
android locale 2nd part code ignored

My question is exactly the same as this one. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3599508/how-to-set-different-locales-in-android I checked, my phone supports en_PK and en_BE. My resource folders are values-en-rPK and values-en-rBE. When i change locale, android seems to ignore the 2nd part of locale (country code), and always picks the...

Why does appending a common suffix reverse the collation order in the en_US locale?

The following code #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $s1 = '[email protected]'; my $s2 = '[email protected]'; my $s3 = 'aaa2000'; my $s4 = 'aaa_2000'; no locale; print "\nNO Locale:\n\n"; if ($s1 gt $s2) {print "$s1 is > $s2\n";} if ($s1 lt $s2) {print "$s1 is < $s2\n";} if ($s1 eq $s2) {print "$s1 is = $s2\n";} if ($...

C# String to Float Conversion

Hi there, I need to convert a string to a float. These is is my example string: 1 MW +00000.00 mm 2 MW +0000.000 mm 3 MW -00000.01 mm 4 MW +00000.00 mm 5 MW +00002.92 mm 6 MW +00002.69 mm And this is what i'm doing: text = text.Substring(pos + 5, 9).Trim(); float val = 0.0F; float.TryParse(texto, out val); this.txtDi...

Rails/Devise - Add ruby code in a locale file ?

Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to add ruby code in a locale file. For example: devise: failure: unconfirmed: 'You have to confirm your account before continuing. <%= link to "send confirmation instructions?", user_confirmation_path %>' Thanks for your help! ...

Response.write and locale settings

Hello, I am using VB .NET 4.0, ISS 7.0. I wondered how can I set the default locale for all applications? The problem is rising when I have a Response.Write(str) the numbers appear with ","(german notation) rather than "."(us notation). From where .NET knows that he need to use the german locale? In every my js script I have added ...

Sort char * With Special (german) Characters?

The problem I'm having is that I need to sort a whole bunch of char pointers, but they have special characters. I managed to get a sorting procedure like so: std::sort(dict_.begin(), dict_.end(), comp); bool comp(NumPair& a, NumPair& b) { return boost::lexicographic_compare(a.pFirst, b.pFirst); } This worked great, except that al...