
Looking for libraries which implement sequential minimal optimization in C++

I want to use SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization) in order to train an SVM (Support Vector Machine). Can anyone suggest existing C++ libraries which implement SMO? I plan to use this to train an SVM to find an object in a picture (probably a human). ...

Java text classification problem

Hello, I have a set of Books objects, classs Book is defined as following : Class Book{ String title; ArrayList<tags> taglist; } Where title is the title of the book, example : Javascript for dummies. and taglist is a list of tags for our example : Javascript, jquery, "web dev", .. As I said a have a set of books talking about di...

Optimizing a Parking Lot Problem. What algorithims should I use to fit the most amount of cars in the lot?

What algorithms (brute force or not) would I use to put in as many cars (assume all cars are the same size) in a parking lot so that there is at least one exit (from the container) and a car cannot be blocked. Or can someone show me an example of this problem solved programmatically. The parking lot varies in shape would be nice but if ...

machine learning and code generator from strings

The problem: Given a set of hand categorized strings (or a set of ordered vectors of strings) generate a categorize function to categorize more input. In my case, that data (or most of it) is not natural language. The question: are there any tools out there that will do that? I'm thinking of some kind of reasonably polished, download, ...

Reinforcement learning toy project

My toy project to learn & apply Reinforcement Learning is: - An agent tries to reach a goal state "safely" & "quickly".... - But there are projectiles and rockets that are launched upon the agent in the way. - The agent can determine rockets position -with some noise- only if they are "near" - The agent then must learn to avoid crashing ...

Bag of words Classification

I need find words training words and their classification. Simple classification such as . Sports Entertainment and Politics things like that. Where Can i find the words and their classifications. I know many universities have done Bag of words classifications. Is there any repository of training examples ? ...

hierarchical clustering on correlations in Python scipy/numpy?

How can I run hierarchical clustering on a correlation matrix in scipy/numpy? I have a matrix of 100 rows by 9 columns, and I'd like to hierarchically clustering by correlations of each entry across the 9 conditions. I'd like to use 1-pearson correlation as the distances for clustering. Assuming I have a numpy array "X" that contains ...

Calculate posterior distribution of unknown mis-classification with PRTools in MATLAB

I'm using the PRTools MATLAB library to train some classifiers, generating test data and testing the classifiers. I have the following details: N: Total # of test examples k: # of mis-classification for each classifier and class I want to do: Calculate and plot Bayesian posterior distributions of the unknown probabilities of mis...

Which machine learning library to use

I am looking for a library that, ideally, has the following features: implements hierarchical clustering of multidimensional data (ideally on similiarity or distance matrix) implements support vector machines is in C++ is somewhat documented (this one seems to be hardest) I would like this to be in C++, as I am most comfortable with ...

Update Rule in Temporal difference

The update rule TD(0) Q-Learning: Q(t-1) = (1-alpha) * Q(t-1) + (alpha) * (Reward(t-1) + gamma* Max( Q(t) ) ) Then take either the current best action (to optimize) or a random action (to explorer) Where MaxNextQ is the maximum Q that can be got in the next state... But in TD(1) I think update rule will be: Q(t-2) = (1-alpha) * Q(t...

Information Modeling

The sensor module in my project consists of a rotating camera, that collects noisy information about moving objects in the surrounding environment. The information consists of distance, angle and relative change of the moving objects.. The limiting view range of the camera makes it essential to rotate the camera periodically to update ...

Playground for Artificial Intelligence?

In school, one of my professors had created a 3D game (not just an engine), where all the players were entirely AI-controlled, and it was our assignment to program the AI of a single player. We were basically provided an API to interact with the game world. Our AI implementations were then dropped into the game together, and we watched ...

Machine Learning Algorithm for Peer-to-Peer Nodes

I want to apply machine learning to a classification problem in a parallel environment. Several independent nodes, each with multiple on/off sensors, can communicate their sensor data with the goal of classifying an event as defined by a heuristic, training data or both. Each peer will be measuring the same data from their unique persp...

problem with hierarchical clustering in Python

I am doing a hierarchical clustering a 2 dimensional matrix by correlation distance metric (i.e. 1 - Pearson correlation). My code is the following (the data is in a variable called "data"): from hcluster import * Y = pdist(data, 'correlation') cluster_type = 'average' Z = linkage(Y, cluster_type) dendrogram(Z) The error I get is: ...

Machine leaning algorithm for data classification.

Hi all, I'm looking for some guidance about which techniques/algorithms I should research to solve the following problem. I've currently got an algorithm that clusters similar-sounding mp3s using acoustic fingerprinting. In each cluster, I have all the different metadata (song/artist/album) for each file. For that cluster, I'd like t...

R + ggplot : how to use a custom smoother (Gaussian Process)

I'm using R. I have 25 variables over 15 time points, with 3 or more replicates per variable per time point. I've melted this into a data.frame, which I can plot happily using (amongst other things) ggplot's facet_wrap() command. My melted data frame is called lis; here's its head and tail, so you get an idea of the data: > head(lis) ...

hierarchical clustering with gene expression matrix in python

how can I do a hierarchical clustering (in this case for gene expression data) in Python in a way that shows the matrix of gene expression values along with the dendrogram? What I mean is like the example here: shown after bullet point 6 (Figure 1), whe...

are there any useful datasets available on the web for data mining?

Hi, Does anyone know any good resource where example (real) data can be downloaded for experimenting statistics and machine learning techniques such as decision trees etc? Currently I am studying machine learning techniques and it would be very helpful to have real data for evaluating the accuracy of various tools. If anyone knows any...

plotting results of hierarchical clustering ontop of a matrix of data in python

How can I plot a dendrogram right on top of a matrix of values, reordered appropriately to reflect the clustering, in Python? An example is in the bottom of the following figure: I use scipy.cluster.dendrogram to make my dendrogram and perform hierarchical clustering on a matrix of data. H...

Using MOA to classify new examples?

I'm trying to use the java machine learning library MOA to train on a training data stream, then predict classes for a test data stream. The first part works fine, using (for example) java -cp .:moa.jar:weka.jar -javaagent:sizeofag.jar moa.DoTask "LearnModel -l MajorityClass -s (ArffFileStream -f atrain.arff -c -1) -O amodel.moa" But ...