
Data Classification:sizes of training and test vectors

Hi I have an application which decides whether a human is handwaving,running or walking. The idea is i have segmented an action,say handwave,to its poses. Let's say Example; for human1:pose7-pose3-pose7-..... represents handwave for human3:pose1-pose7-pose1-..... represents handwave for human7:pose1-pose1-pose7-..... represents handwa...

General frameworks for preparing training data?

As a student of computational linguistics, I frequently do machine learning experiments where I have to prepare training data from all kinds of different resources like raw or annotated text corpora or syntactic tree banks. For every new task and every new experiment I write programs (normally in Python and sometimes Java) to extract the...

Logo recognition in images

Does anyone know of recent academic work which has been done on logo recognition in images? Please answer only if you are familiar with this specific subject (I can search Google for "logo recognition" myself, thank you very much). Anyone who is knowledgeable in computer vision and has done work on object recognition is welcome to commen...

OCR for Devanagari (Hindi / Marathi / Sanskrit)

Does anybody have any idea about any recent work being done on optical character recognition for Indian scripts using modern Machine Learning techniques ? I know of some research being done at ISI, calcutta, but nothing new has come up in the last 3-4 years to the best of my knowledge, and OCR for Devanagari is sadly lacking! ...

Generating means from a bivariate gaussian distribution

I am reading Elements of Statistical Learning ESLII and in chapter 2, they have a gaussian mixture data set to illustrate some learning algorithms. To generate this data set, they first generate 10 means from a bivariate gaussian distribution N((1,0)', I). I am not sure what they mean? How can you generate 10 means from a bivariate dist...

Most representative instance of a cluster

After performing a cluster analysis to my dataset (a dataframe named data.matrix), I added a new column, named cluster, at the end (col 27) containing the cluster name that each instance belongs to. What I want now, is a representative instance from each cluster. I tried to find the instance having the smallest euclidean distance from t...

C++ library/framework,API for Mixture models in machine learning

I want to use Gaussian mixture models for data clustering ( using an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm, which assigns posterior probabilities to each component density with respect to each observation ) . Is there a c++ library which has Gaussian mixture models implemented alongwith sample dataset and examples? ...

how to recognize the object I detect in video frames is a people or a car.

I have a problem to detect object in images or video frames. I have a task that is detect some people or something who enter into the sight of web camera, and then my system will be alarm. Next step is recognize which kind of thing the object is, in this phase I know use Hough transform to detect line, circle, even rectangle. But when ...

What is the equivalents of matlab's pcolor in R?

I have a 16x16 matrix of grayscale values representing handwriting digits. Is there a plot in R that I can use to visualize it? Matlab has pcolor, I am looking for something along those lines. pcolor ...

how to recognize the kind of object we intrest in picture

this is a picture of a dog's contour and a horse's contour how to make computer know it is a horse or a dog or a person. ...

who recommend me a professional computer vision web site so i can ask question in it.

who recommend me a professional computer vision web site so i can ask question in it. thanks a lot ...

What is the difference between causal models and directed graphical models?

What is the difference between causal models and directed graphical models? or: What is the difference between causal relationships and directed probabilistic relationships? or, even better: What would you put in the interface of a DirectedProbabilisticModel class, and what in a CausalModel class? Would one inherit from the other? ...

detect object in image,how they did it. I think it is unbelieveable

this picture is download from a website,the team show their research result like this. I want to know how they did it, some body know tell me I will be appreciate. thank you ...

Neural networks - why so many learning rules?

I'm starting neural networks, currently following mostly D. Kriesel's tutorial. Right off the beginning it introduces at least three (different?) learning rules (Hebbian, delta rule, backpropagation) concerning supervised learning. I might be missing something, but if the goal is merely to minimize the error, why not just apply gradient...

Machine learning issue for negative instances

Hello. I had to build a concept analyzer for computer science field and I used for this machine learning, the orange library for Python. I have the examples of concepts, where the features are lemma and part of speech, like algorithm|NN|concept. The problem is that any other word, that in fact is not a concept, is classified as a concept...

Backpropagation and batch training

Backpropagation calculates dW (weight delta) per weight per pattern, so it's straightforward how to modify weights when doing stochastic training. How do I use it for batch training, though? Simply accumluate dW over the entire training set and then apply the modfication, or is there more to it? ...

How to write a confusion matrix in Python?

I wrote a confusion matrix calculation code in Python: def conf_mat(prob_arr, input_arr): # confusion matrix conf_arr = [[0, 0], [0, 0]] for i in range(len(prob_arr)): if int(input_arr[i]) == 1: if float(prob_arr[i]) < 0.5: conf_arr[0][1] = ...

Where does the verification data go when training an ANN?

The need for having part of the training set used as verification data is straightforward, but I am not really clear on how and at what stage of the training should it be incoperated? Is it at the end of the training (after reaching a good minimum for the training data)? If so, what should be done if the verification data yeilds a big e...

Pitch detection using neural networks

I am trying to use ANN for pitch detection of musical notes. The network is a simple two-layer MLP, whose inputs are basically a DFT (averaged and logarithmically distributed), and 12 outputs correspond to the 12 notes of a particular octave. The network is trained with several samples of those 12 notes played by some instrument (one no...

Single network - multiple outpus, or multiple networks - single output?

When designing a feed forward neural network with multiple outputs, is there a conceptual difference (other than computational efficency) between having a single network with multiple outputs, and having multiple networks, each having a single output? Although output neurons in the same network don't affect each other "on the fly", they...