Query partial URLs using Lucene

My application uses Lucene.NET to index various text files. Since each text file is different in structure, the entire content of each file is stored in a single "content" field. Some of the text files contains URLs, e.g: etc. The code I use to index each file is: Lucene.Net.D... doesn't work on server(?)

hello i have a problem, my application works on my local server, but when i put it on our server the lucene classes throw errors. do i have to install the DLL on the IIS server? i'm using visual studio 08, after publishing my website i put it on the server. does anybody know a solution? greetings, tyzak ...

NHibernate.Search with S#arp Architecture

Has anyone managed to get (Lucene) to work with S#arp Architecture? I think I have it all wired up correctly except Luke shows no records or indexes when I run my indexing method. The index files for the entity are created (segments.gen & segments_1) but both are 1kb in size which explains why Luke shows no data. I e...

Exact string match using Lucene.Search

Can anyone show me an example of how PhraseQuery works in Lucene.Net. I am building an utility that will scan through the Lucene index created from thousands of word, rtf documents and will search for EXACT match of lines. For example, if i search for "the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog", the search should return the number of...

Sitecore Lucene indexing - save child field values in parent Lucene doc

I have a Sitecore content structure where any single item can have a number of child items that are used to store enumerable content for lists (obviously a fairly standard approach). I am hoping to index these items but store their index data against the parent doc in Lucene. This should hopefully speed up the search bit, by saving time ...

access to File on Server

Hello, My web-appliction references to a file that's in the same maindirectory. Dim index_root As String = "luceneindex" but when use declare a directory with the file Dim directory As Lucene.Net.Store.Directory = FSDirectory.GetDirectory(index_root, False) i get an error. i tried "\luceneindex", "\luceneindex", "\maindirectory\luc... no results

I'm using the Sitecore WCMS and have a piece of C# code that uses to search an index based on some criteria. I'm using the IndexSearcher class as follows: Database webDB = Sitecore.Context.Database; Sitecore.Data.Indexing.Index index = webDB.Indexes["CampusNewsIndex"]; IndexSearcher indexSearcher = index.GetSearcher(webDB); B...

Lucene QueryParser two Fields

hello i read but i didn't get it. at the moment i have a very strange construction like: parser = New QueryParser("bodytext", analyzer) parser2 = New QueryParser("title", analyzer) query = parser.Parse(strSuchbegriff) query2 = parser....

Twin Lucene index directories after Nhibernate.Search upgrade

Hello everybody i've been busy upgrading our n* stack to a more recent version. We'd been using FluentNhibernate for configuration and coupled with Lucene.Net for full-text search. Everything worked fine until i changed the various versions of the libraries to the following: FluentNHibernate.dll: NHibernate...

How to structure domain model when using NHibernate Search/Lucene

I am messing around with NHibernate Search and Lucene to create a searchable index of legal entities. My domain model looks somewhat like this: [Indexed] public abstract class LegalEntity : AggregateRoot { public virtual Address Address { get; set; } } public class Person : LegalEntity { public virtual string FirstNames { get; ...

Lucene.NET "OR"

How do I do an "OR" in Lucene.NET. Basically what I have is an array of IDs and I want to return any records where a particular field contains any of the values. I previously was doing this with just one value, but now I want to convert the following code so that MetaDataID is an array of possible values instead of one single value. i...

Do documents in Lucene have to contain the same fields?

I'm considering / working on implementing a search engine for our company's various content types, and am attempting to wrap my head around Lucene (specifically the .net flavor). For the moment, my primary question is whether or not documents one indexes have to contain the same fields. For instance: Document1: Title: "I'm a documen... problem with wildcard "*"

hello i have a question to lucene searching syntax the "" is a wildcard. when i search te : i find test ,... but when i search *st i don't find "test :> whats the issue? and i have a search concerning the text and an other search concerning the filename in the filename search i use ""+searchstring "" in the textsearch just "search...

Lucene.NET and lazy loading

Here's a tricky question: I want to do lazy loading over a Lucene search result. Possible? Here's my code: public IEnumerable<BizObj> Search(string query) { var parsedQuery = new QueryParser(...).Parse(); var searcher = new IndexSearcher(parsedQuery, storage); try { var hits = searcher.Search(parsedQuery); // ...

NHibernate.Search Index Rebuild

Hi, How can i rebuild Lucene.NET Index using NHibernate.Search ? Thanks. ...

Lucene.NET MultiSearcher

Hi, My sample code is: Searchable[] remoteSearch = new Searchable[sindexes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < sindexes.Length; i++) { if(sindexes[i].Trim().Length>0) remoteSearch[i] = new IndexSearcher(sindexes[i]); } searcherPM = new ParallelMul...

LUcene.NET how ot search forms of words? (as in SQL Server)

Hello All, How can I create index and then search like in SQL Server FTS? I.e. data is indexed once and then user can search: exact matching: "apple", "monkey", "drunk" etc... forms of words: enter "drunk" and find "drink", "drank", "drunk" enter "apples" and find "apples", "apple" context: "app*" and find "apple", "application" e...

ASP.NET KB system / search engine

Our company has a "MyAccount" where we would like to put a knowledge base behind. We have a CRM system where the help calls are recorded and some knowledge base articles are written into the database. The master problem (same basic help call) is tagged with keyword(s). We also have CHM help files for the software we sell (some users n...

Get Score with NHibernate.Search

I'm currently trying to use NHibernate.Search, but i need to get score for each results returned by the query. Anyone know something about how to do that ? Thanks. ...

How to use multifieldquery and filters in

I want to perform a multi field search on a index but filter the results based on one of the fields. Here's what I'm currently doing: To index the fields the definitions are: doc.Add(new Field("id", id.ToString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)); doc.Add(new Field("title", title, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.TOKE...