXXXX/test03-1/ EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1, BANDWIDTH=5120 http:/...

How to make new objects draggeble with live

Hello I have an Object like this (reduced form) <script type="text/javascript"> var tables = [ {id : 1, name : "event", attributes: [ { attname : "eventID", PK : true } ] } </script> and i use the microsoft template plugin to create ne HTML <script id="db_tbl_template" type="text/html"> <div...

jQuery live function not working

Further to my last question I need to add in the .live() function as i'm adding the content dynamically This is what I have now $('.PointsToggle').live('each',function() { $this = $(this); if ($this.text() == 'POINTS STATEMENT - AVAILABLE 7AM TOMORROW') { $this.width(510); } els...

How to give user live feedback for Rails form

I need to make a Rails form that responds back to the user live as they input fields. Specifically, the user will need to input four decimal fields representing data from some tests our company runs. The problem is that the testers often input incorrectly (leave out a digit, or hit a '4' instead of a '1', etc). This is easy to check, ...

jQuery UI Droppable : how to make it live ?

In this question, draggables are created on the fly, when the mouse enters the element to drag. I'd like to do the same kind of thing, but with droppables : decides whether to make the element droppable only when the dragged element arrives over it. I'm sure it's possible but after a bit of research, I couldn't make it. I tried things ...

die() on single elements

I've attached some live() listeners in order to automatically make ajax calls for every link with ajax in the url: $("document").ready(function() { $('a[href^="/ajax"]').live('click', call); }); function call(e, context, link) { e && e.preventDefault(); link = link || this; if(typeof link == "string" || !$(link).hasClas...