
How do you access a website running on localhost from iPhone browser

I am working on a Mobile website and would like to test it using my iPhone browser. My Win7 machine and iPhone are on the same wireless network. How do I access local host from the iPhone? Right now I get a 404 error. TIA ...

Client connection on localhost fails when Internet connection is down

I have a .net service that runs an HTTPListener on port 8080. In this scenario, we are running a client on the same machine as the server, connecting at localhost:8080. On our demo machine (great!), when the internet is not connected, all connections to the server fail. I do have two errors in my logs: The I/O operation has been abor...

Localhost on windows 7 configuration issue

When I am making changes on my localhost, it is not working. I am on windows 7 but when I copy the file in which the changes were made, and try to execute them in Windows XP, its working. I as I asked someone who has a lot of knowledge on this and they said it is a configuration issue. Someone else told me it was because of output cachi...

Change path in Joomla from localhost

I have joomla install on IIS with a domain that's not registered yet, so we are still using the IP address.. So whenever you go "home" or do some actions in the admin panel it keeps trying to go back to localhost - how do I change it - or do I need to wait for the domain to come on... The website is here btw - ...

Test PHP's mail funtion from localhost

I need to test a function that uses PHP's mail() How can I do this without uploading the script to a server and test it online? What's even more I am developing with no Internet connection at all. I am on Mac OSX running localhost from XAMPP. ...

PHP/MySQL strange problem affecting fetch from database only when user logged in..

So I have this function that gets data from database and echoes it. The function takes from the database the article id, article title, and some other data.. When the user is not logged in, the function works good and shows all the data, but when a user is logged in, suddenly only the article title is fetched.. All the data is in the sa...

Unable to access/find TeamCity localhost page

Hi, I have a reoccurring problem with TeamCity. On my company I have installed TeamCity three different times and successfully connected them to some kind of SVN-repo. But after a while I have always got the same error, unable to access localhost, i.e. TeamCity's login-page (I start the browser and it can't find localhost). I have tr...

Installing IPB on localhost

I have mamp installed on my mac and I successfully installed IPB however when i go to visit my board it says. "could not determine your IP address" How can I disable this check or spoof an IP? ...

VS-2008 cannot find localhost, how can I get it to find it again?

I am using IIS 7.5 on Windows 7, Visual Studio 2008 and a MVC2 Web Application. I previously built the web application on the built in server then swapped over to IIS, all was good. I added SSL and port 443 into the bindings and since then have not been able to get VS to find localhost. When I try to create a virtual directory through...

WCF: How to connect to service by IP:Port

I need to test WCF service, but have only one computer, so my service and client are running on the same machine. Here is the App.config of WCF Service: <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8000/MyService"/&gt; </baseAddresses> </host> <endpoint address="" binding="wsDualHttpBinding" contract="...

Using reCAPTCHA on localhost

I'm developing a website using PHP and I want to make a human verification in one of the sessions. For the development, I'm initially running the system locally and when it is ready, I'm gonna make put it on in a certain domain. In the reCAPTCHA website it is said that the plugin will only work at the given domain (and subdomains). My ...

Friendly URLs for localhost ASP.NET websites

I Use Visual Studio 2010 with ASP.NET 4.0 and IIS7. When I open my site, the URL looks like this http://localhost:6549/Website/help/tab/contact-us I want a friendly URL: http://mysite/help/tab/contact-us or anything that will help me to get rid of the Port 6549 from URL http://localhost/Website/help/tab/contact-us I use ASP.NET ...

register DLL in ASP.NET

I'm getting Error Type: Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid class string /ErrorProcess.asp, line 64 error while I try to run my project in ASP.NET. I've registered all the necessary DLLs but it is not working. Do I have to restart my machine after registration? or is there any other problem? ...

Localhost extensions check

Hi. I have to install big CMS on my localhost, but it requires mcrypt, and pdo_mysql. Before I've tried to install them, I've tried to access site, but I only got blank page. I'm running apache on windows, so I heard that I have to keep dll's in php extension folder. I've downloaded from dlldll.com (it's not ad) files php_pdo_mysql.dll,...

cannot use vs2008 debugger for IIS 7.5n with Windows 7

I am following the instructions exactly from the IIS site http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/387/using-visual-studio-2008-with-iis-7/ But when I do the "2. In Visual Studio, use the Build \ Publish option to publish the contents of your Web application to an IIS 7 Web site. " step I get the following error. ------ Publish started: Projec...

How do i map http://localhost:8080 to http://mysites in iis7?

Basically i want to be able to type in http://mysites and it show me my localsite rather than typing in http://localhost:8080/? I intend to do it a few times like http://localhost:8181 to http://mysites2 I thought you could do it via hosts file? This is all localy on my machine ...

How do I fix my MySQL server.

I use a local Apache server for many things, but I never really had a use for MySql. I recently decided to keep a local copy of Wordpress, so I installed MySql. I tried to install PHPMYADMIN, but every time I tried to log on I got a blank screen. I tried with good and bad credentials and even the CONFIG mode. I even did the same thing w...

Silverlight Cross - Zone WCF access

I need to provide a localhost (self hosted) WCF - service for a Silverlight application. This service will provide all kinds of local functionality (legacy stuff, but also access to advanced hardware devices) to the Silverlight application. Imagine the following situation: Customer needs to use POS - printers in their native mode, but ...

Access to localhost on the pc from mobile phone via wifi-adhoc?

hi, im a newbie web designer. im studying on programming websites for mobile phones. i want to create a php-website for s60 devices. im using apache server on my computer in the designing process. the question is: how can i access to localhost which is on the computer from an s60 device(n95 8gb) . i tried with adhoc wifi. but it didnt wo...

Running OSX MAMP test server on VirtualBox Windows 7

I have MAMP server and several test sites installed on my OSX 10.6.3. I just installed Windows 7 on a VirtualBox virtual machine. I have managed to successfully share folders to the Windows installation, but I am wondering if I can run my MAMP sites in Windows without installing a different Localhost there. Does anyone know if this is p...