
DllNotFoundException while trying to "fix" LuaInterface, but why?

Since my game, which I'd really like to be Mono-usable, does not seem to run under Linux because LuaInterface is being a jerk (see the the relevant SO thread for more on that), I've decided to do what's suggested there. I wrote my own Lua511.LuaDLL class to reflect the one used by LuaInterface, replacing every single public function with...

Luabind Function using std::string& Reference with pure_out_value policy not possible?

I'am trying to return a string from a function but it doesn't compile. When I replace the std::string& type with int& it compiles, however I want to return additionally to the boolean a std::string how do I do this? bool luacw_getElementContent( std::string name, std::string& content, bool fromBeginning ) { content = "test"; retur...

Placeholder evaluation of lua code

I have an application that uses lua files for some of its more obscure configuration options. As such it mostly contains calls into the app to create things and alter properties; most C functions don't have a return value but some do. I now have a need to read these same configuration files into a different application, and perform sig...

How to create nested Lua tables using the C API

I want to create a table like myTable = { [0] = { ["a"] = 4, ["b"] = 2 }, [1] = { ["a"] = 13, ["b"] = 37 } } using the C API? My current approach is lua_createtable(L, 0, 2); int c = lua_gettop(L); lua_pushstring(L, "a"); lua_pushnumber(L, 4); lua_settable(L, c); lua_pushstring(L, "b"); lua_pushnumber(L, 2); lua_settable(L, ...

Eclipse doesn't recognize lua files after installing the lua plugin

I downloaded Eclipse Classic off of the Eclipse website then the Lua Eclipse IDE plugin. I followed the install instructions but Eclipse doesn't seem to recognize or be able to understand lua files. Can someone help? ...

Do Javascript prototypes have something equivalent to Lua's __index & __newindex?

I want to define a behavior on Javascript objects that kicks in when the referenced attribute/method doesn't exist. In Lua you can do this with metatables and the __index & __newindex methods. --Lua code o = setmetatable({},{__index=function(self,key) print("tried to undefined key",key) return nil end }) So I'm wondering if there...

Save reference to Lua's userdata

Not really know how to ask so bare with me please :) #1 Lua: local test = Test(); #2 C: //creating "lua's test" luaL_newmetatable(L, "someTable"); lua_userdata *userData = (lua_userdata *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(lua_userdata)); luaL_getmetatable(L, "someTable"); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); #3 Lua: function test.newMethod() end ...

Lua Alien - Calling Specific API

Hello all, I have currently run into an issue while toying with Lua and the alien module to use Win32 API and such from Lua scripts. So far I have only had a single issue with alien which is with the use of API that use certain structures such as CreateFontIndirect. For example: HFONT CreateFontIndirectA( const LOGFONT& lplf ); LOGF...

Lua - Table in a Table Printing and Sorting

T = { {Name = "Mark", HP = 54, Breed = "Ghost"}, {Name = "Stan", HP = 24, Breed = "Zombie"}, {Name = "Juli", HP = 100, Breed = "Human"}}, Questions: How would I Print just the names? and How can I sort it by HP? ...

Sorting Tables - Lua

I am trying to sort but there is a nil. How can i get around this? Code im useing: (sorting it by name and HPs. in case there is duplicate HPs) T = { {Name = "Mark", HP = 54, Breed = "Ghost"}, {Name = "Stan", HP = 24, Breed = "Zombie"}, {Name = "Juli", HP = 100, Breed = "Human"}, { HP = 100, Breed = "...

Sorting Tables Twice in one Function - LUA

Want the function to sort the table by HP but if duplicate HPs then sorts by name. When i run this function it just groups the duplicate HPs together in no order by the name. T = { {Name = "Mark", HP = 54, Breed = "Ghost"}, {Name = "Stan", HP = 24, Breed = "Zombie"}, {Name = "Juli", HP = 100, Breed = "Human"}, { HP = 100, Breed = "Human...

Can Lua 'Timeout" ?

Lets say I am running a script and the game client waits for the script to be finished before it updates. Can Lua do somthing of a 'timeout'? Like, can i set a priority on the update so it leaves the script to do the update and then after words could it go back to where it was in the script? ...

Functions in a Table - Lua

I have a table that has multiple functions in it. I'm trying to write a single function that will go through and use all the functions by passing random information into it. Methods = {} insert functions into Methods Table function Methods:Multi() if #self > 0 then ......................... I'm guessing i need a loop t...

Lua unpack bug?

I Have stumbled on a weird behavior in Lua unpack function table1 = {true, nil, true, false, nil, true, nil} table2 = {true, false, nil, false, nil, true, nil} a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1 = unpack( table1 ) print ("table1:",a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1) a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2 = unpack( table2 ) print ("table2:",a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2) Output: table1:...

wxlua bindings does not work with my shaderobjects made using SWIG

Hi, I made a class using wxwdigets //wrapper over wxIPV4address class IPV4addressLua : public wxIPV4address { public: IPV4addressLua(); ~IPV4addressLua(); bool SetService (const wxString &service); bool SetService (unsigned short service); unsigned short GetSer...

How to create a directory in Lua ?

Is it possible to create a directory in lua ? If so, how ? ...

What is the best way for debug output for the lua garbage collector?

I need a game state object in lua(not c++ or tied to C++) to manage lights, cameras, objects, events from my C++ engine (the lua objects are seperate entities from c++, pretty much just standard lua tables). I am concerned about how the GC is going to act in removing these objects since they are going to be created and removed on the fly...

Lua connecting to MySQL

I have a Lua web app. I would like to connect and query my MySQL database. I've googled and etc and have not found a good way to do so from Lua. Any idea how I can connect and query my MySQL from within my Lua web app? Thanks ...

Enable bash output color with Lua script

I have several Lua scripts that run experiences and output a lot of information, in text files and in the console. I'd like to add some colors in the console output, to make it more readable. I know that it's possible to color the output of bash scripts using the ANSI escape sequences. For example : $ echo -e "This is red->\e[00;31mRE...

How do you set the "require" path when lua is embedded?

I have lua embedded in my game engine and a directory structure of lua files, and i am starting to use lots of lua scripts. I want to use "requrie" to optimize module includes, but i am unsure how to set the CPATH and PATH values because i have lua embedded. How can I set this up? And also, since require looks for modules and not paths,...