
How do people do this: http://mysite.com/#/page-name

I want to use deep linking on my site using this url method, but I'm not sure how it works. When I set my links to work like this: <a href="/#/page">stuff</a> the browser doesn't put it in the window location bar. Ideas? ...

CellID location with CDMA

Is there a way to determine location via CellID on a CDMA network? I can get a network ID, base station ID, and system ID programatically, but is there an api somewhere to convert these to lat, long coordinates? The CdmaCellLocation.getBaseStationLatitude() and CdmaCellLocation.getBaseStationLongitude() methods return some junk number. C...

how to get current latitude & longitude

how to get current latitude & longitude without (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager )manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation {..} using this method and if i used this function , how much distance i have to travel.... to call this function or can i call this function progra...

Locations of CSV files in Android

I'm having trouble reading in from a .CSV file in an android app. Mainly a "FileNotFound" error. Where would be the easiest place to put the file, and what would be the address to it. I have been messing around with a few different places but have had no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction? ...

how can i know in which state a server is located?

hi, i working on a project which compare between load time of websites on different server around the world. in my project i need to buy a spot for a website in several servers but i don't know in which country the server is actually located. i found an add-on in firefox called "flagfox" (i'm not related to the program, to check it visi...

Is there an android equivalent for S60 platform's LandmarkStore

S60 platform's Java environment has a LandmarkStore class which saves Landmarks. A Landmark is just an object that gives a name to a location. Similar to a waypoint in GPS devices. Basic idea in S60 platform is that LandmarkStore is accessible to every application on the device. For instance, I can create a new Landmark on one Java appli...

How to include the general file name, taken as function argument in Matlab, in the path location?

BRIEF SUMMARY OF WHAT I WANT: If I take a file name as argument of a function, how do I include that file name in the path location such that the name of the file in the path location is the one user enters. If you didn't understand what I am saying, then read below for explanation: SECONDARY EXPLANATION: I am making a general functio...

Word press geo location posts?

Hi guys I would like to build something along the lines of this http://demo.woothemes.com/cityguide/ Where I can click a point on the map which will link to a post, I would also like this to be search able by post code or town, so if you wanted to find shops in London, you'd type London and it would show all relative posts which ar...

Android 1.5: Implement clock widget using pictures as numbers , and getting user location

Hi everyone, I'm trying to code a clock widget in Android 1.5 for my application, which uses images as the numbers, and updates every second. I'm hoping to have the clock widget extend the View class, so I can use it directly in the layout.xml files. I need some help/tutorials on getting started on the clock, and also about how to get ...

What is correct nginx location rules to match only the first path element in the URI to the CGI executable?

I am using a FreePascal web module designed for apache cgi-bin with nginx. The CGI itself is called spidersample.cgi and contains modules such as hello, bye etc. With Apache when spidersample.cgi/hello is called, spidersample.cgi gets executed, and passes control to the hello subroutine it contains. With nginx instead of executing sp...

Get timezone offset for a given location

Is it possible in PHP to get the timezone offset for a given location? E.g. when given the location "Sydney/Australia" to get the timezone offset as "+1100". Bonus would be for this function the keep daylight savings in mind (i.e. it's aware of daylight savings and adjusts the offset according). ...

UNIX: Physical Location of "wc" command. It ain't "/bin"

This has be stump. I wrote a shell program in C that allows the user to execute several commands. Based on my research so far, all the commands such as "ls" and "cat" are located in "/bin/". The "wc" is not listed in this directory - "/bin". If I fire up a terminal, I can type "wc fileName" and it works. I ran "find . wc" from the...

Getting the font file Name/Location in FontDialog C#

Hello, What i need to do is have the font file name (not Font Family name) after selecting a font in the FontDialog, so that if i selected "Harlow Solid Semi" from the Dialog, i need to get the file name, which is "HARLOWSI.TTF" so is it possible ? if not using the fontDialog, can it be done other way ? Note: i need the user to see a sa...

What are some ways to extract a location from a sentence/query?

I want to recognize and extract a location that's built into a sentence. For example I might have a sentence: "I love the pizza in Boston, Ma." but this same sentence could also be written as "Pizza in Boston, I love it." OR "I love the pizza in Boston." So I have to be able to find it anywhere in the sentence and also if the state i...

tfs, the real location of team project.

Hi, I have a project on server call "MyApp". I connect the tfs server, retrieve and save project my desktop. Then change project name "MyApp" to "MyAppTemp" on server.. Call project again from server, i expect a problem but no problem. So I understood that the project also has got a different location on the server. Where is real l...

TouchesBegan only in specific UIView!

Hi guys! I got three views. UIView *view1; UIView *view2; UIView *view3; -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch *touch =[touches anyObject]; CGPoint startPoint =[touch locationInView:self.view]; } But i want that the toch-action only go in view2. It doesnt work if i make: locationInView:view2 -(...

Create node programmatically with cck location field

I try to programmatically create a node of custom contenttype "location" in Drupal 6, with the node containing a location field (http://drupal.org/project/location) called "location" (yes I know, the nomenclature could be better, but I am just experimenting on this at the moment). Creating the node works just fine, but I cannot find a w...

Blackberry XYEdges class explanation

Ok, I've read through the documentation at http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/4.2api/net/rim/device/api/ui/XYEdges.html for information concerning how the XYEdges class works, but I seem to be misunderstanding something. My question is where is the point of origin on this coordinate system? Is (0,0,0,0) located at the top left c...

GLS failed with status 20 -Android Get User Location

locationManager = (LocationManager)context.getSystemService(context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(locationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(context); List myLocation = null; try { myLocation = geocoder.getFromLocation(location.getLatitude(),location.getLongitude(), ...

Sitemap file location

Hello, I have developed a sitemap index and other sitemaps in cakephp on my website. Currently the sitemap index is called using the URL http://mysitename/sitemap and not http://mysitename/sitemap.xml Would it be possible for the search engines to understand the sitemap index location? ...