Lucene 'join' how-to? part II

Part I here... Requirement: search by multiple values in multiple fields AND Where Bar.Id == argBar.Id var parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser (new[] { "Name", "Title" }, new SimpleAnalyzer()); parser.???(string.Format("Bar.Id:{0}",argBar.Id)); // o_0 var query = Session.CreateFullTextQuery (parser.Parse(searchValue), new[] {...

Is it possible to iterate through documents stored in Lucene Index?

I have some documents stored in a Lucene index with a docId field. I want to get all docIds stored in the index. There is also a problem. Number of documents is about 300 000 so I would prefer to get this docIds in chunks of size 500. Is it possible to do so? ...

Solr/Lucene: Indexing facet values

For example, say I have the following facet: Colors Red (7825) Orange (2343) Green (843) Blue (5412) In my database, colors would be a table and each color would have a primary key and a name/value. When indexing with Solr/Lucene, in all of the examples I've seen, the value is indexed and not the primary key. So if I filter by the ...

Lucene.NET, StandardAnalyzer, stopwords and thread-safety

When the code executes below I assume that the stopwords file is read from the file system every time I parse a query. Instead of doing this, can I reuse the same instance of the analyzer instead of creating a new one? Is it thread-safe? (After much googling I can not find any information on this) var stopwordsFile = new FileInfo("C:\My...

Document score effecting the sort order of results, Lucene

Even after passing a sortfield, score of the document is effecting the sort order of the search results. Is there a way to make lucene to ignore the document score when a specific sort field is passed? For ex: DocId Score SortFieldA SortFieldB 1 23.0041 200906030800 Test 2 32.2774 200906020...

How to secure/encrypt a Lucene index?

Hi, I am working on a desktop app that will use Lucerne as search engine. The app will be installed on the user's machine and the index will be stored on the local hard disk. The data is potentially confidential so I would like to protect the index from unauthorized access. The data needs to be secure even when the user's machine gets ...

Lucene.NET Performances Concerns with ASP.NET MVC

Hi, I'm currently developping a web site with that use Lucene.Net to perform fulltext queries. The web site display a couple of data lists. The problem is that i perform fulltext queries FOR EACH items displayed in the list which can be a performance issue. So i wonder if i should "pre fulltext query" with a kind of Search En...

SQL Server and regular expressions

Hello ! Which will be better among following option ? Regular-expressions in SQL Server searches, as new versions support CLR objects ? Full text search ? combined with SQL Server ? Our database will be having millions and millions of records and we will be providing Google-like search option, and like Google sea...

What does NHibernate.Search ContainedIn attribute do?

And how it differs from IndexedEmbedded? P.s. and what's the best source of information about NHibernate.Search? ...

Where can I download Zip version of Lucene.NET 2.9.1 / 2.9.2

I m looking for the link to download the latest version of Lucene.Net 2.9.1/.2, but I can see only the src. Can anyone tell me where can I find the zipped version of Lucene.NET 2.9.1 / 2.9.2 Thanks Ranga ...

Lucene.NET through NHibernate.Search and POCO Entities

Is there anyway to keep true POCO Entities while working with Lucene.NET through NHibernate.Search ? It seems that Lucene.NET (NHibernate.Search) mapping only work with Attributes within Entity classes. ...

Lucene: Wildcards are missing from index

Hi - i am building a search index that contains special names - containing ! and ? and & and + and ... I have to tread the following searches different: me & you me + you But whatever i do (did try with queryparser escaping before indexing, escaped it manually, tried different indexers...) - if i check the search index with Luke they ...

Best search engine to use in a ebay-like system (.NET)

Hello guys... I´m developing a ebay-like system in .NET/C# ... Is Lucene a good option to a system like that? Or maybe a simpler solution ? The performance is the most important thing to that... EDIT I´ll use a Full-Text Sql Search (Is it the best option?) Any ideas, suggestions? Paul ... read past EOF error during IndexWriter creation

I'm trying to implement in my C# application. At this point i'm still at the very start: creating an index. I use the following code: Lucene.Net.Store.SimpleFSDirectory directory = new Lucene.Net.Store.SimpleFSDirectory(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo("d:\\tmp\\lucene-index\\")); Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.Sta...

Lucene Indexing for .Msg File

Hi All, I have used MsgIFilter for reading the msg file in lucene indexing. It's working fine if there is a non-msg file as an attachment. But, if the mail contains msg as an attachment then msgIFilter Reader is entering into an infinite loop. So how to overcome this problem? Is there any other filter which is meant for reading .msg fi...

Lucene.NET: Retrieving all the Terms used in a particular Document

Is there a way to itterate through all of the terms held against a particular document in a Lucene.NET index? Basically I want to be able to retrieve a Document from the Index based on it's ID and then find the frequency with which each Term is used in that Document. Does anyone know a way to do this? I can find the number of Documents...

How can I get DocId when adding a document in Lucene index?

I am indexing a row of data from database in Lucene.Net. A row is equivalent of Document. I want to update my database with the DocId, so that I can use the DocId in the results to be able to retrieve rows quickly. I currently first retrive the PK from the result docs which I think should be slower than retriving directly from the data...

Is good choice for website search of 1M item product database? (giving up on SQL Server 2005 Full Text Search)

We currently have in production SQL Server 2005 and we use it's full text search for a eCommerce site search of a million product database. I've optimized it as much as possible (I think) and we're still seeing search times of five seconds. (We don't need site scrawl or PDF (etc.) document indexing features... JUST "Google" speed for s...

Will Lucene produce smaller files sizes if you index short one character Field names?

Does Lucene produce smaller files sizes if you index short one character Field names? For instance, will using "d" instead of "description" produce significantly smaller indexing files on disk? Or does it map to shorter internal IDs anyway? :) ...

How do i implement tag searching? with lucene?

I havent used lucene. Last time i ask (many months ago, maybe a year) people suggested lucene. If i shouldnt use lucene what should i use? As am example say there are items tagged like this apples carrots apples carrots apple banana if a user search apples i dont care if there is any preference from 1,2 and 4. However i seen many for...