
How to set google map in the center of a small <div>?

hi friends, how to set google map in the centre of a small <div>? below is the code below code is working fine but the city is display in the top corner of the <div> how to move that in the center of <div> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Google Map</title> <scr...

How to remove the first pin while dropping consecutive pins in maps in iphone?

Hi, I am new to iphone development.I have created map applications and displayed the cuurent location and drop a pin to the current location.On clicking the button "Find Me", it drops a pin in my current location.Once again if i click the "Find Me" button it drops a pin but i am able to see the previously dropped pin in my current locat...

Converting Coordinates between custom Transverse Mercator and WGS84 Lon-Lat

Hi, I'm trying to put a bunch of (x,y) points on a map, that have a lon-lat origin. I'd like to set up a custom Transverse Mercator projection, centred on my origin, and use that to project my points into lon-lat. This seems like the sort of thing that GeoToolkit (or GeoTools) should be able to do, but I'm having great difficulty in de...

Bing Maps Silverlight Control (Custom Tile Source with a given ZoomRange)

I've noticed by specifying a zom range on a custom tile source has no effect and always requests the tiles at all levels. Is this a bug, or am I missing something? // The bounding rectangle that the tile overlay can be placed within. LocationRect boundingRect = new LocationRect( new Location(48.06282, -122....

how to call the google map from my android application like invoke the email

try { Intent searchAddress = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("geo:0,0?="+emp_city_location)); startActivity(searchAddress); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } i got the exception like 03-03 21:01:56.349...

How to prevent bing maps bubble closing on click

Hi, I have Bing maps in my webpage. It've added some pins and bubbles to them. It all works fine, but default behavior is that when pin is clicked, bubble dissapeares. Can I prevent that? I want bubble to remain even then pin is clicked. Thanks ...

OpenLayers: Get resolution of map in a given projection (4326)

I'm using OpenLayers to display OpenStreetMap maps. (Though, I'd assume this should be general enough to work for any map product...) I'm displaying some very sophisticated vector overlays, and the amount and resolution of the features I'm returning from the server via GeoJSON to overlay has proven too much for many computers. What I'd...

Monotouch MKMapKit - changing default map tiles

Hey I know that in the google maps API it's possible to replace the existing tiles with my own - and using their tile server - feed my own maps. i'm interested in doing this using monotouch - is there any way of doing this atm - or does anyone know of a way of achieving this any other way? w:// ...

Cached/offline maps for iPhone?

I'd like to use use maps in my application, so that there will be as less as possible traffic. Perfect solution would be caching of map slices. I know it's not possible with google maps (license). I took a look on OpenStreetMaps and it seems as good solution. The next: SDK. The only one I've found is from CloudMade. The problem is, I fou...

Rendering maps from raw SVG data in Java

In an application of mine I have to display locations and great circle paths in a map which is rendered to PNG and then displayed on the web. For this I simply use a world map (NASA's Blue Marbel in fact) scaled to various "zoom levels" as base image and only display the a part of it matching the final image size and fitting all items to...

how to get latitude and longitude for particular landmark?

how to get latitude and longitude for particular landmark/business, i would like to get lat/long for specific address how to i do that? shall i use gps device to get the lat/long? ...

Distance Between GIS Points

I have a large number of GIS (latitude, longitude) coordinates, and I'd like to get the distance between them. Is there a service that will calculate the shortest path for me? I know about google maps, but I'd like something I can use from Python, and that can handle a large batch of requests at once. I'm looking for the driving distanc...

Google GClientGeocoder geocoder function - how to pass extra parm(s)?

I am using Google GClientGeocoder geocoder function. Method getLocations seems to be a a Google asynchronous callback function. I would like to update the record identified with "id" with points found in GLatLng, However I can't figure out how to add id as a parameter to my getGeoCode function. function fnGetEncoding(address,id) ...

Google Maps API Key alert problem

I have a problem with my Google Maps API key. I get an alert saying "This web site needs a different Google Maps API key." When I prees OK to the alert the map are loading and working fine. The same problem is already posted: I have tried to request the API key ...

Need Fla file of Maps...

Hi All, I need .fla files of maps to develop map apps in flash. Can anyone tell me from where i can download .FLA files of Maps. Thanks in Advance ...

iphone google maps crosshair button

I would like to use or emulate a button like the gps button in the bottom left corner of the standard maps application on the iphone OS. The button behaves like a toggle button where gps is enabled or disabled depending on whether it is pushed and it may hold a small spinner component while the gps is finding your position. Does anyone ...

Get marker position in (x,y) in Google maps

Hello all I am using google maps. I want to display custom info-window on marker click. For that the upper-left tip of my custom info window should cover the marker. The problem is I can not get the exact (x,y) ie map-div position of marker on map. For the first time I can get it using : var mposition = map.fromLatLngToDivPixel(marker...

Distance by sea calculator, intermediate coordinates?

How do I calculate distance between 2 coordinates by sea? I also want to be able to draw a route between the two coordinates. Only solution I found so far is to split a map into pixels, identify each pixel as LAND or SEA and then try to find the path using A* algorithm. Then transform pixels to relative coordinates. There are some soft...

Algorithm to determine which points should be visible on a map based on zoom

Hi! I'm making a Google Maps-like application for a course at my Uni (not something complex, it should load the map of a city for example, not the whole world). The map can have many layers, including markers (restaurants, hospitals, etc.) The problem is that when you have many points and you zoom out the map it doesn't look right. At th...

Map API with Building Elevation Data

Hi! I'm looking for a map API where I can get detailed elevation for points. I'm not looking elevation differences for certain paths along roads on the map but actual building heights. Getting the the 3d meshes for buildings would also be fine since I can compute the height myself using that information. Does any of the map API's out t...