
Building and deploying dll on windows: SxS, manifests and all that jazz

Hi, Since VS 2005, I see that it is not possible to simply build a dll against MS runtime and deploy them together ( I am deeply confused by manifest, SxS and co: MSDN documentation is really poor, with circular references; specially since I am more a Unix guy, I find all those uninformative. My cor...

Windows path searching in LoadLibrary with manifest

If you call LoadLibrary without a path (e.g., LoadLibrary("whatever.dll"), Windows will generally follow its standard search algorithm, the same one it uses to find EXEs. My question is this: suppose that an application manifest specifies specifies a particular version of a system DLL, say, comctl32.dll 6.0. In that case, will LoadLibra...

Eclipse plugin manifest problem - empty package inconsistency between mac and PC

I am developing a collection of plugins on Eclipse 3.4 (official) on both mac and a PC. At present (I'm aware it is not the best practice) some of my common plugins export all of their packages. The problem is this: many of the listed packages are empty because subpackages are not, for example: prefix.core may be empty while

How to move a ClickOnce deployment package

I have a collection of clickOnce packages in a publish folder on a network drive and need to move them all to another server (our DR machine). After copy/pasting the whole directory and running the setups on the new machine I get an error message stating that it cannot find the old path: Activation of ...MyClickOnceApp.applicati...

Remove manifest permissions in Vista

Hi all, I have been developing a C# windows form application in XP. It all works just fine. But in Vista it was not able to write the log or scoreboard file to the hard drive. I found out that I needed a manifest file to allow the popup to ask it to be run as admin. This all worked well and I am very pleased. My problem is I do not...

UAC need for console application

I have a console application that require to use some code that need administrator level. I have read that I need to add a Manifest file myprogram.exe.manifest that look like that : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:sc...

Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information in "BLAH.EXE" contains errors.

This is the error Dependency Walker gives me on an executable that I am building with VC++ 2005 Express Edition. When trying to run the .exe, I get: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. (I am new to the manifest/SxS/etc. way of doing...

.net manifest query string

How can I parse the query string (GET / POST parameters) sent to an application's manifest in .NET ? From one application, I am calling MyApp.application which needs to install my .NET application (if not installed) and in any case it should call the application which should parse the GET parameters. Later edit: I have a .NET applicatio...

How to automatically set Version Info in Delphi?

I would like to have my CodeGear Delphi 2007 project to automatically set the debug module attributes depending on whether my project is in debug or release mode. I can manually set this value by right clicking on the project->Version Info->Edit values as needed. These are for the project as a whole and are the same for the debug and re...

Changing an assembly's manifest without re-building

In .NET, is there a tool or some other method which would allow us to modify an assembly's manifest, without having to modify the AssemblyInfo and re-build the assembly? Thanks ...

Assembly reference error on web site with same signature

I've more than one ASP.NET 2.0 web site on IIS 6 and Windows Server 2003. Each site reference some DLLs: design, logic and so on. Each site is on a different ApplicationPool with default configuration about recycling techniques. Every DLL is strong named (not delayed) and has a version that never changes (, all DLLs are placed i...

How are an application's manifest-specified details used?

I am upgrading an unmanaged C++ application to use the XP/Vista style common controls by adding a manifest. According to MSDN's page on application manifests, you are required to specify the name and version in the manifest, and optionally the description: <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <ass...

About Manifest file

Recently, I encountered a very strange issue, this issue only happens in XP SP3 and Vista. Here is my steps: List item Create two new folders in desktop(assume folder names are A and B) Copy Microsoft GraphEdit(graphedt.exe) application to A folder, then create a empty “graphedt.exe.manifest” file as well. Run graphedt.exe, you will se...

reading an application's manifest file?

Is there an easy way to read an application's already embedded manifest file? I was thinking along the lines of an alternate data stream? ...

Generate manifest files for registration-free COM

I have some applications (some native, some .NET) which use manifest files so that they can be deployed in complete isolation, without requiring any global COM registration. For example, the dependency on the dbgrid32.ocx com server is declared as follows in the myapp.exe.manifest file which sits in the same folder as myapp.exe: <?xml v...

No entry point specified on dll.manifest in Mageui.exe

I am trying to use MageUI.exe included in Visual Studio 2008 on a DLL in order to deploy it. When I try to save the application manifest I got the "Files page - No entry point specified" message every time. If I set on the Files Tab a dll as Entry Point, it is not a valid Entry Point. What am I missing? ...

RunDll32 Problem on Win2k with Visual C++ 2008 Express Compiled DLL

First off, I'm not a C++ programmer (but I am learning). I have finally managed to modify and compile some C++ source code using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. I've tried to get the same code compiled in the full version of Visual C++ 2003 without success (I get a wide variety of errors, but no luck). The problem is that everything is...

How to require x86 up the .NET dependency chain when building

We have several projects that use, a managed DLL, which in turn is dependent on p4dn.dll, a 32-bit unmanaged DLL. This has problems on x64 systems, so I have had to go to each project that uses and set its processor type to x86. If I understand the problem right, it's that when .NET loads an exe, it checks for a manifest a...

Can a static library contain managed resources?

In VC6 I had a large application linking with some DLLs and a static library "sharedlib". Each DLL would also link with this library. The app had its own resources, the DLLs had their own resources, and the static library also had its own separate resources. Of course I had to ensure that the static lib's resource IDs didn't clash anywh...

Elevating privileges for UAC using manifest open new console window

I'm writing a console tool. Without privileges elevating for UAC support (manifest file), calling this tool from command prompt (cmd.exe) or console file manager (like far.exe) opens it in the same window, writes its output to the same window, etc. But now, when manifest file was added, a new console windows is created for tool after UA...