
BB 8900 simulator - locations won't clear from map

I'm writing an app that has a fairly standard use of maps -- I show the user a list of locations, user picks one, and I display a map with 2 pins (user location and chosen location). Works fine the first time, but subsequent attempts always show the same map with the same pins. The problem appears in the (9550) simulator. I'...

Using KML / KMZ on top of google maps

To test I saved this html file to my server. Is there a simple way to include a KML or KMZ file here? <!DOCTYPE html "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>...

Help for writing a click event for a custom map

I have an image of the political map of the USA. I want to write separate click events for each of the 50 states in Visual Studio. How would I do that? ...

X Y Conversion to lat lng

Hi all, i have places location in the database by x ,y and shape How can I convert this location points to latitude and longitude pairs? Is there a tool or a formula? for example x =220162.636213404 y = 762057.914609313 it should be something like lat = 34.55667500000000000 lng = 31.68173300000000000 Thanks! ...

Motorola dext and Google maps

I am having an issue with my app, soley on the Moto DEXT. I have tried to reproduce on my Hero and the 1.5 emulator with no luck. The exception (see logcat snippet below) seems to be coming from within the system code, so I may be out of luck. Rough jist is, user presses the button, new MapActivity loads, they see the grid start then ...

How to set the zoom value to the map?

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I want to load the map with a desired location with desired type and zoom.I am able to load the map at desired location by setting the coordinates.i want the zoom to be 18 and the map type to hybrid. - (void)viewDidLoad { MKCoordinateRegion region;

Button on tool bar shoud call location manager method

I am new to iphone development.I have created a map application.I have created a tool bar below the mapview.When i click the button on the tool bar it should display an alert view asking to set the current location .How can i achieve it.please guide me .Where should i give method for the button click event.I have created the toolbar in i...

How to find the current location of iphone and update it.

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application. I have created tool bar with a button below the mapview.When i click the button it should display a alert view showing the current location and asking to update. on clicking OK in alert view should open my map with the current location and CANCEL to close the alert view.Th...

How to load the map with the obtained current location in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I have toolbar below the mapview with a button on it.On clicking the button it displays as an alert to load the current location.In my button click even i hava given code to find current location -(IBAction) gosearch : (id) sender{ self.locationManager = [[[CLLocationManage...

Error while getting current location on maps

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I have used following code in header file @interface BrusMapSubviewcontroller : UIViewController<UIApplicationDelegate,CLLocationManagerDelegate> { IBOutlet MKMapView *mapView; IBOutlet UIToolbar *toolbar; IBOutlet UIButton *location; IBOutlet UIButton *backtocampus; CLLo...

Finding lat/lng for based on postalcode

I have a dataset of thousands of full addresses of business (specifically in the netherlands, but I guess the question can apply everywhere). I want to find the lat/lng so I can do distance calculation, but because of the size of the dataset I'm worried it's not a wise idea to do this using for example google maps. Is there a webservi...

How to get the coordinate values of current location in maps in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I am getting the current location and able to print the co-ordinates with %g format.What is that format.Can i save the coordinates in a integer local variable to load the current location in map. please help me out.Is there any other alternate to load the current location in ...

REST API for driving distance?

Is there a service that will give me the driving distance between two addresses? Apparently Google Maps API requires you to display a map, which I don't want to do (on that particular page), and I'd like to just snag the data and save it to my DB after a user submits a form, rather than waiting for JS to do it's thing. If it's relevan...

Default alert view in maps in iphone

I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I want to display the alert "asking for load the current location".To do that should i call a alert method or can i invoke the inbuilt method(if available).And if the ipod touch cannot determine the location it should display an alert"your location cannot be determined".For t...

KML + Google Earth: Fill a quadrilateral with a bitmap?

I'm building a KML file to use as a map layer in Google Earth and whatever else handles KML/KMZ files. What I want to do is this: Display a number of bitmap images such that each is stretched to fit into a specified quadrilateral, where the first vertex of the quadrilateral specified would, for example, be the top-left corner of the bit...

Distance Math in JavaScript and Implementing it in loop?

Hi! I'm having the difficulties with calculating distance between several points on the map: I have an array of coordinats where the first coord ["30.327547", "59.919676"] is the begining of the trip and other are pit stops: var J = [ ["30.327547", "59.919676"], ["29.84964", "58.737619"], ["28.250252", "57.785994"], ["3...

Can you recommend a mapping API for commercial use?

The requirements I have have to do with being able to print routes between many nodes, be able to query the distances between nodes for best possible route calculation and to show custom icons on the maps. It is important to have a mapping source which is accurate as far as roads and streets are concerned. I have investigated open stre...

How can I access the version number of the Google Maps API in Javascript?

Does the Google Maps Javascript API have a property/method that returns its exact version number? I need this info for debugging purposes. ...

Yahoo maps not displaying in IE 8

Anybody know whats going on? I think this isn't just a problem for my mash. Yahoo maps india doesn't work either: ...

Are there any licensing costs involved in using BlackBerry Maps API

Are there any licensing costs to be paid for commercial applications that use the BlackBerry Maps API or registered developers can use them in any commercial applications being developed by them? ...