
ASP.NET MVC (2) log4net logging pattern

What is the best logging pattern for asp.net mvc 2 using log4net? When should I initialize logger how should I access logger instance? ...

Where will log4net create this log file?

When I set the file value to 'logs\log-file.txt' where exactly will it create this folder? in the /bin directory? My web.config looks like: <log4net> <appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender"> <file value="logs\log-file.txt" /> <appendToFile value="true" /> <lockingModel type="log4net.App...

log4net affecting other projects which don't even use it

I'm seeing something really strange happening with some projects I'm working on. I used log4net in an MVC web site and this was working great. I then was working on a totally unrelated Console application which uses the SharePoint API and as soon as I include the following line (other lines don't cause the problem) SPLimitedWebPartMa...

Can log4net appenders be defined in their own XML files?

I want to define a handful of (ADO.NET) appenders in my library, but allow users of my library to configure the use of those appenders. Something like this seems to be what I want: XmlConfigurator.Configure(appenderStream1); XmlConfigurator.Configure(appenderStream2); XmlConfigurator.Configure(); But that doesn't seem to work, in spi...

ASP.NET cached aspx page & IIS logs

Hi guys, Is there any way to find out if ASP.Net runtime has served a cached copy of ASPX page or actually went through the page life cycle? Here is my problem: I'm seeing many entries in my IIS log files that were served successfully (200 OK). I've a corresponding logging code (Log4Net API) in the Session_Start and Application_BeginR...

Discarding several log levels within a range with log4net

Hey, Say i set my log4net logger's minLevel and maxLevel to FATAL and DEBUG respectively, but under some scenario i want to mute the log-items written in the WARN level, and keep all the other levels in the range active. Is it possible to somehow use 'discrete' levels of log-levels rather than specifying a range using minLevel and maxL...

Log4.net - how to log to 2 different files in same application?

I have a web application and would like to log to different files depending on which web service gets called. So WS1 will log to WS1_log.txt for example, while WS2 will log to WS2_log.txt. Is this possible? ...

Log4net appender filename issue

I have an appender setup like this <appender name="Scheduler_Appender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="c:\temp\ApplicationLog.txt"/> <rollingStyle value="Date"/> <datePattern value="yyyyMMdd"/> <appendToFile value="true"/> <staticLogFileName value="true"/> <layout type="MinLayout"> <locati...

Does log4net support zeroconf?

I've recently checked out Apache Chainsaw as a viewer for my log4net logs. One feature that struck me as interesting is zeroconf: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/companions/zeroconf/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/net/ZeroConfSocketHubAppender.html Does log4net support zeroconf for Apache Chainsaw to consume? Is there a log4net zeroconf append...

How to log subsonic3 sql

Hi, I'm starting to develop a new asp.net application based on subsonic3 (for queries) and log4net (for logs) and would like to know how to interface subsonic3 with log4net so that log4net logs the underlying sql used by subsonic. This is what I have so far: public static IEnumerable<arma_ocorrencium> ListArmasOcorrencia() { ...

Log4net Logging Problem : Very simple file appender logging not working

Here's my web.config information <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <log4net> <root> <level value="ALL" /> </root> <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFi...

Visual Studio 2008 ContextSwitchDeadlock with log4net and NHibernate

Hello everyone, I'm facing an extremely weird bug here and I'm not really sure If I'm following the right path to solving it or even how to solve it. Here is the problem I'm facing: I start debugging a WPF application which uses log4net, NHibernate and LINQ to NHibernate, and when I try to get an Entity from the database my application...

log4net ADO.NET Appender works on Dev Fabric, but fails silently on Azure

I'm using log4net appender ADO.NET to log messages of Azure Worker Role to the SQL Azure instance (default diagnostics just does not fit). For some reason, while running the worker in dev fabric, logging works. Yet, when the instance is deployed to the cloud (with exactly the same config) errors do not get logged. Configuration happens ...

How to log correct context with Threadpool threads using log4net?

I am trying to find a way to log useful context from a bunch of threads. The problem is that a lot of code is dealt with on Events that are arriving via threadpool threads (as far as I can tell) so their names are not in relation to any context. The problem can be demonstrated with the following code: class Program { private static ...

Creating a new log file each day

As the title implies how can I create a new log file each day in C#? Now the program may not necessarily run all day and night but only get invoked during business hours. So I need to do two things. How can I create a new log file each day? The log file will be have the name in a format like MMDDYYYY.txt How can I create it just after ...

using log4net through stored procedures in oracle

hi, My objective is to log in oracle 10g using log4net through stored procedure. I have made configuration in log4net configuration xml file to use ado.net appender and use stored procedure for Logging in db. I want to log exceptions in db with parameters like error code, error message, etc. Please guide me how to pass this Exception ob...

log4net and .net Framework 4.0

Hi Guys, I was having issues in log4net when i updated my solutions to .net 4.0 , and then i downloaded the source of it and built log4net and targeted it to .net 4.0 and used it in my projects. initially when i referred log4net that is targeted to run time 2.0 it complied and run the application but log did not work. now when i run m...

What is the preferred way to log the conversionPattern value used by the log4net?

Dear ladies and sirs. My question may seem a little strange - I wish to log the conversionPattern used to format the messages logged with log4net when certain appenders are used. For instance, if my log4net section looks like this: <log4net xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://csharptest.net/downloads/schema/log4net.xsd" ...

Logging exceptions to database in NServiceBus

If an exception occurs in my MessageHandler I want to write the exception details to my database. How do I do this? Obviously, I cant just catch the exception, write to database, and rethrow it since NSB rollbacks all changes. (IsTransactional is set to true) I tried adding logging functionality in a seperate handler, which I caledl us...

Log4net BufferingForwardingAppender evaluators

I am trying to understand the differences between the Evaluator property and the LossyEvaluator, of the BufferingForwardingAppender. I want my appender to be lossy, buffering only 50 messages, and dumping them only if a new LogEvent is Warn of above. Should I use the LevelEvaluator in the LossyEvaluator or the "normal" one? I'd also like...