
Google maps - info window closing with a timer

Hi guys, im having a little problem with the Google API maps, i was wondering if anyone could help. I am trying to get infowindows to open with some HTML in containing a HREF. Now i could use the "X" to close the window however id prefer a second method of a Javascript timer to close the info windows as shown below.. setTimeout('infowi...

Geo tools and other options?

Hello Everyone, This is my scenario. I have the latitude and longitude of certain places in a CSV file.I now want to be able to show these points on a map. say for example on the US map.I tried converting this CSV file to shape file and tried to use the geo-tools to do this, but am missing some jar file which am unable to figure out.Wha...

Accessing the last entry in a Map

Hi all, How to move a particular HashMap entry to Last position? For Example, I have HashMap values like this: HashMap<String,Integer> map = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); map= {Not-Specified 1, test 2, testtest 3}; "Not-Specified" may come in any position. it may come first or in the middle of the map. But i want to move the "Not-...

Launching Google Maps with more parameters

Hello, I have read a lot of stuff about launching Google Maps in Android. That's pretty easy: Uri uri = Uri.parse("geo:38.899533,-77.036476"); Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri); startActivity(it); The problem is that the map is shown at a high zoom level and there is no marker on the map. So, if the user move a little ... city hashes

Hello, I need to calculate route between 2 cities (1 dynamic,1 static) via (because they cover my area, eastern europe). AFAIK api calls are not free, so I must find other solution. Each city (place) has it's own unique hash (which I manually entered in DB)... eg Sarajevo, Bosnia.

[Gmap V3] Close infoWindow when new opens?

new google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infowindow.close(map, marker); //the code is not working.., marker); }) ...

How can I replace the Compass image of MyLocationOverlay?

I want to use my image to replace the Compass image of MyLocationOverlay, how can i implement? ...

iterative closest point library

is there any c++/c open source implementation? i got two point clouds and would like to match them.. any ideas? ...

Open alternatives to Google-maps?

I'm looking for an alternative to Google-maps with all the richness of their API but more open. Does such a thing exist? ...

Google Maps and Street View display problem

This problem was already discussed in this thread I did implement the solution but it didn't work. In brief, I have two DIVs, one for Google Maps and the other is for Street View. They are synced, you move the first, the latter also change the position. Now I implement tabs, I made them myself and didn't use jQuery UI. It doesn't work. ...

Google Maps - displaying a default feature using FeatureData

The question I have is about Google Maps "FeatureData". I have got it working really well, so that when I click on the markers on my KML based map, the information pops up in a separate DIV. What I would like to do is display something in the DIV which currently starts it's life empty until I click a marker. Have any of you done this be...

Google maps zoning data

I would like to check if a certain street is in a residential or businesses area. Is there anyway to get this data using Google maps service? or any other service? ...

How to move a marker on google maps api with PHP?

hi fellows , im using the tutorial linked above in tutorial they explain how to add markers with php &mysql but i need to get latitude and longtitude by moving markers?? im a javascript beginner. how can i do it easily? ...

Map URL in app goes to Safari, not native map app

I am trying to use a URL to launch the native maps application. My build is for 3.1.3 and later. When I run the following code, safari launches with the URL instead of google maps: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; Any suggestions? Thanks! ...

Visualizing large quantities of data on google maps / visualizations

Hi - I have a json file thats roughly 480mb of geolocation points. I was wondering if someone knows of a good 'pattern' to use when trying to visualise the data. The problem I'm encountering is that the data has to be loaded into Google maps from the get go. This is causing all kinds of obvious issues. I don't have to do this through...

To display traffic using the google map flash api

Hi, I've been wondering to to display traffic information using google maps flash api. I've read google maps api references but i couldn't find anything like Traffic layer in the google maps JS api v3. Is it unavailable to display traffic information using google maps flash api? Or any alternate way to display traffic info in the flash...

Hide Balloons from google maps routes

Hi, I need to hide the green balloons that google earth creates for each point when I create a route using loadFromWaypoints. I need to create routes and put some custom pins, but I have too many points on the route and too many balloons with "A", "B", "C"... descriptions hidding my custom pins. I need to hide or replace the ballons. ...

How do I drop spots on Google Map in an Android app?

Hi! I'm developing an Android application where I want to pin out certain spots/addresses on a google map. I have managed to add point to a mapView using OverlayItem and a Drawable. That works great. But I have installed an application where the pins/spots are added asynchronously, and it looks like they are dropped from the top of the...

Merge STL map's

How can I merge two STL maps into one? They both have the same key value types (map). If there is overlap of the keys I would like to give preference to one of the maps. ...

Google Maps slow when markers on it

Im writing a small webapp based on the idea of openspot for training proposal. When I open the map with my desktop pc everything is fine, but when I open it with my HTC Desire and add a marker the map hangs. You can find a demo here (in german) Just go to "eintragen" and set a marker. Then go hack and click on "...