
android maps: how to determine map center after a drag has been completed

Hi. Is there a way through the android maps API, where I can detect the map center after pan animation has completed? I want to use this information to load markers from a server dynamically. Thanks BD ...

Selecting Links in Google Maps InfoWindows w/ jQuery

Hi, In my web app, I am using jQuery to select all the links on the page and intercept where they go to so that I can switch to a different part of the page with AJAX. The problem is that some of these links are in InfoWindows (if that's what they're called) on a Google Map. For some reason the jQuery selector $('a') isn't selecting them...

Openlayers + Mapnik + Tilecache configuration problem

Hi All, I am trying to setup Mapnik + tilecache but can't see any tiles in the browser when I set bbox parameters in both Tilecache.cfg and Openlayers but when I don't specify the bbox everything works fine and I can see actual map tiles. I was wondering if anyone can point out the problem in the code. I think I have tried everything (...

Google maps infowindow height problem.

I've been searching the net for a solution. My problem is that the info window's height is not calculated properly. There are no images in there so it is not an issue with the image loading later and the size is not known when the bubble is created. Also if I fill it up with about 15 lines more text the size is starting to get alright....

Multiple association problem with C++

How would you solve this problem? (At the beginning it seemed simple, then I found it to be puzzling). You have a class called Executor. Suppose you have many instance of it and they do different things upon call of a method do(Argument). Argument has 2 different parameters and they are A* pa, B* pb (one of which can be null) Now, I w...

What are the chart/map options, without using XML?

I'm looking for a chart/map library that can do a wide variety of graphs and maps, including treemaps, worldmap, line/pie charts etc. The data is going to come from the database, so I am not looking at XML/CSV stuff. It should also have at least minimal interactive options, like zooming etc. fusioncharts looks good, anybody has othe...

How can I divide the globe in to small grids such that it allows me to assign each lat/long location to a grid?

In order to calculate the nearest locations that are represented by latitude/longitude, I was considering dividing the map into small grids, approximately 100x100 meter grids. Essentially each point would be assigned to a grid. I understand that I could instead also use spatial indexes with MySQL etc, but am planning to use a non-relati...

Google Maps API {removeOverlay(marker);} AND {clearOverlays();}

i have a problem in removing the old markers without removing the central point of the circle "it's also a marker" the source :::: <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <script src=";amp;v=2&amp;amp;se...

Google Maps GOverviewMapControl() and GAdsManager

I have a GMap2 object with a GOverviewMapControl and a GAdsManager, but they both appear in the lower right hand corner. How can I get them to appear in different parts of the map? Here's my Overview: map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl()); map.enabl...

How do popular routing gps/phones/mapping web sites update their route information?

How do popular routing gps/phones/mapping web sites update their route information? And do any phones send back data based on the users actual trip to allow the system to update route information? ...

need a mapping service like google maps - but for my intranet

i have built a solution around google maps api but realized that it doesn't work when i deploy it to my intranet. after reading it seems like you need the premier service for this. Is there any other similar maps api tools that you can use free on your intranet website? EDIT: from what i have read it seems like Yahoo allows you to u...

Can't get Google map to show up in Flatpage using Django Flatpages

I have a client with a "Directions" page in their website and they wanted to add a Google map to the page, so they went to maps and put in their location and then used the "embed" link to get the html for the iframe. They then opened up the Flatpage for "Directions" page in the admin and went to html mode in TinyMCE and then pasted in th...

Looking for free, web-based map API recommendations for a future webapp

I'm doing some research for a Maps project I'll be starting soon, and I'm trying to evaluate which of the Map APIs will be best-suited to this project. I've worked pretty extensively with the Google Maps Javascript API, but no others. My basic requirements are, in no particular order: Free: as in beer, not necessarily as in speech. Web...

Am I allowed to integrate Google Maps into an IPhone app that is not free?

Hello I am new to IPhone development. In my application I would like to integrate maps. I would like a way of turning a UK postcode into a position on a map. I was going to use Mapview, but I have seen a couple of posts on the internet about not being allowed to use MapVIew for chargeable apps something to do with Google liceense. I...

What is the best way to implement scrollable maps (like Google Maps) in Microsoft Silverlight?

Problem Overview I am working on a game application and need to be able to implement scrollable maps in Silverlight similar to those found in Google Maps. However, I am unsure as to how to implement this effectively. The following paragraphs provide much additional detail. Any ideas or guidance is greatly appreciated! Problem Detail I...

Oracle mapviewer - problem with caching

Hi. I need help with clearing geometry cache. In my web application there is a need to clear cache after changing the geometry data in database. I'm using maps with tile layers and for them i want cache to be cleared using triggers in databae. I've tried with passing request to the servlet mcsadmin (using utl_http in pl/sql) with xml(map...

Google Maps - Custom Icon & Popup overlay issues

I've looked at as many examples as I could find, and they all show me the same thing. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm using a custom icon, placing it on the map, and adding a popup overlay to it. The custom icon will display, but the popup won't. If I don't use a custom icon, the popup and icon work fine. function i...

GPS precision in map kit isn't that precise as in

Why is the precision of my location in Mapkit not as good as in the maps app? The accuracy is set to best. If i'm trying to get my location in i have an acc of 50m in my app i habe 500m. What am i doing wron :)? Any tipps to get a better result? Thanks for your help :) ...

Routing, polylines in iPhone Google Maps

In our iPhone app we need to draw a route on Google Maps (GMaps is the only option, we can't consider other maps). We draw the route while the user walks around - GPS tracking basically. Then we display all saved routes on the map. The problem is that Google Maps is almost unusable. It is impossible to scroll the map, zoom it (everythin...

Basic route information with Cloudmade

Hi, I am trying to use CloudMade's route-me service in my application. All I need from the service is driving distance between two locations, I don't want to display it in a map. There doesn't seem to be any tutorial in CloudMade's website that handles this. I mailed to the support address they have provided. Nothing back from them so ...