
How do I display an image with ltk?

I have written code to read a windows bitmap and would now like to display it with ltk. How can I construct an appropriate object? Is there such functionality in ltk? If not how can I do it directly interfacing to tk? ...

How do I get Ltk to display what the user is writing and what the functions print?

The kind of functions are of the sort of: (defun display-all () "Display all items in the database." (dolist (item database) (format t "~{~a:~10t~a~%~}~%" item))) (defun prompt-read (prompt) (format query-io "~a: " prompt) (force-output query-io) (read-line query-io)) (defun prompt-for-item () (make-database (prompt...

Problems with ltk (common lisp)

I installed ltk to Steel Bank Common Lisp with asdf-install, but I can't even start using it V_V. The code below is the simplest example in the documentation, and is copied almost verbatim. (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :ltk) (defun hello-1() (with-ltk () (let ((b (make-instance 'button :master nil ...