
Avoid Flickering with LWJGL

In the context of a Java Rubik's Cube application I am trying to animate the cube actions performed by the end user. To do that I am just using rotations and many redraws as following: GL11.glRotatef(zRotate, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); the zRotate variable is icremented from 0 to 90 and I am performing redraws every 20 miliseconds. It works...

Revisiting the issue of LWJGL vs JOGL for game programming

There exists the question, "Java Game Programming: JOGL vs LWJGL?" but it's not exactly what I'm looking for, and it's over a year old (in which time JOGL has gone through some changes) so I'd like to revisit this issue... I have been studying game development with a focus on Java. I've worked on some little projects with JOGL, but late...

LWJGL Game Engine Tutorial (Java)

I'm looking to create 3D games with LWJGL, but can't find any good tutorials for my skill level. Anybody have any suggestions? ...

LWJGL won't read keyboard input

I'm trying to use LWJGL to get whether a key is pressed. If the escape key is pressed, then the application quits. However, I can't get it to read any keyboard input, although Display.isCloseRequested() works fine. I'm on RHEL using LWJGL 2.6 and Java 1.6. for(;;) { // check if we want to quit if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard...