Lucene.NET readonly IndexSearcher

How can I use IndexSearcher so that it will not lock the index and open it in read only mode? Right now I just have var searcher = new IndexSearcher(LuceneIndexPath); I have been reading that opening in read-only mode boosts performance so I was wondering how to go about it. I could not find a lot of documentation on this subject. ...

Updating Lucene index from two different threads in a web application

Hi, I've a .net web application which uses for company search functionality. When registered users add a new company,it is saved to database and also gets indexed in Lucene based company search index in real time. When adding company in Lucene index, how do I handle use case of two or more logged-in users posting a new compa...

[] Global.asax Application_start fired on every action

I am working on a MVC project and the performance was fine. On application_start the database gets indexed for the search (and on every change on an object the index is extended). But application_start runs on every action I call on the page. Why is it firing application_start not only once? I will post any code when I know...

Memory leak on 2.3.2

Dear friends I am using 2.3.2 for indexing, but I am facing memory leakage problem in many methods(GetPosting(Posting []), AddPosition(Token), ProcessDocument(Analyzer) etc) using dotTrace profiler. How do I solve this problem? Can anybody say in which version of, no memory leakage problem occurs? Thanks in advanc...

"” memory leakages problem

Dear All, I am using Lucene.Net- in my project. My project also supporting multithreading environment. Lucene Indexing service is working as Windows Service. Problem is when the service is running, it's memory blockage is gradually increasing. So after some hours, it shows a memory of 150 mb in Task Manager where as it start with...

Lucene Index optimization

Is there a progmmatic way in Lucene to know if the index is optimized or not? Thanks. ...

Lucene.NET with SQL SERVER 2000

I have a SQL 2000 database with around 10 million rows and I need to make a query to get the product information based on the full / partial text search. Based on this I need to join back to other tables to check on my business process. I have this implemented using SQL proc, but I can only validate around 6 rows a sec (without threads....

Combining hits from multiple documents into a single hit in Lucene

I am trying to get a particular search to work and it is proving problematic. The actual source data is quite complex but can be summarised by the following example: I have articles that are indexed so that they can be searched. Each article also has multiple properties associated with it which are also indexed and searchable...

Search Engine - Lucene or Solr

We need to integrate a search engine in our Product Catalog management software. the catalog is expected to have more than 4-5 mn. records with relational data spread over several tables. Our dev platform is Asp.Net 3.5 and we have done some pre-liminary work on Lucene, found it to be good. However, we just came to know of Solr and was l..., want to search a word and display nearest words

i am using the document creation like.. Lucene.Net.Documents.Field fldContent = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Field("content", content, Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.Store.YES, Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.Index.TOKENIZED, Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS); want to perform search by a word...

Lucene .Net Searching with TermVector

in Lucene.Net,i am creating the document for searching a word and want to display before 10 words and after 10 words.i have used TermVector. Lucene.Net.Documents.Field fldContent = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Field("content", content, Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.Store.YES, Lucene.Net.Documents.Field.Index.TOKENIZED, ...

How can get Highlighter.Net 2.0.0.dll

I need Highlighter.Net 2.0.0.dll for highlight the text. Anybody help me. ...

memcached or with nhibernate

Hi, Does anyone have used memcached as a level2 cache or for searching with nhibernate ? Can you please share your advances on nhibernate caching & indexing/searching. And, is memcached (with enyim cilent on the same machine by appserver) the fastest l2cache solution with nhibernate ? Best Regards sirmak ...

Lucene.NET - Search phrase containing "and"

Looking for advice on handling ampersands and the word "and" in Lucene queries. My test queries are (including quotes): "oil and gas field" (complete phrase) "research and development" (complete phrase) "r&d" (complete phrase) Ideally, I'd like to use the QueryParser as the input is coming from the user. During testing and doc readi...

How to fetch all hits in

Hi, I want to fetch all hits from lucene. Is there any wild card character which fetches all records? ...

How to integrate NHibernate with Lucene.Net

This is getting quite annoying. Trying to integrate Lucene.Net search with NHibernate and i found only some information from year 07. Is there a nice up to date tutorial for this? Where to start, what to download etc.? Is there a way how to set NHibernate.Search metadata elsewhere and not on domain objects using attributes (i don'...

Searching in Lucene .Net

I have used Lucene .Net for Indexing and using StandardAnalyzer to at time of Indexing. Now I want to search say 'attach'. In document 'attached' is there. How i get the successful hit for word 'attach'. Please help me as soon as possible. ...

How to get hits word in

Dear, I have a search engine, When I am searching 'wildcard' suppose "dir*" (it should be directory,directories, direct etc.). When I have searched, its hits 'directory'. I need to the hits word how can I get? I have index total content in a document. Thank in advance. ...

Lucene.Net Rank Modify Algorithm

Can any one point me to some docs that discuss writing a custom implantation for Lucene.Net ranking? ...

Help needed ordering search results

Hi, I've 3 records in Lucene index. Record 1 contains healthcare in title field. Record 2 contains healthcare and insurance in description field but not together. Record 3 contains healthcare insurance in company name field. When a user searches for healthcare insurance,I want to show records in the following order in search results....