
Managed C++ wrappers for legacy C++ libraries

We're looking at writing a .Net-callable wrapper for some legacy C++ libraries using managed C++. It all looks pretty easy. Is there anything we need to watch out for? ...

Proper way to declare an enum in Managed C++ 2005?

If I use /clr:oldSyntax the following should work: public __value enum IceCreamFlavors { Vanilla, Chocolate, Sardine, }; what is the equivalent in non-oldSyntax? How do I declare a "managed" enum in Managed C++ for .NET 2.0? Edit: when I follow JaredPar's advice, then if I try to pass an IceCreamFlavor to a function with the...

What is the best unit testing tool for a mix of managed and unmanaged C++?

I am going to start implementing some unit tests for a codebase that is a mix of managed and unmanaged C++. Can NUnit hack it with unmanaged code? Is there a better alternative? ...

Dynamically linking an unmanaged dll in a managed C++ class library

I figured out through trial n error how to link an unmanaged static library to managed C++ dll, but I have no idea how to dynamically include a DLL. Does anyone know how to do this in Visual studio 2008? ...

Compiler Error when adding dll reference to managed c++ project

Hello, I am using VS 2008 and get compiler errors sporadically when adding a dll reference to a managed c++ file in my C++ project. I am trying to add a reference to the dll so as to be able to use smart pointers. ex: #import items.tlb The problem is that the compiler crashes at sporadic places inside of items.tlh almost as though chun...

Binary data in .NET? (C++/CLI)

What's the prefered way to store binary data in .NET? I've tried this: byte data __gc [] = __gc new byte [100]; And got this error: error C2726: '__gc new' may only be used to create an object with managed type Is there a way to have managed array of bytes? ...

what is the C++/CLI syntax to subscribe for events?

I'm updating some old Managed C++ code with lines like this: instanceOfEventSource->add_OnMyEvent( new EventSource::MyEventHandlerDelegate(this, MyEventHandlerMethod) ); where EventSource is the class that publishes events instanceOfEventSource is an instance of that class EventSource::MyEventHandlerDelegate is the delegate typ...

Can you derive a Managed C++ class from an Unmanaged C++ class?

I have an unmanged C++ class I have written in an unmanged dll. I have a managed dll that references the unmanaged dll. Can a class in the managed dll derive from the unmanaged class? Using Visual Studio 2008 ...

Memory allocation

I have the STRUCT1 Structure declared as below typedef struct struct1 { short int nbr_fe; [size_is(nbr_fe)] STRUCT2 ptr_fe[*]; } STRUCT1; STRUCT2 is also another structure inside STRUCT1 and then I have a pointer declared to it as below typedef [ptr] STRUCT1 * ptr; And I have to allocate a memory to an array of STRUCT1 b...

Is it possible to determine in which language a .NET Assembly was written ex post facto?

This started as a way to find C++/CLI and Managed C++ assemblies so that all classes internal to them could be tested to ensure all inherited methods were being reimplemented. I would like to add this as a build process step to ensure that it never happens again. Thinking about this problem also made me a bit curious as it would be int...

Managed C++: How do I get my unmanaged verison number to match my assembly version number

I have a managed c++ project. How do I make the version information of the DLL (as seen in explorer and used by installers) match the version information generated in the Assembly Version atttribute? AssemblyInfo.cpp: [assembly:AssemblyVersion("5.1.*")]; The problem is discussed here. ...

interface class in Managed C++

The interfaces in Managed C++ looka bit strange to me since they allow static methods and members inside them. For example, following is a valid MC++ interface. interface class statinterface { static int j; void Method1(); void Method2(); static void Method3() { Console::WriteLine("Inside Method 3"); } ...

I get LNK2028 when trying to wrap native c++ class using managed c++

trying to wrap a native cpp class using managed c++ class. all looks good but for some reason it wont compile. getting the following linker errors: Error 25 error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A0002CE) Error 27 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol Any ideas how do I fix this one ? :\ well, here is a full error of one of the ...

Help postmorten debugging of a mixed mode Win32 application

Here's the situation: Background I have a mixed mode .NET/Native application developed in Visual Studio 2008. What I mean by mixed mode is that the front end is written in C++ .NET which calls into a native C++ library. The native code does the bulk of the work in the app, including kicking off new threads as it requires. The .NET co...

Windows forms control library; Managed and Unamanaged

The windows forms control library project (C++) I writes uses an unmanaged dll. The unmanaged dll has a header file (a Cheshire cat). And I just include it in the control library project. And calls functions in the unmanaged dll (of course with proper marshaling). This compiles and builds. The problem is when I go ahead to add the contro...

Passing Windows handle into an Unmanaged C++ dll

An unmanaged C++ dll has an exported function, that takes an int type as window hanlde void SetWindowHandle(int nHandle); else where in the unmanaged dll code the int is casted to HWNDand is used properly. And from the windows forms application, I set the handle as follows _hHandle = this->Handle.ToInt32(); m_pViewer->SetWindowHandl...

How to display quick-updating images without large memory allocation?

I've got a WPF application on an ultrasound machine that displays ultrasound images generated in C++ at a speed upwards of 30 frames per second. From what I understand, the normal process for displaying images in WPF is to create a BitmapSource for your image and set the Source for your Image, which then causes it to invalidate and disp...

C++/CLI Finalizers and Operators

In the following example, I get: error C2300: 'UnmanagedClass' : class does not have a finalizer called '!SmartPointer' If I remove the operator->, this error goes away. Could someone explain why this is happening? // Unmanaged class. class UnmanagedClass { }; public ref class SmartPointer { public: SmartPointer(UnmanagedClass*...

Array initialization in Managed C++

I wish to declare and initialize a 1D managed array of items. If it was C# code, I would write it like this: VdbMethodInfo[] methods = new VdbMethodInfo[] { new VdbMethodInfo("Method1"), new VdbMethodInfo("Method2") }; I am trying to write (well, actually, I'm writing a program generate) the same thing in managed C++... So f...

Bug in Array initialization in Managed C++ (followup)

Following up from my previous question. Can anyone explain why the following code compiles without any errors: typedef array<VdbMethodInfo^> MethodArray; typedef array<VdbParameterInfo^> ParameterArray; ParameterArray^ parameters = gcnew ParameterArray { gcnew VdbParameterInfo("name", "string", "Paul")}; MethodArray^ methods = gcne...