
Add attribute 'checked' on click jquery

Hi there, I've been trying to figure out how to add the attribute "checked" to a checkbox on click. The reason I want to do this is so if I check off a checkbox; I can have my local storage save that as the html so when the page refreshes it notices the checkbox is checked. As of right now if I check it off, it fades the parent, but if I...

Access root domain's localStorage from subdomain

EDIT: For the sake of simplicity: I've got a simple UserJS script (FF/Chrome: Greasemonkey, Opera: built-in) that fixes some issues on website I'm using quite often. The problem is that I need to store some data between different requests. My first attempt was LocalStorage but it fail when it came to work with subdomains: www.domain.co...

Using html5 localstorage can I find the index corresponding to a key value

window.localStorage.setItem("Georgia","Atlanta") var x=window.localStorage.getItem("Georgia") I have a list of 50 states and the largest city stored in localstorage. Using the code above I can easily retrieve that Atlanta is the largest city for "Georgia". Is there an easy way to do a reverse lookup and search for "Atlanta" and get "G...

Variable not being updated on button click?

Hi everyone, I'm making a simple jQuery script that will allow you to change something on the click of a button. My problem is that if I change the value (checked), and then click the submit button, it will recognize it as the default. If you do this on the default, it is set to off, so if you check it off (turn on) and then click the su...

Access cookies || localSorage from content script - Chrome extension

Hi. Is there any way to access cookies || localSorage from content script? for example i have localStorage.shBox='true' and I want to access this from content script.. how can I make this? ...

HTML5 localStorage

So I just read Nettut's video about HTML5 local storage. However for some reason I cannot get it to work on my computer. (Ubuntu 10.04 Namoroka 3.6.9pre or Google Chrome 5). I'm using this javascript code: $(function() { var edit = document.getElementById('edit'); $(edit).blur(function() { localStorage.setItem('todoData', this...

Is it possible to run Hadoop in Pseudo-Distributed operation without HDFS?

I'm exploring the options for running a hadoop application on a local system. As with many applications the first few releases should be able to run on a single node, as long as we can use all the available CPU cores (Yes, this is related to this question). The current limitation is that on our production systems we have Java 1.5 and as...

Accessing UIWebView local storage data from native iPhone app

Hi - I'm writing a native iPhone app that contains a UIWebView component. This component accesses an internet webapp and the webapp stores data offline using HTML5 local storage. Is it possible to access this local storage data from the native app ? ...

How would HTML5 web databases be cleaned-up?

I've started looking into HTML web database storage for some Chrome extension I'm working on, and it made me wonder - Who should be cleaning abandoned webdbs? As opposed to desktop apps, there's no uninstaller for a web site. And as opposed to regular cookies, webdbs can be much larger than just 4KB. I can imagine some browsers or add-o...

How can I get an event to fire every time localStorage is updated in Safari 5+?

I have tried to follow the examples on the Safari Developer Site. The documentation suggests adding an event listener like so: window.addEventListener('storage', storage_handler, false); And then setting your handler function like this: function storage_handler(evt) { alert('The modified key was '+evt.key); alert('The origin...

cookie or localStorage with chrome extensions

I've read all the other q's here regarding the topic but couldn't solve my problem. I'm setting on my website the email of the user in the localStorage and i want to retrieve it in the extension. localStorage.setItem("user", "[email protected]" ); But when i try to receive it with the chrome extension it fails to do so value =...

localstorage in html5

How Does localStorage in HTML5 works ?? I searched every where (even in SO ) to find the actual internal logic of localStorage, but I ended up with visiting some examples which uses localStorage. I haven't found any useful Answer to my question. Can Someone post me a link or explain about the working of localStorage ...

Local Stored Objects between different machines?

I have a Flash player creating a LSO (for the moment I can't alter the Flash files) and I want to make the LSO created files work across different machines. I'm assuming I want to upload the LSOs to the server and then have them download when a user has logge in. Is anything like this possible? ...

HTML5 localStorage adding to value with script

hello, I'm trying to use localStorage to register the right answers to an offline game. I've got the key and value stored, and can alter it using the bode below. I'd like each right answer to add to the localStorage.right plus 1 then move to the new page. Any ideas? Thank you in advance ...

HTML5 Local Storage - Creating and writing to a json file?

Hi all, We are building a web application using SVG & JS. The log file for this application needs to be created on the client side and then finally uploaded to the server once the project is ended. As we donot wish to go near ActiveX controls, is it possible to achieve this with the new HTML5 'Local Storage'? Isnt that what 'Local Stor...

How to use offline application cache correctly in HTML 5

I've started using HTML5 application cache to provide the possibility for users to use web resources even when they're offline. The idea is that the user downloads the page in the morning, and enters data into the form through the whole day. If he happens to be online post the data to the server, if not, it should be cached in localStor...

HTML5 localStorage vs sesionStorage vs another typeof data storage performance

I need to fetch some chunks of data in a Javascript loop. The pieces will probably be small between 2 and 20 Kb but being in a loop I need speed. I can get these pieces of code from local storage: var code = localStorage.getItem(myVar); or even from jQuery .data() var code = $('#myDiv').data(myVar); I was unable to find info on loc...

HTML5 localStorage apped new data to already existing keys

I have the following localStorage keys: localStorage.setItem(1, "some data"); localStorage.setItem(2, "some data"); localStorage.setItem(3, "some data"); . . . localStorage.setItem(600, "some data"); How can I append to those Keys new data in a loop? var i = 0 for(h=0;h<600;h++) { key = i++; localStorage.setItem(key, "new data"); } ...

HTML5 localStorage replace data to already existing key

I have the following localStorage key: localStorage.setItem(1, "<div id='MyId'>value 1</div><div id='NewId'>other value</div>"); Is it possible to replace, change only the second id, make the: <div id='MyId'>value 1</div><div id='NewId'>other value</div> turn into <div id='MyId'>value 1</div><div id='NewId'>replaced value</div> ...

IE9 Beta Support for localStorage

Does anyone know if current IE9 Beta fully supports HTML5 "localStorage" functionality? Normally the test for "localStorage" support can be done with js code just like: try { return ('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } Well, it seems that this kind of test returns "true"...