
How to shift item position on iPhone and iOS

Sorry guys, I hate asking dumb questions but I have seriously been searching for days online to no avail. Every method I've tried with item.bounds or the like has failed miserably. I'm just trying to move some elements, like a UILabel and a UIButton over a few pixels under a certain circumstance. Just a simple point to a tutorial that I ...

How to show a PopoupWindow at the click location?

I'm trying to show in Android a PopupWindow at the click location. I read that Android does not support getting the click coordinates for some reason. I want to do something like the little popup that appears on the contacts on Android 2.1+ when you select a person's icon and a window appears at the row location showing different optio...

How do I add install my own LocationProvider?

I would like to create my own implementation of a LocationProvider, there seems to be a way to add a "mock" provider, but that isn't exactly what I want. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/LocationManager.html There also appears to be a permission called: android.permission.INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER But there is ...

Location searching...

For the site I am building I want the user to be able to search for a location, however because I don't have a list of locations for the UK, I have developed a script in PHP which calls: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/local in order to get the lat and lon coordinates of this location to store in the database for future u...

PHP Header Location Change of Parent Frame

Hi, I have an iFrame that does some background processing. When this processing is complete I would like to re-direct the user to another page, but the header change code is only affecting the embedded iFrame. Is there a way to target the main window? ...

How to start location tracking based on GPS number of satellites?

How could I get and use the number of satellites before starting location tracking? For example I want to start location tracking only when there are min X satellites in use. ...

How to measure GPS signal strength on Android?

Question is as simple as the title: How to measure GPS signal strength? ...

Android: Nothing past onCreate is happening.

Hi guys, I got this class, and nothing inside the onCreate is happening? Does it not automatically get called upon initialization? Code is below, Thanks alot! - Micheal package com.michealbach.livedrops; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import android.app.Activity; public class AnyClass ...

Xna - get window location?

I'm trying to rig an XNA WinForms system so I can have a game editor, and I need to use the mouse for it. Since the XNA Mouse input class reports mouse position based off of the window's location, I need to place the form I have in the same spot. How can i get the location of the window that my XNA game uses? ...

how to get the location(lat/lng) on google maps v3 from the location(x,y)

i have the (x,y) (event.pageX-$("#map_canvas").offset().left,event.pageY-$("#map_canvas").offset().top) but how to get the (lat,lng) thanks ...

Calculate distance from Location - iPhone

Hello, I'm trying to calculate the distance between two places user Core Location. I've found a few posts that state to use -(CLLocationDistance)distanceFromLocation:(const CLLocation *)location Found some other test code in the thread below: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171138/cllocationdistance-nan I'm not sure how to put...

jetty via apache mod_proxy

Using an Apache virtualhost and mod_proxy I want to access a java application (myapp) available in a jetty instance on port 8080. With ProxyPass / localhost:8080/ on my apache virtualhost configuration I can access the application running in jetty with www.mydomain.com/myapp but I want the application to be accessed from www.mydomain.co...

Problem with startMonitoringSignificantLocation/stopMonitoringSignificantChanges

Hi, I am developing the application that is using phone location. I am using the following approach. I am using startUpdatingLocation when my application is in foreground, and when my applications goes in background i use startMonitoringSignificantChanges.. it will notify me once the towerID is change. I have problem when user go in t...

Where is my local App Engine datastore?

How can I find where my local development datastore is located? I am using the Python SDK and Linux. ...

Get the Zip Code of the Current Location - iPhone SDK

Hi, Is there a method or some way to display the zip code of the current location? Maybe through CLLocationManager or through coordinate points (latitude, longitude). Thanks, Kevin ...

Where should I put third-party libraries?

I contribute to a decent-sized C++ project with a number of dependencies. The problem is, the project contains the source of all of its dependencies (e.g. pcre, zlib, etc.). I want to trim the project down to just what's relevant to the program itself. Is there some relatively standard way to compile these libraries and put them somewher...

PHP Is there a better way to protect my pages than using header(location) ???

I am protecting my pages by checking the values of my sessions. Is there a more secure way of protecting my pages other than changing the Header Location if the sessions are not valid??? Am I doing anything right??? I have the following at the top of each page: <?php session_start(); //VERIFY LOGIN $validkey = 'br1ll1an...

correct way of getting latitude and longtitude in android

Hi, I need the correct way of getting latitude and longitude in android programatically. I viewed different sites and forums but still i could'nt get the correct one. The program should support for all the android versions.I use wifi to get my device connected to net. ...

Javascript error Permission denied for <http://www.mydomain.com> to call method Location.toString on <http://clientdomain.com>.

Hi, We have prepared a Javascript based embeddable application. It works well on all the websites. But one website publisher is facing trouble when embed our application, there is a javascript error which I have mentioned in the title. Permission denied for http://www.mydomain.com to call method Location.toString on http://cl...

DDMS not able to send location to emulator

DDMS is not able to send location to the emulator. I have tried sending just the location from DDMS but still the emulator is not able to receive location. The application works properly in the device but its not able to capture location data in the emulator. I am testing on Android 2.2 emulator. Can anyone let me know what can be the i...