
How to profile an app that uses IPC

I have implemented part of activity monitor using NSTAsk and NSPipe. This is very slow. Is there any other method to implement it ? And also tell me how to get samples of prcesses. ...

Is there any way for Mac dashboard widget to reload himself

My dashboard widget has automatic update system, but after every update user should press ⌘R for changes to take a place. I want to do it automaticaly, without any user actions. Is there any widget method to reload it? Common methods doesn't works: I've tried to call window.location.reload(), history.go(0) & window.location.href=window...

Why aren't there any fink binaries for 10.6 yet?

Fink has been available for Mac OS X.6 for quite awhile, but only as source there are no binary packages. What is the obstruction in 10.6? How can someone help fix it? ...

SWIG cross platform

My application is using SWIG to communicate between c++ and python on windows. suppose if my interface is "example.h" swig is generating, example_wrap.cxx /* File : example.i */ %module example %{ #include "example.h" %} %include "std_string.i" %include "std_wstring.i" %include "example.h" I am porting my application ...

Does Mac App Store accept application written in Python/Java/Ruby?

Does Mac App Store accept application written in Python/Java/Ruby? ...

Java applet certificate on Mac

Hello One of site's I visit has Java Applet, which must use certificate based authentication. I got this cert and added it to Java's key store(cacert) as well as to key chain of Mac. When applet starts it offers to choose certificate for authentication from list - but this list is empty. Does anybody know about this issue in Mac Os an...

make not working as expected

Hey guys I wrote a makefile which work perfectly fine on my 27" iMac at home running Snow Leopard, however when I uploaded it to my uni's computer, a 24" running Snow Leopard as well, it gets the following: gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Werror -c print.c gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Werror -c process.c gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Wer...

RijndaelManaged equivalent in openssl

There is some code written using C# which uses RijndaelManaged class to encrypt data and Mode = CipherMode.CBC I need implement the equivalent code in Mac using OpenSSl. What is the equivalent to RijndaelManaged in OpenSSl? ...

Recommend books for Mac desktop application development

I want to develop desktop applications for Mac, so could you please recommend me whats the best way to learn it like some ebooks or videos.... ...

Pthread RWLock on MAC Deadlocking but not on Linux?

I've been experimenting with rwlock's on Mac and am experiencing something that seems to me shouldn't be happening. There's some weird combination of using read/write locks with recursive read locks that is deadlocking, but shouldn't be. I posted the code on pastebin because it's more than just a snippet. The way this code is written s...

Allow bundles/plugins to add to Cocoa application's supported document extensions?

In a Document-based Cocoa application, handled file extensions are listed in the application's Info.plist file. The application I'm building will require a loadable bundle for each type of file it opens. As such, I'd like the presence of bundles to modify the way my application registers itself as handling certain file types. As an ex...

Wrong Latitude/longitude received in Android Emulator on Mac

Ok, this is a really weird one. I'm sending Latitude/Longitude to Emulator running my App and its getting the wrong Coordinates !!! Everything I send (either via DDMS using GPX file, DDMS Manual, or telnet and using geo fix command), gets received, but when I print the latitude/longitude points received by the app, there are off by jus...

RVM and global gems

I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.4 and have installed RVM. Its been great so far, I really love the way it lets me manage having multiple versions of rails and ruby on the same machine without headaches! However, I don't want to have to install certain gems (such as passenger) for each setup. Is there a way to share gems between gemsets? I ha...

Cocoa: Correct way to get list of possible PlugIns directories for an app?

In a Cocoa app generally we can install a plugin bundle in one of a number of places. If for example the app is called "MyApp" you'd be able to install the plugin at: /Applications/ ~/Library/Application Support/MyApp/PlugIns /Library/Application Support/MyApp/PlugIns /Network/Library/Application Support/MyAp...

how do i block people from outside by web server from seing what technologies im using such as apache and/or php?

i am running a test server locally that is also broadcasted (for education purposed) on a mac and i ran a software called acunetix ( and from another computer and it was able to detect the technologies used on the server. how can i block anything from viewing this information? ...

How can i Change my java swing application title in Mac OS X title bar ?

Hello , My Swing Java application works fine on Mac OS X, but its title in Mac's title bar appears like this "org.classes.MainClass" which is the main class's path of my application. Can i change this title through code or in the Manifest file of my java application ? ...

Do all Mac OS X versions (above 10.4) have python preinstalled?

Do all Mac OS X versions (above 10.4) have python preinstalled? ...

Fat Binary on Windows?

Hello, I know that on Mac OS X, you can combine multiple binaries that target different architectures into a single binary using lipo. I am wondering if there is a similar solution on the Windows side. Thank you. ...

Problem on Mac : "Can't find a register in class BREG while reloading asm"

I tried to port some code onto Mac OS X. The program uses the "ttmath" library, a header big-num header library. This library works fine on both windows and linux, but when I try to compile and run it on a Mac, the following error message always shows up : "can't find a register in class 'BREG' while reloading 'asm'". I found some d...

QMainWindow problem on Mac OS X

I have a Qt-based program, and I uses QMainWindow somewhere in the UI part. This program works fine on both Windows (windows 7) and linux (Ubuntu 10.04), however, when I try to run it on MAC, some UI problem occurs. The Central widget of QMainWindow shows up correctly, but the frame (where the "minimize", "maximize", "close" buttons sh...