Storing words with apostrophe in Lucene index

Hi, I've a company field in Lucene Index. One of the company names indexed is : Moody's When user types in any of the following keywords,I want this company to come up in search results. 1.Moo 2.Mood 3.Moodys 4.Moody's How should I store this index in Lucene and what type of Lucene Query should I use to get this behaviour? Thanks. ...

How to enable stemming when searching using

How to enable stemming when searching using ...

How do I find out what 'processes' are accessing my Lucene.Net file?

I'm getting this exception when running some code to add text to a index: The process cannot access the file 'E:\SomeProject\SomeProject.Webroot\App_Data\Lucene\' because it is being used by another process. What's the easiest way of finding out what the 'other process' is? (I'm running on Win XP) Here'...

Best practices for implementing a Lucene search in eCommerce site

I've been tasked with seeting up a search service on an eCommerce site. Currently, it uses full text indexing on sql server, which isn't ideal, as it's slow, and not all that flexible. How would you suggest i approach changing this over to lucene? By that, i mean, how would i initially load all the data into the indexes, and how would i...

What is the best way to allow multiple processess to modify a lucene

What is the best way to allow multiple processess to modify a lucene.NEt index without locking or conflicts? What is the code used to add "locking" to directories so that multiple sources can modify/search the index with no interferance? I would like to make it as resilient as possible. Thanks, Eli ...

How can I order the list in LuceneSearch according to number of hits.

Hi All, I am using Lucene Search to get the articles that are matching the search text. Is there any way to get them in ascending order of number of hits in the Article. Example: If my search text is stack and in first Article there are two occurrences of the word stack and in the second Article there are three occurrences of stack the...

Relevancy of Lucene search results

Hi, I've following 3 Documents in Lucene index. As MBA you will play an integral role in implementing the strategy of the business and will have the responsibilities of the statutory accounts, compliance, audit including banking relationships, tax, treasury & cash management As M.B.A. you will play an integral role in implementing the...

Lucene .NET result subsets

I am using Lucene .NET Let's say I want to only return 50 results starting at result 100, how might I go about that? I've searched the docs but am not finding anything. Is there something I'm missing? ...

Synonyms using Lucene

Hi, What is the best way to handle synonyms (phrases) using Lucene? Especially, when I need to execute queries like :a OR b OR c NOT d How about adding a new field called "synonyms" to each document while indexing? This field's value would have a list of all synonyms. It would be added to a document only when that document has any of ...

What is best and most active open source .Net search technology?

I'm trying to decide on an open source search/indexing technology for a .Net project. It seems like the standard out there for Java projects is Lucene, but as far as .Net is concerned, the Lucene.Net project seems to be pretty inactive. Is this still the best option out there? Or are there other viable alternatives? ...

how do i filter my lucene search results?

Say my requirement is "search for all users by name, who are over 18" If i were using SQL, i might write something like: Select * from [Users] Where ([firstname] like '%' + @searchTerm + '%' OR [lastname] like '%' + @searchTerm + '%') AND [age] >= 18 However, im having difficulty translating this into This ...

How might I index PDF files using Lucene.Net?

I'm looking for some sample code demonstrating how to index PDF documents using Lucene.Net and C#. Google turned up a few, but none that I could find helpful. ...

Searching and sorting by language

Hi all, I am testing Lucene.NET for our searching requirements, and I've got couple of questions. We have documents in XML format. Every document contains multi-language text. The number of languages and the languages itself vary from document to document. See example below: <document>This is a sample document, which is describing a <...

Getting the Doc ID in Lucene

In lucene, I can do the following doc.GetField("mycustomfield").StringValue(); This retrieves the value of a column in an index's document. My question, for the same 'doc', is there a way to get the Doc. Id ? Luke displays it hence there must be a way to figure this out. I need it to delete documents on updates. I scoured the docs b...

Modifying a term in lucene

Let’s assume I have an index structured as below name | species | color -----+---------+------ max | cat | grey sam | dog | brown luy | cat | white ... | ... | ... ... | ... | ... poe | dog | blond joe | cat | red pam | dog | brown The species and color f... combine multiple filters and no search terms

How can I do a Filter across multiple fields in Lucene.Net? On one field I simply do: TermQuery tool = new TermQuery(new Term("Tool", "Nail")); Filter f = new QueryFilter(tool); If I now wanted to add a nail length to the filter, how can I do that? Also, I want the user to be a able to do a search with no search term (i.e. by just c...

Lucene.NET Search Highlighting that respects HTML Tags

I am trying to highlight search terms in a block of HTML, the problem is if a user does a search for "color", this: <span style='color: white'>White</span> becomes: <span style='<b>color</b>: white'><b>White</b></span> and obviously, messing up my style is not a good idea. Here is the code I am using: Query parsedQuery = par...

Lucene.Net query with leading wildcard

Good afternoon, I need to be able to search a Lucene.Net index with a wild card prefix; i.e. now when I search for the word "paint" "autopaint" does not come up, but I need it to. I have seen mentioned "SetAllowLeadingWildcard" elsewhere in Stack Overflow, but I don't see that property - maybe because I'm using Lucene.NET? Thanks, Mo ...

Lucene.Net give one field more weigt than another

I know I've seen this and I just can't seem to find it. I have 2 fields that i am searching on - Name, and Tags. I want results that are based on a match on the "Name" field have a higher score than those based on the "tags" field. how can I do this? Thanks ...

Lucene.NET indexes are not updating when dealing with many-to-many relationships using NHibernate.Search

I have integrated NHibernate.Search into my web app by following tutorials from the following sources: NHibernate.Search using Lucene.NET Full Text Index (Part 1) Using NHibernate.Search with ActiveRecord I have also successfully batch-indexed my database, and when testing against Luke, I can search for terms that reside in whatever ...